blob: eca774f3ae9dfe13504a926833d276c5654c2dce [file] [log] [blame]
package brooklyn.location.basic.jclouds.pool;
import static brooklyn.location.basic.jclouds.pool.MachinePoolPredicates.compose;
import static brooklyn.location.basic.jclouds.pool.MachinePoolPredicates.matching;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService;
import org.jclouds.compute.RunNodesException;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.ComputeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata;
import org.jclouds.compute.domain.Template;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Contains details of machines detected at a given cloud (ComputeService),
* and records claims made against those machines via this pool.
* <p>
* Machine instances themselves are persisted and rescanned as new instances of this class are created.
* Claims however are specific to this instance of the class, i.e. <b>not</b> persisted.
* <p>
* This class is believed to be thread-safe.
* Refreshes to the remote detected machines are synchronized on the pool instance.
* Details of detected and claimed machines are also synchronized on the pool instance.
* (If it is necessary to claim machines whilst the pool is being rescanned,
* we can investigate a more sophisticated threading model.
* Access to some fields is clearly independent and uses a tighter synchonization
* strategy, e.g. templates.
* Synchronization of fields within a synch block on the class instance
* is permitted, but not the other way round,
* and synching on multiple fields is also not permitted.)
* <p>
* Callers wishing to guarantee results of e.g. ensureUnclaimed remaining available
* can synchronize on this class for the duration that they wish to have that guarantee
* (at the cost, of course, of any other threads being able to access this pool).
* <p>
* If underlying provisioning/destroying operations fail, the pool
* currently may be in an unknown state, currently.
* If more robustness is needed this can be added.
public class MachinePool {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MachinePool.class);
protected final ComputeService computeService;
final AtomicBoolean refreshNeeded = new AtomicBoolean(true);
final List<ReusableMachineTemplate> templates = new ArrayList<ReusableMachineTemplate>();
String poolName = null;
/** all machines detected, less those in the black list */
volatile MachineSet detectedMachines = new MachineSet();
volatile MachineSet matchedMachines = new MachineSet();
volatile MachineSet claimedMachines = new MachineSet();
volatile MachineSet blacklistedMachines = new MachineSet();
public MachinePool(ComputeService computeService) {
this.computeService = computeService;
protected synchronized void init() {
if (!refreshNeeded.get()) return;
public void setPoolName(String poolName) {
if (poolName!=null)
log.warn("Changing pool name of "+this+" (from "+this.poolName+" to "+poolName+") is discouraged.");
this.poolName = poolName;
/** pool name is used as a group/label by jclouds, for convenience only;
* it has no special properties for detecting matching instances
* (use explicit tags on the templates, for that).
* defaults to name of pool class and user name.
* callers should set pool name before getting, if using a custom name. */
public synchronized String getPoolName() {
if (poolName==null)
poolName = getClass().getSimpleName()+"-"+System.getProperty("");
return poolName;
/** refreshes the pool of machines from the server (finding all instances matching the registered templates) */
public synchronized void refresh() {
Set<? extends ComputeMetadata> computes = computeService.listNodes();
Set<NodeMetadata> nodes = new LinkedHashSet<NodeMetadata>();
for (ComputeMetadata c: computes) {
if (c instanceof NodeMetadata) {
} else {
// TODO should we try to fetch more info?
