blob: dff63f3e80c3489d3dffd825b28968af64e64f8c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
jQuery.extend(jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
"num-html-pre": function(date_string) {
date_string = $(date_string).text();
return parseFloat(date_string, 10);
"num-html-asc": function (a, b) {
return a - b;
"num-html-desc": function (a, b) {
return b - a;
// @see utils/date.js
"ambari-datetime-pre": function (date_string) {
date_string = $.trim(date_string.replace(/<script[^>]*?>.*<\/script>/g, ''));
var date = date_string.substring(4);
var month = date.substring(1, 4);
var day = date.substring(5, 7);
var year = date.substring(9, 13);
var hours = date.substring(14, 16);
var minutes = date.substring(17, 19);
var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
month = months.indexOf(month);
if (month < 10) month = '0' + month;
return year + month + day + hours + minutes;
"ambari-datetime-asc": function (a, b) {
return a - b;
"ambari-datetime-desc": function (a, b) {
return b - a;
* Custom methods for correct bandwidth sorting
"ambari-bandwidth-pre": function (bandwidth_string) {
var convertedRowValue;
if (Boolean(bandwidth_string.match(/<.*>/g))) {
bandwidth_string = jQuery(bandwidth_string).text();
if (bandwidth_string === '<1KB' || bandwidth_string === '&lt;1KB') {
convertedRowValue = 1;
} else {
var rowValueScale = bandwidth_string.substr(bandwidth_string.length - 2, 2);
switch (rowValueScale) {
case 'KB':
convertedRowValue = parseFloat(bandwidth_string)*1024;
case 'MB':
convertedRowValue = parseFloat(bandwidth_string)*1048576;
return convertedRowValue;
"ambari-bandwidth-asc": function (a, b) {
return a - b;
"ambari-bandwidth-desc": function (a, b) {
return b - a;
jQuery.extend(jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi, {
"fnFilterClear": function (oSettings) {
/* Remove global filter */
oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch = "";
/* Remove the text of the global filter in the input boxes */
if (typeof oSettings.aanFeatures.f != 'undefined') {
var n = oSettings.aanFeatures.f;
for (var i = 0, iLen = n.length; i < iLen; i++) {
$('input', n[i]).val('');
/* Remove the search text for the column filters - NOTE - if you have input boxes for these
* filters, these will need to be reset
for (var i = 0, iLen = oSettings.aoPreSearchCols.length; i < iLen; i++) {
oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch = "";
/* Redraw */
jQuery.extend(jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi, {
"fnGetColumnData": function (oSettings, iColumn, bUnique, bFiltered, bIgnoreEmpty) {
// check that we have a column id
if (typeof iColumn == "undefined") return [];
// by default we only wany unique data
if (typeof bUnique == "undefined") bUnique = true;
// by default we do want to only look at filtered data
if (typeof bFiltered == "undefined") bFiltered = true;
// by default we do not wany to include empty values
if (typeof bIgnoreEmpty == "undefined") bIgnoreEmpty = true;
// list of rows which we're going to loop through
var aiRows;
// use only filtered rows
if (bFiltered == true) aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplay;
// use all rows
else aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster; // all row numbers
// set up data array
var asResultData = new Array();
for (var i = 0, c = aiRows.length; i < c; i++) {
iRow = aiRows[i];
var sValue = this.fnGetData(iRow, iColumn);
// ignore empty values?
if (bIgnoreEmpty == true && sValue.length == 0) continue;
// ignore unique values?
