layout: website-normal title: Installing on a server

Here we present two alternatives to install Brooklyn:

Running the installation script

There is a simple bash script available to help with the installation process.

Script prerequisites

The script assumes that the server is a recent RHEL/CentOS 6.x Linux or Ubuntu 12.04 installation, but other Linux variants have been tested successfully.

The script will install Java 7 and other required packages if they are not present. You must have root access over [passwordless SSH]({{ site.url }}/documentation/passwordless-ssh.html) to install brooklyn, but the service runs as an ordinary user once installed.

To manage the brooklyn service you must also be able to connect to port 8081 remotely.

Once the above prerequisites are satisfied, you should be able to run successfully: {% highlight bash %} $ curl -o -L $ chmod +x ./ $ ./ -s -r {% endhighlight %}

Manual installation

  1. Set up the prerequisites
  2. Download Brooklyn
  3. Configuring
  4. Configuring catalog.xml
  5. Test the installation

Set up the prerequisites

Before installing Apache Brooklyn, you will need to configure the host as follows.

  • install Java JRE or SDK (version 6 or later)
  • install [SSH key]({{ site.url }}/documentation//ssh-key.html), if not available.
  • enable [passwordless ssh login]({{ site.url }}/documentation/passwordless-ssh.html).
  • create a ~/.brooklyn directory on the host with $ mkdir ~/.brooklyn
  • Check your iptables service, and if enabled, make sure that it accepts all incoming connections to 8443+ ports.
  • [optional] Increase [linux kernel entropy]({{ site.url }}/documentation//increase-entropy.html) for faster ssh connections.

Download Brooklyn

Download the [Brooklyn distribution]({{ }}) and expand it to your home directory ( ~/ ), or in a location of your choice. Other download options are available.

{% if brooklyn_version contains ‘SNAPSHOT’ %} Expand the tar.gz archive (note: as this is a -SNAPSHOT version, your filename will be slightly different): {% else %} Expand the tar.gz archive: {% endif %}

{% if brooklyn_version contains ‘SNAPSHOT’ %} {% highlight bash %} $ tar -zxf brooklyn-dist-{{ }}-timestamp-dist.tar.gz {% endhighlight %} {% else %} {% highlight bash %} $ tar -zxf brooklyn-dist-{{ }}-dist.tar.gz {% endhighlight %} {% endif %}

This will create a brooklyn-{{ }} folder.

Let's setup some paths for easy commands.

{% highlight bash %} $ cd brooklyn-{{ }} $ BROOKLYN_DIR=“$(pwd)” $ export PATH=$PATH:$BROOKLYN_DIR/bin/ {% endhighlight %}


Brooklyn deploys applications to Locations. Locations can be clouds, machines with fixed IPs or localhost (for testing).

By default Brooklyn loads configuration parameters (including credentials for any cloud accounts) from


The is the main configuration file for deployment locations. Contains the connection details and credentials for all public or on-premises cloud providers, as well as controlling some application startup and security options.

Create a .brooklyn folder in your home directory and download the template to that folder.

{% highlight bash %} $ mkdir -p ~/.brooklyn $ wget -O ~/.brooklyn/ {{site.url}}/quickstart/ $ chmod 600 ~/.brooklyn/ {% endhighlight %}

You may need to edit ~/.brooklyn/ to ensure that brooklyn can access cloud locations for application deployment.

Configuring catalog.xml

By default Brooklyn loads the catalog of available application components and services from ~/.brooklyn/catalog.xml.

{% highlight bash %} $ wget -O ~/.brooklyn/catalog.xml {{site.url}}/quickstart/catalog.xml {% endhighlight %}

The catalog.xml is the application blueprint catalog. The above example file contains some blueprints which will be automatically downloaded from the web if you run them.

You may need to edit ~/.brooklyn/catalog.xml to update links to any resources for download.

Confirm installation

We can do a quick test drive by launching Brooklyn:

{% highlight bash %} $ brooklyn launch {% endhighlight %}

Brooklyn will output the address of the management interface:

{% highlight bash %} INFO Starting brooklyn web-console on loopback interface because no security config is set

INFO Started Brooklyn console at, running classpath://brooklyn.war and [] {% endhighlight %}

Stop Brooklyn with ctrl-c.