layout: normal title: How to migrate your brooklyncentral fork to Apache navgroup: community

Prior to our adoption by the Apache Incubator, Brooklyn was developed in a GitHub repository at If you already have a fork of this repository, follow this guide to smoothly shift your repository references to the new repository at Apache.

If you have not forked or cloned the brooklyncentral/brooklyn repository, then this is not the right guide for you. Instead, you should refer to the How to contribute page, and possibly refer to GitHub Help - Fork A Repo for further help.


This guides assumes that you have followed the standard GitHub workflow, as describe in GitHub Help - Fork A Repo. In particular:

  • You have forked the brooklyncentral/brooklyn repository into your own username:

Screenshot of GitHub showing a typical fork

  • You have used git clone to clone this fork onto your own computer;
  • You have added an additional remote, upstream, to refer to the original brooklyncentral/brooklyn repository.

In short, if you can recognise the above screenshot, and the output of the git remote -v command looks similar to below, then this guide should work for you. (Replace rdowner with your own GitHub username.)

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Or, if you are using SSH to access your remote repositories, it may look like this:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)


The new repository has a mirror in GitHub, located at Go to this page now, and fork it:

Screenshot of the new repository mirror in GitHub, with fork button

This will now create a fork of this repository under your own username:

Screenshot of the new fork in your workspace

So previously you referred to repositories named brooklyn under the brooklyncentral organization and your own username. Now, you will need to refer to repositories named incubator-brooklyn under the Apache organization and your own username.

To update the cloned repository on your computer to point to the new repositories instead of the old ones, use these commands, replacing rdowner with your own GitHub username.

git remote set-url origin
git remote set-url upstream

Or, if you would prefer to use SSH to access your remote repositories:

git remote set-url origin
git remote set-url upstream

Finally, fetch everything:

git fetch --all

Existing pull requests

If you have submitted a pull request at brooklyncentral/brooklyn, this pull request will be closed, unmerged, with a message pointing you to this page. You will need to re-submit your pull request against the apache/incubator-brooklyn.

If you have followed the above procedure, all you will need to do is identify the branch in your local repository on your computer that you used to make the original pull request, and push this to your new fork:

git push origin my-new-feature-branch

Now, go to your incubator-brooklyn fork on the GitHub website, and you should see the Compare & pull request button; click this, and it will set up a pull request against the new repository.

Screen shot of a pull request against incubator-brooklyn

Any problems?

If you are not sure how to do this, perhaps because you have a slightly different arrangement in your repositories, or is something unusual happens, please ask our community for help. You can find details of our IRC channel and mailing lists on our Community page.