layout: website-normal title: Production Installation

{% include %}

To install Apache Brooklyn on a production server:

  1. Set up the prerequisites
  2. Download Apache Brooklyn
  3. Configuring
  4. Configuring
  5. Test the installation

This guide covers the basics. You may also wish to configure:

Set up the Prerequisites

Check that the server meets the requirements. Then configure the server as follows:

  • install Java JRE or JDK (version 7 or later)
  • install an [SSH key]({{ }}/ops/locations/ssh-keys.html), if not available
  • enable [passwordless ssh login]({{ }}/ops/locations/ssh-keys.html)
  • create a ~/.brooklyn directory on the host with $ mkdir ~/.brooklyn
  • check your iptables or other firewall service, making sure that incoming connections on port 8443 is not blocked
  • check that the [linux kernel entropy]({{ }}/documentation/increase-entropy.html) is sufficient

Download Apache Brooklyn

Download Brooklyn and obtain a binary build as described on the download page.

{% if brooklyn_version contains ‘SNAPSHOT’ %} Expand the tar.gz archive (note: as this is a -SNAPSHOT version, your filename will be slightly different): {% else %} Expand the tar.gz archive: {% endif %}

{% if brooklyn_version contains ‘SNAPSHOT’ %} {% highlight bash %} % tar -zxf apache-brooklyn-dist-{{ site.brooklyn-stable-version }}-timestamp-dist.tar.gz {% endhighlight %} {% else %} {% highlight bash %} % tar -zxf apache-brooklyn-{{ site.brooklyn-stable-version }}-dist.tar.gz {% endhighlight %} {% endif %}

This will create a apache-brooklyn-{{ site.brooklyn-stable-version }} folder.

Let's setup some paths for easy commands.

{% highlight bash %} % cd apache-brooklyn-{{ site.brooklyn-stable-version }} % BROOKLYN_DIR=“$(pwd)” % export PATH=$PATH:$BROOKLYN_DIR/bin/ {% endhighlight %}


Set up as described here:

  • Configure the users who should have access
  • Turn on HTTPS
  • Supply credentials for any pre-defined clouds

It may be useful to use the following script to install an initial

{% highlight bash %} % mkdir -p ~/.brooklyn % wget -O ~/.brooklyn/ {{brooklyn_properties_url_live}} % chmod 600 ~/.brooklyn/ {% endhighlight %}

Configuring the Catalog

By default Brooklyn loads the catalog of available application components and services from on the classpath. The initial catalog is in conf/brooklyn/ in the dist. If you have a preferred catalog, simply replace that file.

More information on the catalog is available here.

Confirm Installation

Launch Brooklyn in a disconnected session so it will remain running after you have logged out:

{% highlight bash %} % nohup bin/brooklyn launch > /dev/null 2&>1 & {% endhighlight %}

Apache Brooklyn should now be running on port 8081 (or other port if so specified).