log.warn("MachinePool "+this+" ignoring non-Node record for remote machine: "+c);
MachineSet allNewDetectedMachines = new MachineSet(nodes);
MachineSet newDetectedMachines = filterForAllowedMachines(allNewDetectedMachines);
MachineSet oldDetectedMachines;
oldDetectedMachines = detectedMachines;
detectedMachines = newDetectedMachines;
MachineSet appearedMachinesIncludingBlacklist = allNewDetectedMachines.removed(oldDetectedMachines);
MachineSet appearedMachines = filterForAllowedMachines(appearedMachinesIncludingBlacklist);
if (appearedMachinesIncludingBlacklist.size()>appearedMachines.size())
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Pool "+this+", ignoring "+(appearedMachinesIncludingBlacklist.size()-appearedMachines.size())+" disallowed");
int matchedAppeared = 0;
for (NodeMetadata m: appearedMachines) {
Set<ReusableMachineTemplate> ts = getTemplatesMatchingInstance(m);
if (!ts.isEmpty()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Pool "+this+", newly detected machine "+m+", matches pool templates "+ts);
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Pool "+this+", newly detected machine "+m+", does not match any pool templates");
if (matchedAppeared>0) {"Pool "+this+" discovered "+matchedAppeared+" matching machines (of "+appearedMachines.size()+" total new; "+newDetectedMachines.size()+" total including claimed and unmatched)");
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Pool "+this+" discovered "+matchedAppeared+" matching machines (of "+appearedMachines.size()+" total new; "+newDetectedMachines.size()+" total including claimed and unmatched)");
protected MachineSet filterForAllowedMachines(MachineSet input) {
return input.removed(blacklistedMachines);
// TODO template registry and claiming from a template could be a separate responsibility
protected ReusableMachineTemplate registerTemplate(ReusableMachineTemplate template) {
return template;
protected void registerTemplates(ReusableMachineTemplate ...templatesToReg) {
synchronized (templates) {
for (ReusableMachineTemplate template: templatesToReg)
protected ReusableMachineTemplate newTemplate(String name) {
return registerTemplate(new ReusableMachineTemplate(name));
public List<ReusableMachineTemplate> getTemplates() {
List<ReusableMachineTemplate> result;
synchronized (templates) { result = ImmutableList.copyOf(templates); }
return result;
/** all machines matching any templates */
public MachineSet all() {
return detectedMachines;
/** machines matching any templates which have not been claimed */
public MachineSet unclaimed() {
synchronized (this) {
return detectedMachines.removed(claimedMachines);
/** returns all machines matching the given criteria (may be claimed) */
public MachineSet all(Predicate<NodeMetadata> criterion) {
// To avoid generics complaints in callers caused by varargs, overload here
return all(new Predicate[] {criterion});
/** returns all machines matching the given criteria (may be claimed) */
public MachineSet all(Predicate<NodeMetadata> ...ops) {
return new MachineSet(Iterables.filter(all(), compose(ops)));
/** returns unclaimed machines matching the given criteria */
public MachineSet unclaimed(Predicate<NodeMetadata> criterion) {
// To avoid generics complaints in callers caused by varargs, overload here
return unclaimed(new Predicate[] {criterion});
/** returns unclaimed machines matching the given criteria */
public MachineSet unclaimed(Predicate<NodeMetadata> ...criteria) {
return new MachineSet(Iterables.filter(unclaimed(), compose(criteria)));
/** creates machines if necessary so that this spec exists (may already be claimed however)
* returns a set of all matching machines, guaranteed non-empty
* (but possibly some are already claimed) */
public MachineSet ensureExists(ReusableMachineTemplate template) {
return ensureExists(1, template);
public synchronized void addToBlacklist(MachineSet newToBlacklist) {
/** replaces the blacklist set; callers should generally perform a refresh()
* afterwards, to trigger re-detection of blacklisted machines
public synchronized void setBlacklist(MachineSet newBlacklist) {
blacklistedMachines = newBlacklist;
detectedMachines = detectedMachines.removed(blacklistedMachines);
/** creates machines if necessary so that this spec exists (may already be claimed however);
* returns a set of all matching machines, of size at least count (but possibly some are already claimed).
* (the pool can change at any point, so this set is a best-effort but may be out of date.
* see javadoc comments on this class.) */
public MachineSet ensureExists(int count, ReusableMachineTemplate template) {
MachineSet current;
current = all(matching(template));
if (current.size() >= count)
return current;
//have to create more
MachineSet moreNeeded = create(count-current.size(), template);
return current.added(moreNeeded);
/** creates machines if necessary so that this spec can subsequently be claimed;
* returns all such unclaimed machines, guaranteed to be non-empty.
