tree: a47b287d049441c057aa892dd5dae69f3eabd9d1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. svg/
  2. icons.json
  3. icons.png
  4. icons@1x.json
  5. icons@1x.png
  6. icons@2x.json
  7. icons@2x.png
  8. icons@4x.json
  9. icons@4x.png

OpenStreetMap-Carto Icons

The icons stored in this directory come from the OpenStreetMap-Carto project released under the CC0 Public Domain Dedication, version 1.0, as published by Creative Commons.

Created by Andy Allan and contributors. Based on original cartography by Steve Chilton and others.

Both spritezero and spreet can be used to generate the png and json files from the SVG files.


Spritezero, while unmaintained, is currently the preferred tool to generate the png and json files from the SVG files.

volta install node@10
npm install -g @elastic/spritezero-cli
spritezero --ratio=1 --sdf icons svg
spritezero --ratio=1 --sdf icons@1x svg
spritezero --ratio=1 --sdf icons@2x svg
spritezero --ratio=1 --sdf icons@4x svg

We fake ratio 2 and 4 as spritezero's generated files are broken.


Spreet is a promising alternative to spritezero, and we hope to use it in the future. However, the generated files are not yet as good as the ones generated by spritezero.

cargo install spreet
spreet --sdf --ratio 1 svg icons@1x
spreet --sdf --ratio 2 svg icons@2x
spreet --sdf --ratio 4 svg icons@4x