else if (bUnique == true && jQuery.inArray(sValue, asResultData) > -1) continue;
// else push the value onto the result data array
else asResultData.push(sValue);
return asResultData;
function (oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
var inputFilters = [
{iColumn: '0', elementId: 'star_filter', type: 'star'},
{iColumn: '2', elementId: 'cpu_filter', type: 'number'},
{iColumn: '5', elementId: 'load_avg_filter', type: 'number'},
{iColumn: '4', elementId: 'user_filter', type: 'multiple'},
{iColumn: '6', elementId: 'components_filter', type: 'multiple'},
{iColumn: '5', elementId: 'jobs_filter', type: 'number' },
{iColumn: '3', elementId: 'ram_filter', type: 'ambari-bandwidth' },
{iColumn: '6', elementId: 'input_filter', type: 'ambari-bandwidth' },
{iColumn: '7', elementId: 'output_filter', type: 'ambari-bandwidth' },
{iColumn: '8', elementId: 'duration_filter', type: 'time' },
{iColumn: '9', elementId: 'rundate_filter', type: 'ambari-datetime' }
var match = true;
for (var i = 0; i < inputFilters.length; i++) {
var cellValue = jQuery('#' + inputFilters[i].elementId).val();
if(cellValue === undefined){
switch (inputFilters[i].type) {
case 'ambari-datetime':
if (cellValue !== 'Any' && match) {
ambariDateFilter(cellValue, aData[inputFilters[i].iColumn]);
case 'number':
if (cellValue && match) {
numberFilter(cellValue, aData[inputFilters[i].iColumn]);
case 'multiple':
if (cellValue && match) {
multipleFilter(cellValue, aData[inputFilters[i].iColumn]);
case 'time':
if (cellValue && match) {
timeFilter(cellValue, aData[inputFilters[i].iColumn]);
case 'ambari-bandwidth':
if (cellValue && match) {
bandwidthFilter(cellValue, aData[inputFilters[i].iColumn]);
case 'star':
if (cellValue && match) {
starFilter(cellValue, aData[inputFilters[i].iColumn]);
function starFilter(d, rowValue) {
match = false;
if (rowValue == null) return;
if (rowValue.indexOf(d) != -1) match = true;
function multipleFilter(condition, rowValue) {
var options = condition.split(',');
match = false;
rowValue = (jQuery(rowValue).text()) ? jQuery(rowValue).text() : rowValue;
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (rowValue.indexOf(options[i]) !== -1) match = true;
function timeFilter(rangeExp, rowValue) {
var compareChar = rangeExp.charAt(0);
var compareScale = rangeExp.charAt(rangeExp.length - 1);
var compareValue = isNaN(parseInt(compareScale)) ? parseInt(rangeExp.substr(1, rangeExp.length - 2)) : parseInt(rangeExp.substr(1, rangeExp.length - 1));
rowValue = (jQuery(rowValue).text()) ? jQuery(rowValue).text() : rowValue;
var convertedRowValue = parseInt(rowValue.substr(0, 2)) * 3600 + parseInt(rowValue.substr(3, 2)) * 60 + parseInt(rowValue.substr(6, 2));
switch (compareScale) {
case 'm':
convertedRowValue /= 60;
case 'h':
convertedRowValue /= 3600;
match = false;
switch (compareChar) {
case '<':
if (compareValue > convertedRowValue) match = true;
case '>':
if (compareValue < convertedRowValue) match = true;
case '=':
if (compareValue == convertedRowValue) match = true;
match = false;
function bandwidthFilter(rangeExp, rowValue) {
//rowValue = $(rowValue).text();
var compareChar = rangeExp.charAt(0);
var compareScale = rangeExp.charAt(rangeExp.length - 1);
var compareValue = isNaN(parseFloat(compareScale)) ? parseFloat(rangeExp.substr(1, rangeExp.length - 2)) : parseFloat(rangeExp.substr(1, rangeExp.length - 1));
switch (compareScale) {
case 'm':
compareValue *= 1048576;
compareValue *= 1024;
rowValue = (jQuery(rowValue).text()) ? jQuery(rowValue).text() : rowValue;
var convertedRowValue;
if (rowValue === '<1KB') {
convertedRowValue = 1;
} else {
var rowValueScale = rowValue.substr(rowValue.length - 2, 2);
switch (rowValueScale) {
case 'KB':
convertedRowValue = parseFloat(rowValue)*1024;
case 'MB':
convertedRowValue = parseFloat(rowValue)*1048576;
match = false;
switch (compareChar) {
case '<':
if (compareValue > convertedRowValue) match = true;
case '>':
if (compareValue < convertedRowValue) match = true;
case '=':
if (compareValue == convertedRowValue) match = true;
match = false;
function ambariDateFilter(condition, rowValue) {
if (typeof rowValue !== 'undefined') {
var refinedRowValue = $.trim(rowValue.replace(/<script[^>]*?>.*<\/script>/g, '').replace('&nbsp;', ''));
var nowTime = new Date().getTime();
var oneDayPast = nowTime - 86400000;
var twoDaysPast = nowTime - 172800000;
var sevenDaysPast = nowTime - 604800000;
var fourteenDaysPast = nowTime - 1209600000;
