title: Getting Started with ARIA TOSCA layout: article permalink: /getting-started/ share: false


ARIA is available on PyPI.

To install ARIA directly from PyPI (using a wheel), use:

# pip install aria

To install ARIA from source, download the source tarball from PyPI, extract it, and then when inside the extracted directory, use:

# pip install .

The source package comes along with relevant examples and documentation. Additionally, requirements.txt is included for installing the depending packages with which ARIA was tested.

Note that for the pip install commands mentioned above, you must use a privileged user, or use virtualenv.

ARIA itself is in a wheel format compatible with all platforms. Some dependencies, however, might require compilation (based on a given platform), and therefore possibly some system dependencies are required as well.

On Ubuntu or other Debian-based systems::

sudo apt install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev

On Archlinux::

sudo pacman -S python-setuptools

ARIA requires Python 2.6/2.7. Python 3+ is currently not supported.

Getting Started with ARIA TOSCA

This section will describe how to run a simple “Hello World” example.

First, provide ARIA with the ARIA “hello world” service-template and name it (e.g. my-service-template)::

aria service-templates store examples/hello-world/helloworld.yaml my-service-template

Now create a service based on this service-template and name it (e.g. my-service)::

aria services create my-service -t my-service-template

Finally, start an install workflow execution on my-service like so::

aria executions start install -s my-service

You should now have a simple web-server running on your local machine. You can try visiting http://localhost:9090 to view your deployed application.

To uninstall and clean your environment, follow these steps::

aria executions start uninstall -s my-service
aria services delete my-service
aria service-templates delete my-service-template


ARIA is licensed under the Apache License 2.0