* (the pool can change at any point, so this set is a best-effort but may be out of date.
* see javadoc comments on this class.) */
public MachineSet ensureUnclaimed(ReusableMachineTemplate template) {
return ensureUnclaimed(1, template);
/** creates machines if necessary so that this spec can subsequently be claimed;
* returns a set of at least count unclaimed machines */
public MachineSet ensureUnclaimed(int count, ReusableMachineTemplate template) {
MachineSet current;
current = unclaimed(matching(template));
if (current.size() >= count)
return current;
//have to create more
MachineSet moreNeeded = create(count-current.size(), template);
return current.added(moreNeeded);
public Set<ReusableMachineTemplate> getTemplatesMatchingInstance(NodeMetadata nm) {
Set<ReusableMachineTemplate> result = new LinkedHashSet<ReusableMachineTemplate>();
for (ReusableMachineTemplate t: getTemplates()) {
if (matching(t).apply(nm)) {
return result;
/** creates the given number of machines of the indicated template */
public MachineSet create(int count, ReusableMachineTemplate template) {
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes;
try {
Template t = template.newJcloudsTemplate(computeService);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Creating "+count+" new instances of "+t);
nodes = computeService.createNodesInGroup(getPoolName(), count, t);
} catch (RunNodesException e) {
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
MachineSet result = new MachineSet(nodes);
registerNewNodes(result, template);
return result;
protected void registerNewNodes(MachineSet result, ReusableMachineTemplate template) {
for (NodeMetadata m: result) {
Set<ReusableMachineTemplate> ts = getTemplatesMatchingInstance(m);
if (ts.isEmpty()) {
log.error("Pool "+this+", created machine "+m+" from template "+template+", but no pool templates match!");
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Pool "+this+", created machine "+m+" from template "+template+", matching templates "+ts);
synchronized (this) {
detectedMachines = detectedMachines.added(result);
/** claims the indicated number of machines with the indicated spec, creating if necessary */
public MachineSet claim(int count, ReusableMachineTemplate t) {
Set<NodeMetadata> claiming = new LinkedHashSet<NodeMetadata>();
while (claiming.size() < count) {
MachineSet mm = ensureUnclaimed(count - claiming.size(), t);
for (NodeMetadata m : mm) {
synchronized (this) {
if (claiming.size() < count && !claimedMachines.contains(m)) {
claimedMachines = claimedMachines.added(new MachineSet(m));
MachineSet result = new MachineSet(claiming);
return result;
/** claims the indicated set of machines;
* throws exception if cannot all be claimed;
* returns the set passed in if successful */
public MachineSet claim(MachineSet set) {
synchronized (this) {
MachineSet originalClaimed = claimedMachines;
claimedMachines = claimedMachines.added(set);
MachineSet newlyClaimed = claimedMachines.removed(originalClaimed);
if (newlyClaimed.size() != set.size()) {
//did not claim all; unclaim and fail
claimedMachines = originalClaimed;
MachineSet unavailable = set.removed(newlyClaimed);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not claim all requested machines; failed to claim "+unavailable);
return newlyClaimed;
public int unclaim(MachineSet set) {
synchronized (this) {
MachineSet originalClaimed = claimedMachines;
claimedMachines = claimedMachines.removed(set);
return originalClaimed.size() - claimedMachines.size();
public int destroy(final MachineSet set) {
synchronized (this) {
detectedMachines = detectedMachines.removed(set);
claimedMachines = claimedMachines.removed(set);
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> destroyed = computeService.destroyNodesMatching(new Predicate<NodeMetadata>() {
public boolean apply(NodeMetadata input) {
return set.contains(input);
synchronized (this) {
//in case a rescan happened while we were destroying
detectedMachines = detectedMachines.removed(set);
claimedMachines = claimedMachines.removed(set);
return destroyed.size();