Release instructions

In order to release a new version of Apache Baremaps, follow these steps:

  • [ ] Notify the mailing list and ask everyone to pause commits on the main branch
  • [ ] Create a new issue on GitHub with the title “Release Baremaps ”
  • [ ] Create a new branch for the release (e.g. release-<version>)
git checkout -b release-<version>
git push --set-upstream origin release-<version>
  • [ ] Set the release version and commit the changes:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<version>
git commit -a -m "Release Baremaps <version>"
  • [ ] Tag the last commit with the release candidate version:
git tag v<version>-rc<number>
  • [ ] Push the tag to the remote repository:
git push origin v<version>-rc<number>
  • [ ] Generate the release notes for this tag on GitHub.
  • [ ] Generate the artifacts:
  • [ ] Publish the artifacts:
svn co baremaps-dev
mkdir baremaps-dev/<version>-rc<number>
cp ./baremaps-cli/target/baremaps-<version>-incubating-* baremaps-dev/<version>-rc<number>/.
svn commit -m "Baremaps <version>-rc<number>"
  • [ ] Ask the community to vote for the release candidate.
  • [ ] If the release candidate is not approved by the community, commit the necessary changes, clean the git history, and go back to step 5.
  • [ ] If the release candidate is approved by the community, tag the release commit with the release version:
git tag -a v[version]
git push origin v[version]
  • [ ] Publish the artifacts:
svn co baremaps-release
mkdir baremaps-release/<version>
cp ./baremaps-cli/target/baremaps-<version>-incubating-* baremaps-release/<version>/.
svn commit -m "Baremaps <version>"

- [ ] Set the version of the next iteration and commit the changes:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=[next_version]-SNAPSHOT
git commit -a -m "Prepare for next development iteration"
git push origin
  • [ ] Rebase the release branch into the main branch.
  • [ ] Notify the community of the release by sending a message to the mailing list.
  • [ ] Clean up all the release candidate branches and tags.

Email template

subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Baremaps -rc (incubating)

Hello Everyone,

I have created a build for Apache Baremaps (incubating) , release candidate .

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.

You can read the release notes here:

The commit to be voted upon:

Its hash is .

Its tag is v-rc.

The artifacts to be voted on are located here:

The hashes of the artifacts are as follows:

Release artifacts are signed with the following key:

The README file for the src distribution contains instructions for building and testing the release.

Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Baremaps .

The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at least three +1 PMC votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Baremaps [ ] 0 I don‘t feel strongly about it, but I’m okay with the release [ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

Here is my vote:

+1 (binding)

[Release manager name]