layout: normal title: Community navgroup: community

Mailing lists

Our main discussion list is our dev list - here you can ask questions and get help with issues, ranging from basic getting started through to detailed questions about brooklyn's internals.

To subscribe, send an email to:

You can also read and search the dev list archives on Apache's list archiver.

Other lists

We also have a commits list - a read-only list which automatically posts as commits are made to our source repositories. Subscribe by sending an email to, and read the archives here.

Historical lists

Before brooklyn joined the Apache Incubator, we had lists hosted on Google Groups. These lists are now deprecated and it's no longer possible to subscribe or post, but you may find useful information in the archives.

Once again, these lists are deprecated, so please subscribe to the Apache-hosted lists to receive new messages.

Issue tracker

We have a Jira instance at Apache

Contributing source code

If you have changes or additions to the Brooklyn source code, we would love to see them! Please read our guide on how to contribute.

If you have used the brooklyncentral repository prior to Brooklyn's move to Apache, you can read the guide on how to migrate your brooklyncentral fork to Apache.

Committers can read the corresponding guide for committers to see how to review and merge contributions.


Join channel #brooklyncentral on the Freenode IRC network. Many of the Brooklyn dev team can be found here. Note that the team is predominantly Europe-based, and channel activity is usually centered around European daylight hours.