blob: 6328b548a0890b47ef8e53067bcba92b220625cf [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from mock import (
import pytest
from aria_service_proxy import tasks
from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError
from cloudify.state import current_ctx
# Tests that a retry is performed when wait_for_service is true and
# the service doesn't exist
def test_noservice_with_wait(monkeypatch):
node = Mock(properties={'service_name': 'testwait',
{'wait_for_service': True, 'wait_time': 5},
'outputs': ['someoutput']})
attrs = {'retry.return_value': 'retry'}
operation = Mock(retry_number=0, **attrs)
ctxmock = MagicMock(node = node, operation = operation)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks,"get_service_names",lambda: {})
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == 'retry')
# Make sure error raised when no service exists and no wait is configured
def test_noservice_no_wait(monkeypatch):
node = Mock(properties={'service_name': 'testfail',
'wait_config': {'wait_for_service': False, 'wait_time': 5 },
'outputs': ['someoutput']})
ctxmock = MagicMock(node = node)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks,"get_service_names",lambda: {})
with pytest.raises(NonRecoverableError):
# Test that a service for which wait is specified, is retried
# properly, and the retry results in success after the service
# appears
def test_service_eventual_complete(monkeypatch):
output = Mock( value = 'someval')
service = Mock(outputs = { 'someoutput': output })
node = Mock( properties = {
'service_name': 'test',
'wait_config': { 'wait_for_service':True,
'wait_time': 1 },
instance = Mock(runtime_properties = {})
attrs = {'retry.return_value' : 'retry' }
operation = Mock( retry_number = 0, **attrs)
ctxmock = MagicMock( node = node , operation = operation, instance = instance)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test': service })
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "is_installed", lambda a: False)
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == 'retry')
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test': service })
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "is_installed", lambda a: True)
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == None)
assert(len(ctxmock.instance.runtime_properties['service_outputs']) == 1)
assert(ctxmock.instance.runtime_properties['service_outputs'][0]['name'] == 'someoutput')
assert(ctxmock.instance.runtime_properties['service_outputs'][0]['value'] == 'someval')
# Test that a proxy generates a retry when the service exists, but the
# outputs don't, and wait is configured
def test_output_retry(monkeypatch):
output = Mock( value = 'someval')
service = Mock(outputs= {'test':output})
node = Mock(properties = {'service_name': 'test',
{'wait_for_service': True, 'wait_time':5},
'outputs': ['someoutput']})
attrs = {'retry.return_value' : 'retry' }
operation = Mock( retry_number = 0, **attrs)
ctxmock = MagicMock( node = node , operation = operation)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test': service})
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "is_installed", lambda a: True)
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == 'retry')
# Test that nominal path works: service complete, outputs available
def test_output_complete(monkeypatch):
output = Mock( value = 'someval')
service = Mock(outputs= {'someoutput':output})
node = Mock(properties = {'service_name': 'test',
'wait_config':{'wait_for_service': True, 'wait_time':5},
'outputs': ['someoutput']})
attrs = {'retry.return_value' : 'retry' }
operation = Mock( retry_number = 5, **attrs)
ctxmock = MagicMock( node = node , operation = operation)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test':service})
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "is_installed", lambda a: True)
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == None)
# Test that retry occurs propertly when outputs unavailable (and wait
# configured), and that they are propertly detected when they appear.
def test_output_eventual_complete(monkeypatch):
output = Mock( value = 'someval')
service = Mock(outputs= {'test':output})
node = Mock(properties = {'service_name': 'test',
'wait_config':{'wait_for_service': True, 'wait_time':1},
'outputs': ['someoutput']})
attrs = {'retry.return_value' : 'retry' }
instance = Mock(runtime_properties = {})
operation = Mock( retry_number = 0, **attrs)
ctxmock = MagicMock( node = node , operation = operation, instance = instance)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "is_installed", lambda a: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test':service})
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == 'retry')
service = Mock(outputs= {'someoutput':output})
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test':service})
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == None)
assert(len(ctxmock.instance.runtime_properties['service_outputs']) == 1)
assert(ctxmock.instance.runtime_properties['service_outputs'][0]['name'] == 'someoutput')
assert(ctxmock.instance.runtime_properties['service_outputs'][0]['value'] == 'someval')
# Test wait expression fuctionality for failure case. Pass in an output
# with and test for incorrect length. Should raise error.
def test_expr_fail(monkeypatch):
output = Mock( value = 'someval')
service = Mock(outputs= {'someoutput':output})
node = Mock(properties = {'service_name': 'test',
{'wait_for_service': True,
'wait_expression': 'len(someoutput) == 1',
'outputs': ['someoutput']})
attrs = {'retry.return_value' : 'retry' }
operation = Mock( retry_number = 5, **attrs)
ctxmock = MagicMock( node = node , operation = operation)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test':service})
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "is_installed", lambda a: True)
with pytest.raises(NonRecoverableError):
# Test wait expression fuctionality for success case. Pass in an output
# with and test for correct length. Should raise no error.
def test_expr_succeed(monkeypatch):
output = Mock( value = 'someval')
service = Mock(outputs= {'someoutput':output})
node = Mock(properties = {'service_name': 'test',
{'wait_for_service': True,
'wait_expression': 'len(someoutput) == 7',
'outputs': ['someoutput']})
attrs = {'retry.return_value' : 'retry' }
operation = Mock( retry_number = 5, **attrs)
ctxmock = MagicMock( node = node , operation = operation)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test':service})
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "is_installed", lambda a: True)
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == None)
# Test wait expression fuctionality for success case using two outputs.
# Expression is boolean expression involving two outputs, and it true.
# Should raise no error.
def test_expr_succeed_mult(monkeypatch):
output1 = Mock( value = 4)
output2 = Mock( value = 7)
service = Mock(outputs= {'o1':output1, 'o2': output2})
node = Mock(properties = {'service_name': 'test',
{'wait_for_service': True,
'wait_expression': 'o1 < o2',
'outputs': ['o1','o2']})
attrs = {'retry.return_value' : 'retry' }
operation = Mock( retry_number = 5, **attrs)
ctxmock = MagicMock( node = node , operation = operation)
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "get_service_names", lambda: {'test':service})
monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, "is_installed", lambda a: True)
ret = tasks.proxy_connect()
assert(ret == None)