blob: e1e8408b4aa4dadd77b0c01637556f0f4c719db3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.atlas.query
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasGraph
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions._
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import org.apache.atlas.util.AtlasRepositoryConfiguration
import org.apache.atlas.utils.LruCache
import org.apache.atlas.util.CompiledQueryCacheKey
import java.util.Collections
object QueryProcessor {
val LOG : Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.apache.atlas.query.QueryProcessor")
val compiledQueryCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LruCache[CompiledQueryCacheKey, GremlinQuery](
def evaluate(e: Expression, g: AtlasGraph[_,_], gP : GraphPersistenceStrategies = null):
GremlinQueryResult = {
var strategy = gP;
if(strategy == null) {
strategy = GraphPersistenceStrategy1(g);
//convert the query expression to DSL so we can check whether or not it is in the compiled
//query cache and avoid validating/translating it again if it is.
val dsl = e.toString();
val cacheKey = new CompiledQueryCacheKey(dsl);
var q = compiledQueryCache.get(cacheKey);
if(q == null) {
//query was not found in the compiled query cache. Validate
//and translate it, then cache the result.
val e1 = validate(e)
q = new GremlinTranslator(e1, strategy).translate()
compiledQueryCache.put(cacheKey, q);
if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Validated Query: " + e1)
LOG.debug("Expression Tree:\n" + e1.treeString);
if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("DSL Query: " + dsl);
LOG.debug("Gremlin Query: " + q.queryStr)
new GremlinEvaluator(q, strategy, g).evaluate()
def validate(e: Expression): Expression = {
val e1 = e.transformUp(refineIdExpressionType);
val e2 = e1.transformUp(new Resolver(None,e1.namedExpressions))
e2.traverseUp {
case x: Expression if !x.resolved =>
throw new ExpressionException(x, s"Failed to resolved expression $x")
* trigger computation of dataType of expression tree
* ensure fieldReferences match the input expression's dataType
val e3 = e2.transformUp(FieldValidator)
val e4 = e3.transformUp(new Resolver(None,e3.namedExpressions))
val convertToFieldIdExpression : PartialFunction[Expression,Expression] = {
case IdExpression(name, IdExpressionType.Unresolved) => IdExpression(name, IdExpressionType.NonType);
//this function is called in a depth first manner on the expression tree to set the exprType in IdExpressions
//when we know them. Since Expression classes are immutable, in order to do this we need to create new instances
//of the case. The logic here enumerates the cases that have been identified where the given IdExpression
//cannot resolve to a class or trait. This is the case in any places where a field value must be used.
//For example, you cannot add two classes together or compare traits. Any IdExpressions in those contexts
//refer to unqualified attribute names. On a similar note, select clauses need to product an actual value.
//For example, in 'from DB select name' or 'from DB select name as n', name must be an attribute.
val refineIdExpressionType : PartialFunction[Expression,Expression] = {
//spit out the individual cases to minimize the object churn. Specifically, for ComparsionExpressions where neither
//child is an IdExpression, there is no need to create a new ComparsionExpression object since neither child will
//change. This applies to ArithmeticExpression as well.
case c@ComparisonExpression(symbol, l@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) , r@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved)) => {
ComparisonExpression(symbol, convertToFieldIdExpression(l), convertToFieldIdExpression(r))
case c@ComparisonExpression(symbol, l@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) , r) => ComparisonExpression(symbol, convertToFieldIdExpression(l), r)
case c@ComparisonExpression(symbol, l, r@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved)) => ComparisonExpression(symbol, l, convertToFieldIdExpression(r))
case e@ArithmeticExpression(symbol, l@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) , r@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved)) => {
ArithmeticExpression(symbol, convertToFieldIdExpression(l), convertToFieldIdExpression(r))
case e@ArithmeticExpression(symbol, l@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) , r) => ArithmeticExpression(symbol, convertToFieldIdExpression(l), r)
case e@ArithmeticExpression(symbol, l, r@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved)) => ArithmeticExpression(symbol, l, convertToFieldIdExpression(r))
case s@SelectExpression(child, selectList, forGroupBy) => {
var changed = false
val newSelectList = {
expr => expr match {
case e@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved) => { changed=true; convertToFieldIdExpression(e) }
case AliasExpression(child@IdExpression(_,IdExpressionType.Unresolved), alias) => {changed=true; AliasExpression(convertToFieldIdExpression(child), alias)}
case x => x
if(changed) {
SelectExpression(child, newSelectList, forGroupBy)
else {