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ODF Jenkins build


The Jenkins build is set up at

Available jobs

The following jobs are available:

  1. Open-Discovery-Framework: The main build on the master branch with the test environment. Built on Linux.
  2. Open-Discovery-Framework-Parameters: Job you can trigger manually for private branches and platforms. Using the nodelabel parameter with value odfbuild triggers the build on Linux.
  3. Open-Discovery-Framework-Testenv: Manages and/or installs the test env. This job is currently scheduled to install the current testenv on the machine associated with label odftestenv every night at 10PM EST.

The parameter nodelabel defines the nodes the test env is / should be installed:

Possible actions selectable through the action parameter are:

  • start: (re)start the test env
  • stop: stop the test env
  • cleanconfig: (re)starts with clean configuration and Kafka topics
  • cleanmetadata: (re)starts with clean metadata
  • cleanall: (re)starts with cleanconfig plus cleanmetadata
  • install: Installs the build as specified in the jenkinsjob and buildnumber parameters.
  1. Open-Discovery-Framework-BuildStarter: Job polling for changes in the master branch and triggering the automated build. Starts the Open-Discovery-Framework Linux build. You should typically not have to trigger this job manually!

You can find these jobs in Jenkins in the 1-ODF tab.

Node labels

This Jenkins system currently contains two kinds of slaves which are distinguished by a so called node label.

We currently have these node labels:

  1. odfbuild: Linux build
  2. odftestenv: Machine where test envs can be deployed regularly for internal testing.

Some Important Settings

  • Use the profile jenkinsbuild. This is currently only used in the Bluemix Services and requires that the Bluemix password is not read from the cf.password system property but rather from the env var CFPASSWORD. This is only done so that the password doesn't appear in the log.
  • The firewall is smashed with a script called (see below). You have to set the env var INTRANETCREDENTIALS from Jenkins as a combined credential variable (of the form user:password). The reason why this is a script and not put into the command line directly is that the user / password don't appear in the log

Build Slave Machines

The build slave machines are:

  1. BuildNode:
  2. BuildNode2:
  3. ODFTestEnv:
  4. BuildNodeWin1:

Access user: ibmadmin / adm4sdp

These VMs can be managed through vLaunch.

Scripts / settings required on the build slave


On the windows slaves, install Git from IBM iRAM, e.g., here and make sure that the bin directory of the installation (typically something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin) is in the path. This takes care that sh.exe is in the path and picked up by the Jenkins jobs.

Used to smash the Littleton firewall. Put this somewhere in the path, e.g., ~/bin. The reason why this exists at all is so that the intranet credentials don't appear in the build log. The file consists of this one line:

curl -i -L  --user $INTRANETCREDENTIALS --insecure -X GET