layout: page title: Writing an Entity toc: /toc.json

Things To Know

All entities inherit from AbstractEntity, usually through one of the following:

  • SoftwareProcessEntity: if it's a software process
  • VanillaJavaApp: if it's a plain-old-java app
  • JavaWebAppSoftwareProcess: if it's a JVM-based web-app
  • WhirrEntity: if it's a service launched using Whirr
  • DynamicGroup: if it's a collection of other entities

Software-based processes tend to use drivers to install and launch the remote processes onto locations which support that driver type. For example, StartStopSshDriver is a common driver superclass, targetting SshMachineLocation (a machine to which Brooklyn can ssh). The various SoftwareProcess entities above (and some the exemplars listed at the end of this page) have their own dedicated drivers.

Finally, there are a collection of traits in the package brooklyn.entity.trait providing common sensors and effectors on entities, supplied as interfaces. Choose one (or more) as appropriate.

Key Steps

So to get started:

  1. Create your entity class, extending the appropriate selection from above
  2. Create the driver class, again extending as appropriate
  3. Wire the entity.newDriver(Location) method to the driver
  4. Provide the implementation of missing lifecycle methods in your driver class (details below)
  5. Connect the sensors from your entity

Helpful References

A few handy pointers will help make it easy to build your own entities. Check out some of the exemplar existing entities (note, some of the other entities use a deprecated class hierarchy, obvious with the word legacy in the FQN; it is suggested to avoid these, looking at the ones below instead):

  • JBoss7Server
  • MySqlNode
  • OpenShift

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