Apache BatchEE provides a Web-UI and 2 different ways to expose Batch details via REST


For a quick out of the box solution to gather information about the JBatch environment you can use our Servlet based solution

JAX-RS resource

org.apache.batchee.jaxrs.server.JBatchResourceImpl maps more or less javax.batch.operations.JobOperator API to JAXRS. It is available in batchee-jaxrs-server module.

To define it with CXF you can use the CXFNonSpringServlet in a servlet container, in a JavaEE container you surely already have it and just need to define a custom with JBatchResource as class in getClasses and configure org.apache.batchee.jaxrs.server.JBatchExceptionMapper if you want to map javax.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException to status 500:

Note: instead of johnzon you can also use jackson as JAX-RS Json provider: com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider. Note: JohnzonBatcheeProvider is exactly the same as org.apache.johnzon.jaxrs.JohnzonProvider provider with org.apache.batchee.jaxrs.common.johnzon.TimestampAdapter registered to convert dates to timestamps. You can use Johnzon provider directly as well but the date conversion will be Johnzon one.

Here is the mapping:

  • /job-names
  • /job-instance/count/{name}
  • /job-instances/{name}?start={start}&count={count}
  • /executions/running/{name}
  • /execution/parameter/{id}
  • /job-instance/{id}
  • /job-executions/{id}/{name}
  • /job-execution/{id}
  • /step-executions/{id}
  • /execution/start/{name}
  • /execution/restart/{id}
  • /execution/stop/{id}
  • /execution/abandon/{id}

Note: batchee-jaxrs-client provides a way to query it through the JobOperator API. You need to use org.apache.batchee.jaxrs.client.BatchEEJAXRSClientFactory.newClient(String url, Class<?> jsonProvider, API apiType). API.AUTO tries to use JAXRS 2 client and if not available uses cxf 2.6 clients. In this last case you need to provide cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs.

HTML gui

It is based on org.apache.batchee.servlet.JBatchController but since the jar - batchee-servlet - is in a webapp in a servlet 3.0 container, it is automatically added and you don't need to define it in your web.xml.

The configuration through init parameters is:

  • boolean to deactivate it
  • org.apache.batchee.servlet.mapping: mapping for the gui, default /jbatch/*
  • org.apache.batchee.servlet.filter.private: boolean saying if internal jsp should be protected, it adds a filter to check URLs on each request