layout: page title: Maven Build toc: /toc.json

The Basics

To build the code, you need Maven (v3) installed and Java (1.6). With that in place, you should be able to build everything with a:

{% highlight bash %} brooklyn% mvn clean install {% endhighlight %}

Key things to note if you're new to Maven:

  • You can do this in specific projects as well.

  • Add -DskipTests to skip tests.

  • Run -PIntegration to run integration tests, or -PLive to run live tests (tests described here)

  • Nearly all the gory details are in the root pom.xml, which is referenced by child project poms.

  • You can also open and use the code in your favourite IDE, although you may hit a few snags (that link has some tips for resolving them too)

Other Handy Hints

  • On some Ubuntu (e.g. 10.4 LTS) maven v3 is not currently available from the repositories. Some instructions for installing at are at

  • The mvnf script (get the gist here) simplifies building selected projects, so if you just change something in software-webapp and then want to re-run the examples you can do:

    examples/simple-web-cluster% mvnf ../../{software/webapp,usage/all}

Appendix: Sample Output

A healthy build will look something like the following, including a few warnings (which we have looked into and understand to be benign and hard to get rid of them, although we'd love to if anyone can help!):

{% highlight bash %} brooklyn% mvn clean install [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] Brooklyn Parent Project [INFO] Brooklyn API [INFO] Brooklyn Test Support [INFO] Brooklyn Core


Mar 29, 2012 4:30:17 PM java.util.jar.Attributes read WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Manifest-Version. Ensure that the manifest does not have duplicate entries, and that blank lines separate individual sections in both your manifest and in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry in the jar file.


[WARNING] We have a duplicate org/jclouds/cloudsigma/CloudSigmaAsyncClient.class in /Users/alex/.m2/repository/org/jclouds/provider/cloudsigma-zrh/1.4.0/cloudsigma-zrh-1.4.0.jar


[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.1:jar (default-jar) @ brooklyn-all --- [WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion!


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] Brooklyn Parent Project ........................... SUCCESS [0.813s] [INFO] Brooklyn API ...................................... SUCCESS [6.115s] [INFO] Brooklyn Test Support ............................. SUCCESS [4.592s] [INFO] Brooklyn Core ..................................... SUCCESS [1:20.536s] [INFO] Brooklyn Policies ................................. SUCCESS [57.996s] [INFO] Brooklyn Software Base ............................ SUCCESS [29.869s] [INFO] Brooklyn OSGi Software Entities ................... SUCCESS [9.392s] [INFO] Brooklyn Web App Software Entities ................ SUCCESS [49.606s] [INFO] Brooklyn Messaging Software Entities .............. SUCCESS [12.198s] [INFO] Brooklyn NoSQL Data Store Software Entities ....... SUCCESS [9.205s] [INFO] Brooklyn Database Software Entities ............... SUCCESS [7.815s] [INFO] Brooklyn Whirr Base Entities ...................... SUCCESS [21.292s] [INFO] Brooklyn Hadoop System Entities ................... SUCCESS [9.972s] [INFO] Brooklyn OpenShift PaaS System Entities ........... SUCCESS [11.857s] [INFO] Brooklyn Web Console .............................. SUCCESS [1:00.814s] [INFO] Brooklyn Launcher ................................. SUCCESS [1:00.603s] [INFO] Brooklyn All Things ............................... SUCCESS [23.358s] [INFO] hello-world-webapp Maven Webapp ................... SUCCESS [2.521s] [INFO] Brooklyn Simple Web Cluster Example ............... SUCCESS [5.860s] [INFO] Brooklyn Hadoop and Whirr Example ................. SUCCESS [4.892s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 7:52.328s [INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 29 16:30:17 BST 2012 [INFO] Final Memory: 180M/528M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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