blob: fa405352f10b6c2b00935a95dcde16e8eccb709e [file] [log] [blame]
function generateLogsContent(errorInfoJson) {
return '<pre>' +
globalYui.JSON.stringify( errorInfoJson.logs, null, 4 ) +
function renderDeployAddedNodesProgress(progressInfo) {
/* At this point, our users are done with the installation wizard
* and have asked for a deploy, so there's no going back - remove
* all traces of #installationWizardProgressBarDivId.
var installationWizardProgressBarDiv ='#installationWizardProgressBarDivId');
/* But be safe and perform this removal only if #installationWizardProgressBarDivId
* actually exists on the page - this .js file is now being used in more
* than one place, so this robustness is needed.
if (installationWizardProgressBarDiv) {
installationWizardProgressBarDiv.setStyle('display', 'none')
var progressStatusMessage = {
'<p>' +
'Successfully added new nodes to your cluster.<br><a href="index.php" id="addMoreNodesSuccessLink" style="margin-top:10px" class="btn btn-large">Continue</a>' +
'<p>' +
'Failed to add new nodes to the cluster.<br>Take a look at the ' +
'<a href="javascript:void(null)" id="showDeployTxnLogsLinkId">deploy logs</a>' +
' to find out what might have gone wrong.' +
'<a href="index.php" class="btn btn-large" style="margin-top:10px" id="addMoreNodesFailedLink">' +
'Continue' +
'</a>' +
var postCompletionFixup = {
failure: function(txnProgressWidget) {
/* Create the panel that'll display our error info. */
var errorInfoPanel =
createInformationalPanel( '#informationalPanelContainerDivId', 'Deploy Logs' );
/* Prime the panel to start off showing our stock loading image. */
var errorInfoPanelBodyContent =
'<img id="errorInfoPanelLoadingImgId" class="loadingImg" src="../images/loading.gif" />';
/* Make the call to our backend to fetch the report for this txnId. */'../php/frontend/fetchTxnLogs.php?clusterName=' +
txnProgressWidget.txnProgressContext.clusterName + '&txnId=' + txnProgressWidget.txnProgressContext.txnId, {
timeout: 10000,
on: {
success: function (x,o) {
globalYui.log("RAW JSON DATA: " + o.responseText);
var errorInfoJson = null;
// Process the JSON data returned from the server
try {
errorInfoJson = globalYui.JSON.parse(o.responseText);
catch (e) {
alert("JSON Parse failed!");
/* TODO XXX Remove some of the noise from this to allow
* for better corelation - for now, just dump a
* pretty-printed version of the returned JSON.
errorInfoPanelBodyContent = generateLogsContent(errorInfoJson);
/* Update the contents of errorInfoPanel (which was, till
* now, showing the loading image).
errorInfoPanel.set( 'bodyContent', errorInfoPanelBodyContent );
failure: function (x,o) {
alert("Async call failed!");
/* Register a click-handler for #showDeployTxnLogsLinkId to render
* the contents inside errorInfoPanel (and make it visible).
*/"#showDeployTxnLogsLinkId").on( "click", function(e) {
errorInfoPanel.set('bodyContent', errorInfoPanelBodyContent);;
var progressWidget = new TxnProgressWidget(progressInfo, 'Add Nodes Progress', progressStatusMessage, postCompletionFixup);;