blob: d49c432e60c69b361504d5076c04403068c2c51f [file] [log] [blame]
function AssignMasters() {
var registeredAssignHostsEventHandlers = false;
function getNodeInfo(nodeName) {
// globalYui.log("nodename: " + nodeName);
if (nodeName == null) {
return null;
for (host in this.allHosts) {
if (this.allHosts[host].hostName == nodeName) {
// globalYui.log("Get node info: " + allHosts[host].hostName);
return this.allHosts[host];
return null;
function addCommasToInt(num) {
return num.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
function getTotalMemForDisplay(totalMem) {
return Math.round(totalMem / 102.4)/10 + "GB";
function renderHostsToMasterServices(hostsToMasterServices) {
var markup = '';
for (var host in hostsToMasterServices) {
var hostInfo = getNodeInfo(host);
markup += '<div class="hostToMasterServices"><h3>' + host + '<span class="hostInfo">' + getTotalMemForDisplay(hostInfo.totalMem) + ', ' + hostInfo.cpuCount + ' cores</span></h3><ul>';
for (var j in hostsToMasterServices[host]) {
markup += '<li>' + hostsToMasterServices[host][j] + '</li>';
// add HMC Server
if (host == this.managerHostName) {
markup += '<li>HMC Server</li>';
markup += '</ul><div style="clear:both"></div></div>';
function addMasterServiceToHost(masterName, hostName, hostsToMasterServices, masterServices) {
// enforce constraints on what services can be co-hosted (unless those suggestions were made by the server initially)
// we currently disallow:
// 1. namenode and secondary namenode to be on the same host
// 2. more than one zookeeper server to be on the same host
if (hostsToMasterServices[hostName] != null) {
for (var service in hostsToMasterServices[hostName]) {
if (masterName == 'NAMENODE' && service == 'SNAMENODE' || masterName == 'SNAMENODE' && service == 'NAMENODE') {
alert('NameNode and Secondary NameNode cannot be hosted on the same host.');
return false;
if (masterName.indexOf('ZOOKEEPER') == 0 && service.indexOf('ZOOKEEPER') == 0) {
alert('You cannot put more than one ZooKeeper Server on the same host.');
return false;
if (hostsToMasterServices[hostName] == null) {
hostsToMasterServices[hostName] = {};
hostsToMasterServices[hostName][masterName] = masterServices[masterName].displayName;
return true;
function removeMasterServiceFromHost(masterName, hostName, hostsToMasterServices) {
for (var i in hostsToMasterServices[hostName]) {
if (i == masterName) {
delete hostsToMasterServices[hostName][i];
if (Object.keys(hostsToMasterServices[hostName]).length == 0) {
delete hostsToMasterServices[hostName];
function getHostInfoForDisplay(host) {
return host.hostName + ' - ' + getTotalMemForDisplay(host.totalMem) + ', ' + host.cpuCount + ' cores';
function getMasterHostSelect(masterName, chosenHostName) {
var chosenHost = getNodeInfo(chosenHostName);
var markup = '<select name="' + masterName + '">';
markup += '<option selected="selected" value="' + chosenHost.hostName + '">' + getHostInfoForDisplay(chosenHost) + '</option>';
for (var i in this.allHosts) {
var host = this.allHosts[i];
if (host.hostName != chosenHost.hostName) {
markup += '<option value="' + host.hostName + '">' + host.hostName + ' - ' + getTotalMemForDisplay(host.totalMem) + ', ' + host.cpuCount + ' cores</option>';
markup += '</select><div style="clear:both"></div><input type="hidden" style="display:none" id="' + masterName + 'ChosenHost" value="' + chosenHost.hostName + '">';
return markup;
this.render = function (clusterInfo) {
globalYui.log("Render assign hosts data " + globalYui.Lang.dump(clusterInfo));'#assignHostsCoreDivId').setStyle("display", "block");
globalClusterName = clusterInfo.clusterName;
if( !registeredAssignHostsEventHandlers ) {'#selectServiceMastersSubmitButtonId').on('click', function (e) {'disabled', true);
var assignHostsRequestData = {};
for (var masterName in masterServices) {
var hostName = $('select[name=' + masterName + ']').val();
if (masterName.indexOf("ZOOKEEPER_SERVER") == 0) {
if (assignHostsRequestData['ZOOKEEPER_SERVER'] == null) {
assignHostsRequestData['ZOOKEEPER_SERVER'] = [];
} else {
if (assignHostsRequestData[masterName] == null) {
assignHostsRequestData[masterName] = [];
// globalYui.log("Assignment for " + masterName + " is " + assignHostsRequestData[masterName]);
};"../php/frontend/assignMasters.php?clusterName=" + clusterInfo.clusterName, {
method: 'POST',
data: globalYui.JSON.stringify(assignHostsRequestData),
timeout : 10000,
on: {
start: function(x, o) {
complete: function(x, o) {'disabled', false);
success: function (x,o) {'disabled', false);
globalYui.log("RAW JSON DATA: " + o.responseText);
// Process the JSON data returned from the server
try {
clusterConfigJson = globalYui.JSON.parse(o.responseText);
catch (e) {
alert("JSON Parse failed!");
//globalYui.log("PARSED DATA: " + globalYui.Lang.dump(clusterConfigJson));
if (clusterConfigJson.result != 0) {
// Error!
alert("Got error!" + clusterConfigJson.error);
clusterConfigJson = clusterConfigJson.response;
/* Done with this stage, transition to the next. */
transitionToNextStage( "#assignHostsCoreDivId", assignHostsRequestData,
"#configureClusterCoreDivId", clusterConfigJson, renderConfigureCluster );
failure: function (x,o) {'disabled', false);
alert("Async call failed!");
registeredAssignHostsEventHandlers = true;
this.allHosts = clusterInfo.allHosts;
this.managerHostName = clusterInfo.managerHostName;
var servicesInfo = globalYui.Array( );
var masterServices = {};
globalYui.Array.each(servicesInfo, function(serviceInfo) {
if( serviceInfo.enabled == true ) {
var zkIndex = 1;
globalYui.Array.each(serviceInfo.masters, function(masterInfo) {
for (var i in masterInfo.hostNames) {
var masterHostInfo = {
'name' :,
'displayName' : masterInfo.displayName,
'host' : masterInfo.hostNames[i]
// there could be multiple zookeepers
if ( == 'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER') { = 'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_' + zkIndex;
masterHostInfo.displayName = masterHostInfo.displayName + ' ' + zkIndex;
masterServices[] = masterHostInfo;
var hostsToMasterServices = {};
var markup = '';
for (var i in masterServices) {
markup += '<div class="masterServiceSelect"><label><b>'
+ masterServices[i].displayName
+ '</b></label>' + getMasterHostSelect(masterServices[i].name, masterServices[i].host)
+ '</div>';
if (hostsToMasterServices[masterServices[i].host] == null) {
hostsToMasterServices[masterServices[i].host] = {};
hostsToMasterServices[masterServices[i].host][masterServices[i].name] = masterServices[i].displayName;
// prevValue is used to undo user selection in case we prevent the user from assigning a service
var prevValue = '';
$('select').click(function() {
prevValue = $(this).val();
}).change(function(event) {
var masterName = $(this).attr('name');
// masterServices[masterName] = $(this).val();
var prevChosenHost = $('#' + masterName + 'ChosenHost').val();
var newChosenHost = $(this).val();
if (addMasterServiceToHost(masterName, newChosenHost, hostsToMasterServices, masterServices)) {
removeMasterServiceFromHost(masterName, prevChosenHost, hostsToMasterServices);
$('#' + masterName + 'ChosenHost').val(newChosenHost);
} else {
}; // end render