layout: website-normal title: Writing an Entity

Ways to write an entity

There are several ways to write a new entity:

  • Write pure-java, extending existing base-classes and using utilities such as HttpTool and BashCommands.
  • Write scripts, and configure (e.g. using YAML) a VanillaSoftwareProcess.
  • Use Chef recipes, and wire these into the entity by using ChefConfig and ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks.
  • Use an equivalent of Chef (e.g. Salt or Puppet; support for these is currently less mature than for Chef)

The rest of this section covers writing an entity in pure-java (or other JVM languages).

Things To Know

All entities have an interface and an implementation. The methods on the interface are its effectors; the interface also defines its sensors.

Entities are created through the management context (rather than calling the
constructor directly). This returns a proxy for the entity rather than the real instance, which is important in a distributed management plane.

All entity implementations inherit from AbstractEntity, often through one of the following:

  • SoftwareProcessImpl: if it's a software process
  • VanillaJavaAppImpl: if it's a plain-old-java app
  • JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl: if it's a JVM-based web-app
  • DynamicClusterImpl, DynamicGroupImpl or AbstractGroupImpl: if it's a collection of other entities

Software-based processes tend to use drivers to install and launch the remote processes onto locations which support that driver type. For example, AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver is a common driver superclass, targetting SshMachineLocation (a machine to which Brooklyn can ssh). The various SoftwareProcess entities above (and some of the exemplars listed at the end of this page) have their own dedicated drivers.

Finally, there are a collection of traits, such as Resizable, in the package brooklyn.entity.trait. These provide common sensors and effectors on entities, supplied as interfaces. Choose one (or more) as appropriate.

Key Steps

So to get started:

  1. Create your entity interface, extending the appropriate selection from above, to define the effectors and sensors.
  2. Include an annotation like @ImplementedBy(YourEntityImpl.class) on your interface, where YourEntityImpl will be the class name for your entity implementation.
  3. Create your entity class, implementing your entity interface and extending the classes for your chosen entity super-types. Naming convention is a suffix “Impl” for the entity class, but this is not essential.
  4. Create a driver interface, again extending as appropriate (e.g. SoftwareProcessDriver). The naming convention is to have a suffix “Driver”.
  5. Create the driver class, implementing your driver interface, and again extending as appropriate. Naming convention is to have a suffix “SshDriver” for an ssh-based implementation. The correct driver implementation is found using this naming convention, or via custom namings provided by the BasicEntityDriverFactory.
  6. Wire the public Class getDriverInterface() method in the entity implementation, to specify your driver interface.
  7. Provide the implementation of missing lifecycle methods in your driver class (details below)
  8. Connect the sensors from your entity (e.g. overriding connectSensors() of SoftwareProcessImpl).. See the sensor feeds, such as HttpFeed and JmxFeed.

Any JVM language can be used to write an entity. However use of pure Java is encouraged for entities in core brooklyn.

Helpful References

A few handy pointers will help make it easy to build your own entities. Check out some of the exemplar existing entities (note, some of the other entities use deprecated utilities and a deprecated class hierarchy; it is suggested to avoid these, looking at the ones below instead):

  • JBoss7Server
  • MySqlNode

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