title: Getting Started - Policies title_in_menu: Policies layout: website-normal menu_parent: index.md children:

  • { section: “A Clustered Example”, title_in_menu: “Clustering” }
  • { section: “Configuring Dependencies”, title_in_menu: “Dependencies” }
  • { section: “Managing with Policies”, title_in_menu: “Policies” }

A Clustered Example

We'll now look at a more complex example that better shows the capabilities of Brooklyn.

We'll start by deploying an application via YAML blueprint consisting of the following layers.

  • A dynamically scalable Web App Cluster
  • A MySQL DB

Copy the blueprint below into a text file, “mycluster.yaml”, in your workspace, but before you create an application with it, again modify the YAML to specify the location where the application will be deployed.
You will need at least five machines for this example, one for the DB, one for the Nginx controller, and three for the tomcats (but you can reduce this by changing the “maxPoolSize” below.

{% highlight yaml %} name: cluster

location: jclouds:aws-ec2: identity: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST credential: s3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3l


Explore this app using the application and other commands from the previous section.

Configuring Dependencies

The App above illustrates how one component in a blueprint can be configured with information relating to one of the other components in the blueprint. In this example the web cluster is configured with a URL for JDBC connections to the database. {% highlight yaml %} java.sysprops: brooklyn.example.db.url: $brooklyn:formatString(“jdbc:%s%s?user=%s\&password=%s”, component(“db”).attributeWhenReady(“datastore.url”), “visitors”, “brooklyn”, “br00k11n”) {% endhighlight %}

the syntax $brooklyn:formatString(...) is an example of the Brooklyn DSL (Domain Specific Language) which allows expressions referring to Brooklyn‘s management information to be embedded in blueprints. The line above also illustrates the use of Brooklyn’s component(...) and attributeWhenReady(...) to get an identified component from a deployment, and to wait until the component is fully deployed before reading one of its sensors (“datastore.url” in this case).

Managing with Policies

The app server cluster has an AutoScalerPolicyand the loadbalancer has a Controller targets tracker policy.

For example {% highlight yaml %} $ br app cluster ent webcluster policy Id Name State
mMZngBnb org.apache.brooklyn.policy.autoscaling.AutoScalerPolicy RUNNING
{% endhighlight %}

You can investigate the status of the AutoScalerPolicy with its name or, more succinctly, its ID:

{% highlight yaml %} $ br app cluster ent webcluster policy mMZngBnb “RUNNING” {% endhighlight %}

A more detailed description of the parameters of the policy can be obtained with {% highlight yaml %} $ br app cluster ent webcluster policy org.apache.brooklyn.policy.autoscaling.AutoScalerPolicy Name Value Description
autoscaler.currentSizeOperator org.apache.brooklyn.policy.autoscaling.AutoScalerPolicy$4@9393100
autoscaler.entityWithMetric The Entity with the metric that will be monitored
autoscaler.maxPoolSize 4
autoscaler.maxReachedNotificationDelay 0ms Time that we consistently wanted to go above the maxPoolSize for, after which the maxSizeReachedSensor (if any) will be emitted
autoscaler.maxSizeReachedSensor Sensor for which a notification will be emitted (on the associated entity) when we consistently wanted to resize the pool above the max allowed size, for maxReachedNotificationDelay milliseconds
autoscaler.metric Sensor: webapp.reqs.perSec.windowed.perNode (java.lang.Double)
autoscaler.metricLowerBound 10 The lower bound of the monitored metric. Below this the policy will resize down
autoscaler.metricUpperBound 100 The upper bound of the monitored metric. Above this the policy will resize up
autoscaler.minPeriodBetweenExecs 100ms
autoscaler.minPoolSize 1
autoscaler.poolColdSensor Sensor: resizablepool.cold (java.util.Map)
autoscaler.poolHotSensor Sensor: resizablepool.hot (java.util.Map)
autoscaler.poolOkSensor Sensor: resizablepool.cold (java.util.Map)
autoscaler.resizeDownIterationIncrement 1 Batch size for resizing down; the size will be decreased by a multiple of this value
autoscaler.resizeDownIterationMax 2147483647 Maximum change to the size on a single iteration when scaling down
autoscaler.resizeDownStabilizationDelay 0ms
autoscaler.resizeOperator org.apache.brooklyn.policy.autoscaling.AutoScalerPolicy$3@387a7e10
autoscaler.resizeUpIterationIncrement 1 Batch size for resizing up; the size will be increased by a multiple of this value
autoscaler.resizeUpIterationMax 2147483647 Maximum change to the size on a single iteration when scaling up
autoscaler.resizeUpStabilizationDelay 0ms
{% endhighlight %}

The loadbalancer's Controller targets tracker policy ensures that the loadbalancer is updated as the cluster size changes.

This policy automatically scales the cluster up or down to be the right size for the cluster's current load. One server is the minimum size allowed by the policy.

Sitting idle, this cluster will only contain one server, but you can use a tool like jmeter pointed at the nginx endpoint to create load on the cluster. Download a jmeter test plan here.

As load is added, Apache Brooklyn requests a new cloud machine, creates a new app server, and adds it to the cluster. As load is removed, servers are removed from the cluster, and the infrastructure is handed back to the cloud.

Under the Covers

The AutoScalerPolicy here is configured to respond to the sensor reporting requests per second per node, invoking the default resize effector. By updating on the policy, you can configure it to respond to a much lower threshhold or set long stabilization delays (the period before it scales out or back).

At present the CLI does not support a command to update a policy.

However it is possible to manually suspend the policy, by

{% highlight bash %} $ br app cluster ent webcluster stop-policy org.apache.brooklyn.policy.autoscaling.AutoScalerPolicy

{% endhighlight %}

You can then invoke a resize using the appropriate effector: {% highlight bash %} $ br app cluster ent webcluster effector resize invoke -P desiredSize=3 {% endhighlight %}

On resize, new nodes are created and configured, and in this case a policy on the nginx node reconfigures nginx whenever the set of active targets changes.

The policy can then be re-enabled with start-policy:

{% highlight bash %} $ br app cluster ent webcluster start-policy org.apache.brooklyn.policy.autoscaling.AutoScalerPolicy

{% endhighlight %}


This guide has given a quick overview to writing blueprints for applications, deploying applications, and managing them. Next, learn more about any of: