blob: 7b7cd985e966ec40c148dcb1878e96c1c6015b9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.query
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.StdLexical
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{ImplicitConversions, PackratParsers}
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharArrayReader._
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes
trait QueryKeywords {
this: StandardTokenParsers =>
import scala.language.implicitConversions
protected case class Keyword(str: String)
protected implicit def asParser(k: Keyword): Parser[String] = k.str
protected val LIST_LPAREN = Keyword("[")
protected val LIST_RPAREN = Keyword("]")
protected val LPAREN = Keyword("(")
protected val RPAREN = Keyword(")")
protected val EQ = Keyword("=")
protected val LT = Keyword("<")
protected val GT = Keyword(">")
protected val NEQ = Keyword("!=")
protected val LTE = Keyword("<=")
protected val GTE = Keyword(">=")
protected val COMMA = Keyword(",")
protected val AND = Keyword("and")
protected val OR = Keyword("or")
protected val PLUS = Keyword("+")
protected val MINUS = Keyword("-")
protected val STAR = Keyword("*")
protected val DIV = Keyword("/")
protected val DOT = Keyword(".")
protected val SELECT = Keyword("select")
protected val FROM = Keyword("from")
protected val WHERE = Keyword("where")
protected val GROUPBY = Keyword("groupby")
protected val LOOP = Keyword("loop")
protected val ISA = Keyword("isa")
protected val IS = Keyword("is")
protected val HAS = Keyword("has")
protected val AS = Keyword("as")
protected val TIMES = Keyword("times")
protected val WITHPATH = Keyword("withPath")
protected val LIMIT = Keyword("limit")
protected val OFFSET = Keyword("offset")
protected val ORDERBY = Keyword("orderby")
protected val COUNT = Keyword("count")
protected val MAX = Keyword("max")
protected val MIN = Keyword("min")
protected val SUM = Keyword("sum")
protected val BY = Keyword("by")
protected val ORDER = Keyword("order")
protected val LIKE = Keyword("like")
trait ExpressionUtils {
protected val DESC = "desc"
def loop(input: Expression, l: (Expression, Option[Literal[Integer]], Option[String])) = l match {
case (c, None, None) => input.loop(c)
case (c, t, None) => input.loop(c, t.get)
case (c, None, Some(a)) => input.loop(c).as(a)
case (c, t, Some(a)) => input.loop(c, t.get).as(a)
def select(input: Expression, s: List[(Expression, Option[String])], forGroupBy: Boolean = false) = {
val selList = { t =>
t._2 match {
case None =>"${t._1}")
case _ =>
new SelectExpression(input, selList, forGroupBy)
def limit(input: Expression, lmt: Literal[Integer], offset: Literal[Integer]) = {
input.limit(lmt, offset)
def order(input: Expression, odr: Expression, asc: Boolean) = {
input.order(odr, asc)
def leftmostId(e: Expression) = {
var le: IdExpression = null
e.traverseUp { case i: IdExpression if le == null => le = i}
def notIdExpression = new PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] {
def isDefinedAt(x: Expression): Boolean = !x.isInstanceOf[IdExpression]
def apply(e: Expression) = e
def replaceIdWithField(id: IdExpression, fe: UnresolvedFieldExpression): PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case e: IdExpression if e == id => fe
def merge(snglQuery1: Expression, sngQuery2: Expression): Expression = {
val leftSrcId = leftmostId(sngQuery2)
sngQuery2.transformUp(replaceIdWithField(leftSrcId, snglQuery1.field(
def groupBy(input: Expression, groupByExpr: SelectExpression, selectExpr: SelectExpression) = {
input.groupBy(groupByExpr, selectExpr)
case class QueryParams(limit: Int, offset: Int)
* Query parser is used to parse the DSL query. It uses scala PackratParsers and pattern matching to extract the expressions.
* It builds up a expression tree.
object QueryParser extends StandardTokenParsers with QueryKeywords with ExpressionUtils with PackratParsers {
import scala.language.higherKinds
private val reservedWordsDelims: Seq[String] = this.
getClass.getMethods.filter(_.getReturnType == classOf[Keyword]).map(_.invoke(this).asInstanceOf[Keyword].str)
private val (queryreservedWords: Seq[String], querydelims: Seq[String]) =
reservedWordsDelims.partition(s => s.charAt(0).isLetter)
override val lexical = new QueryLexer(queryreservedWords, querydelims)
* @param input query string
* @param queryParams query parameters that contains limit and offset
* @return
def apply(input: String)(implicit queryParams: QueryParams = null): Either[NoSuccess, Expression] = synchronized {
phrase(queryWithPath)(new lexical.Scanner(input)) match {
case Success(r, x) => Right(r)
case f@Failure(m, x) => Left(f)
case e@Error(m, x) => Left(e)
import scala.math._
def queryWithPath(implicit queryParams: QueryParams) = query ~ opt(WITHPATH) ^^ {
case q ~ None => q
case q ~ p => q.path()
* A singleQuery can have the following forms:
* 1. SrcQuery [select] [orderby desc] [Limit x offset y] -> source query followed by optional select statement followed by optional order by followed by optional limit
* eg: Select "hive_db where hive_db has name orderby 'hive_db.owner' limit 2 offset 1"
* @return
def query(implicit queryParams: QueryParams) = querySrc ~ opt(loopExpression) ~ opt(groupByExpr) ~ opt(selectClause) ~ opt(orderby) ~ opt(limitOffset) ^^ {
case s ~ l ~ grp ~ sel ~ odr ~ lmtoff => {
var expressiontree = s
if (l.isDefined) //Note: The order of if statements is important.
expressiontree = loop(expressiontree, l.get);
if (odr.isDefined)
expressiontree = order(expressiontree, odr.get._1, odr.get._2)
if (queryParams != null && lmtoff.isDefined)
val mylimit = int(min(queryParams.limit, max(lmtoff.get._1 - queryParams.offset, 0)))
val myoffset = int(queryParams.offset + lmtoff.get._2)
expressiontree = limit(expressiontree, mylimit, myoffset)
} else if(lmtoff.isDefined) {
expressiontree = limit(expressiontree, int(lmtoff.get._1), int(lmtoff.get._2))
} else if(queryParams != null) {
expressiontree = limit(expressiontree, int(queryParams.limit), int(queryParams.offset))
if (grp.isDefined && sel.isDefined)
var child = expressiontree
var selectExpr: SelectExpression = select(child, sel.get, true)
var grpBySelectExpr: SelectExpression = select(child, grp.get, true)
expressiontree = groupBy(child, grpBySelectExpr, selectExpr)
else if (grp.isDefined)
throw new AtlasException("groupby without select is not allowed");
else if (sel.isDefined)
var selectChild = expressiontree
val selExpr : SelectExpression = select(selectChild, sel.get);
if(selExpr.hasAggregation) {
//In order to do the aggregation, we need to add an implicit group by. Having the
//group by expression be a constant values forces all of the vertices into one group.
val groupByConstant : Expression = Expressions.literal(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE, "dummy");
val groupBySelExpr : SelectExpression = select(selectChild, sel.get, true);
val groupByListExpr : SelectExpression = select(selectChild, List((groupByConstant,None)), true)
expressiontree = groupBy(selectChild, groupByListExpr, groupBySelExpr)
else {
expressiontree = selExpr
def querySrc: Parser[Expression] = rep1sep(singleQrySrc, opt(COMMA)) ^^ { l => l match {
case h :: Nil => h
case h :: t => t.foldLeft(h)(merge(_, _))
* A SingleQuerySrc can have the following forms:
* 1. FROM id [WHERE] [expr] -> from optionally followed by a filter
* 2. WHERE expr -> where clause, FROM is assumed to be the leftmost Id in the where clause
* 3. expr (that is not an IdExpression) -> where clause, FROM is assumed to be the leftmost Id in the expr
* 4. Id [WHERE] [expr] -> from optionally followed by a filter
* @return
def singleQrySrc: Parser[Expression] = FROM ~ fromSrc ~ opt(WHERE) ~ opt(expr ^? notIdExpression) ^^ {
case f ~ i ~ w ~ None => i
case f ~ i ~ w ~ c => i.where(c.get)
} |
WHERE ~ (expr ^? notIdExpression) ^^ { case w ~ e => {
val lId = leftmostId(e)
if (lId == null) {
failure("cannot infer Input from the where clause")
} |
expr ^? notIdExpression ^^ { case e => {
val lId = leftmostId(e)
if (lId == null) {
failure("cannot infer Input from the where clause")
} |
fromSrc ~ opt(WHERE) ~ opt(expr ^? notIdExpression) ^^ {
case i ~ w ~ None => i
case i ~ w ~ c => i.where(c.get)
def fromSrc = identifier ~ AS ~ alias ^^ { case s ~ a ~ al =>} |
def orderby = (ORDERBY|(ORDER ~ BY )) ~ expr ~ opt (asce) ^^ {
case o ~ odr ~ None => (odr, true)
case o ~ odr ~ asc => (odr, asc.get)
def limitOffset: Parser[(Int, Int)] = LIMIT ~ lmt ~ opt (offset) ^^ {
case l ~ lt ~ None => (lt.toInt, 0)
case l ~ lt ~ of => (lt.toInt, of.get.toInt)
def offset = OFFSET ~ ofset ^^ {
case offset ~ of => of
def asce = asc ^^ {
case DESC => false
case _ => true
def loopExpression(implicit queryParams: QueryParams): Parser[(Expression, Option[Literal[Integer]], Option[String])] =
LOOP ~ (LPAREN ~> query <~ RPAREN) ~ opt(intConstant <~ TIMES) ~ opt(AS ~> alias) ^^ {
case l ~ e ~ None ~ a => (e, None, a)
case l ~ e ~ Some(i) ~ a => (e, Some(int(i)), a)
def selectClause: Parser[List[(Expression, Option[String])]] = SELECT ~ rep1sep(selectExpression, COMMA) ^^ {
case s ~ cs => cs
def selectExpression: Parser[(Expression, Option[String])] = expr ~ opt(AS ~> alias) ^^ {
case e ~ a => (e, a)
def expr: Parser[Expression] = compE ~ opt(rep(exprRight)) ^^ {
case l ~ None => l
case l ~ Some(r) => r.foldLeft(l) { (l, r) => l.logicalOp(r._1)(r._2)}
def exprRight = (AND | OR) ~ compE ^^ { case op ~ c => (op, c)}
def compE =
arithE ~ (LT | LTE | EQ | NEQ | GT | GTE | LIKE) ~ arithE ^^ { case l ~ op ~ r => l.compareOp(op)(r)} |
arithE ~ (ISA | IS) ~ ident ^^ { case l ~ i ~ t => l.isTrait(t)} |
arithE ~ HAS ~ ident ^^ { case l ~ i ~ f => l.hasField(f)} |
arithE | countClause | maxClause | minClause | sumClause
def arithE = multiE ~ opt(rep(arithERight)) ^^ {
case l ~ None => l
case l ~ Some(r) => r.foldLeft(l) { (l, r) => l.arith(r._1)(r._2)}
def arithERight = (PLUS | MINUS) ~ multiE ^^ { case op ~ r => (op, r)}
def multiE = atomE ~ opt(rep(multiERight)) ^^ {
case l ~ None => l
case l ~ Some(r) => r.foldLeft(l) { (l, r) => l.arith(r._1)(r._2)}
def multiERight = (STAR | DIV) ~ atomE ^^ { case op ~ r => (op, r)}
def atomE = literal | identifier | LPAREN ~> expr <~ RPAREN | listLiteral
def listLiteral = LIST_LPAREN ~ rep1sep(literal, COMMA) ~ LIST_RPAREN ^^ {
case lp ~ le ~ rp => list(le)
def identifier = rep1sep(ident, DOT) ^^ { l => l match {
* We don't have enough context here to know what the id can be.
* Examples:
* Column isa PII - "Column" could be a field, type, or alias
* name = 'John' - "name" must be a field.
* Use generic id(), let type the be refined based on the context later.
case h :: Nil => id(h)
* Then left-most part of the identifier ("h") must be a can be either. However,
* Atlas does support struct attributes, whose fields must accessed through
* this syntax. Let the downstream processing figure out which case we're in.
* Examples:
* - here, hive_table must be a type
* sortCol.order - here, sortCol is a struct attribute, must resolve to a field.
case h :: t => { //the left-most part of the identifier (h) can be
def alias = ident | stringLit
def lmt = intConstant
def ofset = intConstant
def asc = ident | stringLit
def literal = booleanConstant ^^ {
} |
intConstant ^^ {
} |
longConstant ^^ {
} |
floatConstant ^^ {
} |
doubleConstant ^^ {
} |
stringLit ^^ {
def booleanConstant: Parser[String] =
elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.BooleanLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
def intConstant: Parser[String] =
elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.IntLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
def longConstant: Parser[String] =
elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.LongLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
def floatConstant: Parser[String] =
elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.FloatLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
def doubleConstant: Parser[String] =
elem("int", _.isInstanceOf[lexical.DoubleLiteral]) ^^ (_.chars)
def countClause = COUNT ~ LPAREN ~ RPAREN ^^ {
case c => count()
def maxClause = MAX ~ (LPAREN ~> expr <~ RPAREN) ^^ {
case m ~ e => maxExpr(e)
def minClause = MIN ~ (LPAREN ~> expr <~ RPAREN) ^^ {
case m ~ e => minExpr(e)
def sumClause = SUM ~ (LPAREN ~> expr <~ RPAREN) ^^ {
case m ~ e => sumExpr(e)
def groupByExpr = GROUPBY ~ (LPAREN ~> rep1sep(selectExpression, COMMA) <~ RPAREN) ^^ {
case g ~ ce => ce
def isKeyword(s: String) = queryreservedWords.contains(s)
class QueryLexer(val keywords: Seq[String], val delims: Seq[String]) extends StdLexical with ImplicitConversions {
case class BooleanLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
case class IntLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
case class LongLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
case class FloatLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
case class DoubleLiteral(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
reserved ++= keywords.flatMap(w => allCaseVersions(w))
delimiters ++= delims
override lazy val token: Parser[Token] =
(trueP | falseP)
| longConstant ^^ LongLiteral
| intConstant ^^ IntLiteral
| floatConstant ^^ FloatLiteral
| dubConstant ^^ DoubleLiteral
| identifier ^^ processIdent
| quotedIdentifier ^^ Identifier
| string ^^ StringLit
| EofCh ^^^ EOF
| '\'' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| '"' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| delim
| '.' ^^^ new Keyword(".")
| failure("illegal character")
override def identChar = letter | elem('_')
def identifier = identChar ~ (identChar | digit).* ^^ { case first ~ rest => (first :: rest).mkString}
def quotedIdentifier = '`' ~> chrExcept('`', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '`' ^^ {
_ mkString ""
override def whitespace: Parser[Any] =
| '/' ~ '*' ~ comment
| '/' ~ '/' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
| '#' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
| '/' ~ '*' ~ failure("unclosed comment")
protected override def comment: Parser[Any] = (
commentChar.* ~ '*' ~ '/'
protected def commentChar = chrExcept(EofCh, '*') | '*' ~ not('/')
def string = '\"' ~> chrExcept('\"', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '\"' ^^ {
_ mkString ""
} |
'\'' ~> chrExcept('\'', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '\'' ^^ {
_ mkString ""
def zero: Parser[String] = '0' ^^^ "0"
def nonzero = elem("nonzero digit", d => d.isDigit && d != '0')
def sign = elem("sign character", d => d == '-' || d == '+')
def exponent = elem("exponent character", d => d == 'e' || d == 'E')
def intConstant = opt(sign) ~> zero | intList
def intList = opt(sign) ~ nonzero ~ rep(digit) ^^ { case s ~ x ~ y => (optString("", s) :: x :: y) mkString ""}
def fracPart: Parser[String] = '.' ~> rep(digit) ^^ { r =>
"." + (r mkString "")
def expPart = exponent ~ opt(sign) ~ rep1(digit) ^^ { case e ~ s ~ d =>
e.toString + optString("", s) + d.mkString("")
def dubConstant = opt(sign) ~ digit.+ ~ fracPart ~ opt(expPart) ^^ {
case s ~ i ~ f ~ e => {
optString("", s) + (i mkString "") + f + optString("", e)
def floatConstant = opt(sign) ~ digit.* ~ fracPart ~ 'f' ^^ { case s ~ i ~ fr ~ f =>
optString("", s) + i + fr
} | opt(sign) ~ digit.+ ~ opt(fracPart) ~ 'f' ^^ { case s ~ i ~ fr ~ f =>
optString("", s) + i + optString("", fr)
def longConstant = intConstant ~ 'l' ^^ { case i ~ l => i}
def trueP = 't' ~ 'r' ~ 'u' ~ 'e' ^^^ BooleanLiteral("true")
def falseP = 'f' ~ 'a' ~ 'l' ~ 's' ~ 'e' ^^^ BooleanLiteral("false")
private def optString[A](pre: String, a: Option[A]) = a match {
case Some(x) => pre + x.toString
case None => ""
/** Generate all variations of upper and lower case of a given string */
def allCaseVersions(s: String, prefix: String = ""): Stream[String] = {
if (s.isEmpty) {
} else {
allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toLower) #:::
allCaseVersions(s.tail, prefix + s.head.toUpper)