var thirtyDaysPast = nowTime - 2592000000;
rowValue = (jQuery(rowValue).text()) ? jQuery(rowValue).text() : rowValue;
var lastChar = rowValue.charAt(rowValue.length - 1);
rowValue = lastChar === '*' ? rowValue.substr(0, rowValue.length - 1) : rowValue;
rowValue = new Date(refinedRowValue).getTime();
match = false;
switch (condition) {
case 'Any':
match = true;
case 'Past 1 Day':
if (nowTime > rowValue && rowValue > oneDayPast) match = true;
case 'Past 2 Days':
if (nowTime > rowValue && rowValue > twoDaysPast) match = true;
case 'Past 7 Days':
if (nowTime > rowValue && rowValue > sevenDaysPast) match = true;
case 'Past 14 Days':
if (nowTime > rowValue && rowValue > fourteenDaysPast) match = true;
case 'Past 30 Days':
if (nowTime > rowValue && rowValue > thirtyDaysPast) match = true;
case 'Running Now':
if (lastChar === '*') match = true;
case 'Custom':
var options = jQuery('#custom_rundate_filter').val();
var optionsArray = options.split(',');
if (optionsArray.length == 1) {
equal = optionsArray[0];
if (equal == rowValue) match = true;
} else if (optionsArray.length == 2) {
lowerBound = optionsArray[0];
upperBound = optionsArray[1];
if (upperBound > rowValue && rowValue > lowerBound) match = true;
function numberFilter(rangeExp, rowValue) {
var compareChar = rangeExp.charAt(0);
var compareValue;
if (rangeExp.length == 1) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(compareChar))) {
// User types only '=' or '>' or '<', so don't filter column values
match = true;
return match;
else {
compareValue = parseFloat(parseFloat(rangeExp).toFixed(2));
else {
if (isNaN(parseInt(compareChar))) {
compareValue = parseFloat(parseFloat(rangeExp.substr(1, rangeExp.length)).toFixed(2));
else {
compareValue = parseFloat(parseFloat(rangeExp.substr(0, rangeExp.length)).toFixed(2));
rowValue = parseFloat((jQuery(rowValue).text()) ? jQuery(rowValue).text() : rowValue);
match = false;
switch (compareChar) {
case '<':
if (compareValue > rowValue) match = true;
case '>':
if (compareValue < rowValue) match = true;
case '=':
if (compareValue == rowValue) match = true;
if (rangeExp == rowValue) match = true;
return match;
jQuery.extend(jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi, {
"fnFilterClear": function (oSettings) {
/* Remove global filter */
oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch = "";
/* Remove the text of the global filter in the input boxes */
if (typeof oSettings.aanFeatures.f != 'undefined') {
var n = oSettings.aanFeatures.f;
for (var i = 0, iLen = n.length; i < iLen; i++) {
$('input', n[i]).val('');
/* Remove the search text for the column filters - NOTE - if you have input boxes for these
* filters, these will need to be reset
for (var i = 0, iLen = oSettings.aoPreSearchCols.length; i < iLen; i++) {
oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch = "";
/* Redraw */
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnGetColumnData = function ( oSettings, iColumn, bUnique, bFiltered, bIgnoreEmpty ) {
// check that we have a column id
if ( typeof iColumn == "undefined" ) return [];
// by default we only wany unique data
if ( typeof bUnique == "undefined" ) bUnique = true;
// by default we do want to only look at filtered data
if ( typeof bFiltered == "undefined" ) bFiltered = true;
// by default we do not wany to include empty values
if ( typeof bIgnoreEmpty == "undefined" ) bIgnoreEmpty = true;
// list of rows which we're going to loop through
var aiRows;
// use only filtered rows
if (bFiltered == true) aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplay;
// use all rows
else aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster; // all row numbers
// set up data array
var asResultData = new Array();
for (var i=0,c=aiRows.length; i<c; i++) {
iRow = aiRows[i];
var sValue = this.fnGetData(iRow, iColumn);
// ignore empty values?
if (bIgnoreEmpty == true && sValue.length == 0) continue;
// ignore unique values?
else if (bUnique == true && jQuery.inArray(sValue, asResultData) > -1) continue;
// else push the value onto the result data array
else asResultData.push(sValue);
return asResultData;
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.ofnSearch['num-html'] = function ( sData ) {
return sData.replace(/[\r\n]/g, " ").replace(/<.*?>/g, "");
jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.ofnSearch['ambari-bandwidth'] = function ( sData ) {
return sData.replace(/[\r\n]/g, " ").replace(/<.*?>/g, "");