blob: 21a530e52f495b8e8565588e312acbf9d756f385 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
import createNodeIterator from 'dom-node-iterator';
import seek from 'dom-seek';
import { ownerDocument, rangeFromScope } from './scope.js';
// Node constants
const TEXT_NODE = 3;
// NodeFilter constants
const SHOW_TEXT = 4;
function firstTextNodeInRange(range) {
const { startContainer } = range;
if (startContainer.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) return startContainer;
const root = range.commonAncestorContainer;
const iter = createNodeIterator(root, SHOW_TEXT);
return iter.nextNode();
export function createTextQuoteSelector(selector) {
return async function* matchAll(scope) {
const document = ownerDocument(scope);
const range = rangeFromScope(scope);
const root = range.commonAncestorContainer;
const text = range.toString();
const exact = selector.exact;
const prefix = selector.prefix || '';
const suffix = selector.suffix || '';
const pattern = prefix + exact + suffix;
const iter = createNodeIterator(root, SHOW_TEXT);
let fromIndex = 0;
let referenceNodeIndex = 0;
if (range.startContainer.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
referenceNodeIndex -= range.startOffset;
while (fromIndex < text.length) {
const patternStartIndex = text.indexOf(pattern, fromIndex);
if (patternStartIndex === -1) return;
const match = document.createRange();
const matchStartIndex = patternStartIndex + prefix.length;
const matchEndIndex = matchStartIndex + exact.length;
// Seek to the start of the match.
referenceNodeIndex += seek(iter, matchStartIndex - referenceNodeIndex);
// Normalize the reference to the start of the match.
if (!iter.pointerBeforeReferenceNode) {
// Peek forward and skip over any empty nodes.
if (iter.nextNode()) {
while (iter.referenceNode.nodeValue.length === 0) {
// The iterator now points to the end of the reference node.
// Move the iterator back to the start of the reference node.
// Record the start container and offset.
match.setStart(iter.referenceNode, matchStartIndex - referenceNodeIndex);
// Seek to the end of the match.
referenceNodeIndex += seek(iter, matchEndIndex - referenceNodeIndex);
// Normalize the reference to the end of the match.
if (!iter.pointerBeforeReferenceNode) {
// Peek forward and skip over any empty nodes.
if (iter.nextNode()) {
while (iter.referenceNode.nodeValue.length === 0) {
// The iterator now points to the end of the reference node.
// Move the iterator back to the start of the reference node.
// Maybe seek backwards to the start of the node.
referenceNodeIndex += seek(iter, iter.referenceNode);
// Record the end container and offset.
match.setEnd(iter.referenceNode, matchEndIndex - referenceNodeIndex);
// Yield the match.
yield match;
// Advance the search forward.
fromIndex = matchStartIndex + 1;
referenceNodeIndex += seek(iter, fromIndex - referenceNodeIndex);
export async function describeTextQuote(range, scope = null) {
scope = rangeFromScope(scope || ownerDocument(range).documentElement);
const root = scope.commonAncestorContainer;
const text = scope.toString();
const exact = range.toString();
const selector = createTextQuoteSelector({ exact });
const iter = createNodeIterator(root, SHOW_TEXT);
const startNode = firstTextNodeInRange(range);
const startIndex =
range.startContainer.nodeType === TEXT_NODE
? seek(iter, startNode) + range.startOffset
: seek(iter, startNode);
const endIndex = startIndex + exact.length;
const affixLengthPairs = [];
for await (const match of selector(scope)) {
const matchIter = createNodeIterator(root, SHOW_TEXT);
const matchStartNode = firstTextNodeInRange(match);
const matchStartIndex =
match.startContainer.nodeType === TEXT_NODE
? seek(matchIter, matchStartNode) + match.startOffset
: seek(matchIter, matchStartNode);
const matchEndIndex = matchStartIndex + match.toString().length;
// If the match is the same as the input range, continue.
if (matchStartIndex === startIndex || matchEndIndex === endIndex) {
// Determine how many prefix characters are shared.
const prefixLength = overlapRight(
text.substring(0, matchStartIndex),
text.substring(0, startIndex),
// Determine how many suffix characters are shared.
const suffixLength = overlap(
// Record the affix lengths that would have precluded this match.
affixLengthPairs.push([prefixLength + 1, suffixLength + 1]);
// Construct and return an unambiguous selector.
const result = { type: 'TextQuoteSelector', exact };
if (affixLengthPairs.length) {
const [prefixLength, suffixLength] = minimalSolution(affixLengthPairs);
if (prefixLength > 0 && startIndex > 0) {
result.prefix = text.substring(startIndex - prefixLength, startIndex);
if (suffixLength > 0 && endIndex < text.length) {
result.suffix = text.substring(endIndex, endIndex + suffixLength);
return result;
function overlap(text1, text2) {
let count = 0;
while (count < text1.length && count < text2.length) {
const c1 = text1[count];
const c2 = text2[count];
if (c1 !== c2) break;
return count;
function overlapRight(text1, text2) {
let count = 0;
while (count < text1.length && count < text2.length) {
const c1 = text1[text1.length - 1 - count];
const c2 = text2[text2.length - 1 - count];
if (c1 !== c2) break;
return count;
function minimalSolution(requirements) {
// Build all the pairs and order them by their sums.
const pairs = requirements.flatMap(l => => [l[0], r[1]]));
pairs.sort((a, b) => a[0] + a[1] - (b[0] + b[1]));
// Find the first pair that satisfies every requirement.
for (const pair of pairs) {
const [p0, p1] = pair;
if (requirements.every(([r0, r1]) => r0 <= p0 || r1 <= p1)) {
return pair;
// Return the largest pairing (unreachable).
return pairs[pairs.length - 1];