blob: 0e872add7185da54f3f332768c67065bcc7a871e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
App.WizardStep5Controller = Em.Controller.extend({
clearStep:function () {
this.set('hosts', []);
this.set('selectedServices', []);
this.set('selectedServicesMasters', []);
this.set('zId', 0);
loadStep:function () {
console.log("WizardStep5Controller: Loading step5: Assign Masters");
if (!this.get("selectedServicesMasters").filterProperty('isInstalled', false).length) {
console.log('no master components to add');
* Load active host list to <code>hosts</code> variable
renderHostInfo:function () {
var hostInfo = this.get('content.hostsInfo');
for (var index in hostInfo) {
var _host = hostInfo[index];
if (_host.bootStatus === 'REGISTERED') {
var hostObj = Ember.Object.create({,
host_info:"%@ (%@, %@ cores)".fmt(, (_host.memory * 1024).bytesToSize(1, 'parseFloat'), _host.cpu)
// Uncomment to test sorting with random cpu, memory, host_info
// cpu:function () {
// return parseInt(2 + Math.random() * 4);
// }.property(),
// memory:function () {
// return parseInt((Math.random() * 4000000000) + 4000000000);
// }.property(),
// host_info:function () {
// return "%@ (%@, %@ cores)".fmt(this.get('host_name'), (this.get('memory') * 1024).bytesToSize(1, 'parseFloat'), this.get('cpu'));
// }.property('cpu', 'memory')
* Load services info to appropriate variable and return masterComponentHosts
* @return {Ember.Set}
loadComponents:function () {
var services = this.get('')
.filterProperty('isSelected', true).mapProperty('serviceName'); //list of shown services
services.forEach(function (item) {
}, this);
var masterHosts = this.get('content.masterComponentHosts'); //saved to local storadge info
var resultComponents = new Ember.Set();
var masterComponents = this.get('components').filterProperty('isMaster', true); //get full list from mock data
var servicesLength = services.length;
for (var index = 0; index < servicesLength; index++) {
var componentInfo = masterComponents.filterProperty('service_name', services[index]);
componentInfo.forEach(function (_componentInfo) {
if (_componentInfo.component_name == 'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER') {
var savedComponents = masterHosts.filterProperty('component', _componentInfo.component_name);
if (savedComponents.length) {
savedComponents.forEach(function (item) {
var zooKeeperHost = {};
zooKeeperHost.display_name = _componentInfo.display_name;
zooKeeperHost.component_name = _componentInfo.component_name;
zooKeeperHost.selectedHost = item.hostName;
zooKeeperHost.availableHosts = [];
zooKeeperHost.serviceId = services[index];
zooKeeperHost.isInstalled = item.isInstalled;
} else {
var zooHosts = this.selectHost(_componentInfo.component_name);
zooHosts.forEach(function (_host) {
var zooKeeperHost = {};
zooKeeperHost.display_name = _componentInfo.display_name;
zooKeeperHost.component_name = _componentInfo.component_name;
zooKeeperHost.selectedHost = _host;
zooKeeperHost.availableHosts = [];
zooKeeperHost.serviceId = services[index];
zooKeeperHost.isInstalled = false;
} else {
var savedComponent = masterHosts.findProperty('component', _componentInfo.component_name);
var componentObj = {};
componentObj.component_name = _componentInfo.component_name;
componentObj.display_name = _componentInfo.display_name;
componentObj.selectedHost = savedComponent ? savedComponent.hostName : this.selectHost(_componentInfo.component_name); // call the method that plays selectNode algorithm or fetches from server
componentObj.isInstalled = savedComponent ? savedComponent.isInstalled : App.Component.find().someProperty('componentName', _componentInfo.component_name);
componentObj.serviceId = services[index];
componentObj.availableHosts = [];
}, this);
return resultComponents;
* Put master components to <code>selectedServicesMasters</code>, which will be automatically rendered in template
* @param masterComponents
renderComponents:function (masterComponents) {
var zookeeperComponent = null, componentObj = null;
var services = this.get('selectedServicesMasters').slice(0);
if (services.length) {
this.set('selectedServicesMasters', []);
var countZookeeper = masterComponents.filterProperty('display_name', 'ZooKeeper').length;
masterComponents.forEach(function (item) {
//add the zookeeper component at the end if exists
console.log("TRACE: render master component name is: " + item.component_name);
if (item.display_name === "ZooKeeper") {
if (services.length) {
services.forEach(function (_service) {
}, this);
this.set('zId', parseInt(this.get('zId')) + 1);
zookeeperComponent = Ember.Object.create(item);
zookeeperComponent.set('zId', this.get('zId'));
zookeeperComponent.set("showRemoveControl", countZookeeper > 1);
zookeeperComponent.set("availableHosts", this.get("hosts").slice(0));
} else {
componentObj = Ember.Object.create(item);
componentObj.set("availableHosts", this.get("hosts").slice(0));
}, this);
getKerberosServer:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts === 1) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts < 3) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 5) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 30) {
return hosts[3];
} else {
return hosts[5];
getNameNode:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
return hosts[0];
getSNameNode:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts === 1) {
return hosts[0];
} else {
return hosts[1];
getJobTracker:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts === 1) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts < 3) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 5) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 30) {
return hosts[1];
} else {
return hosts[2];
getHBaseMaster:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts === 1) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts < 3) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 5) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 30) {
return hosts[2];
} else {
return hosts[3];
getOozieServer:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts === 1) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts < 3) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 5) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 30) {
return hosts[2];
} else {
return hosts[3];
getOozieServer:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts === 1) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts < 3) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 5) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 30) {
return hosts[2];
} else {
return hosts[3];
getHiveServer:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts === 1) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts < 3) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 5) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 30) {
return hosts[2];
} else {
return hosts[4];
getTempletonServer:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts === 1) {
return hosts[0];
} else if (noOfHosts < 3) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 5) {
return hosts[1];
} else if (noOfHosts <= 30) {
return hosts[2];
} else {
return hosts[4];
getZooKeeperServer:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
if (noOfHosts < 3) {
return [hosts[0].host_name];
} else {
return [hosts[0].host_name, hosts[1].host_name, hosts[2].host_name];
getGangliaServer:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
var hostnames = [];
var inc = 0;
hosts.forEach(function (_hostname) {
hostnames[inc] = _hostname.host_name;
var hostExcAmbari = hostnames.without(location.hostname);
if (noOfHosts > 1) {
return hostExcAmbari[0];
} else {
return hostnames[0];
getNagiosServer:function (noOfHosts) {
var hosts = this.get('hosts');
var hostnames = [];
var inc = 0;
hosts.forEach(function (_hostname) {
hostnames[inc] = _hostname.host_name;
var hostExcAmbari = hostnames.without(location.hostname);
if (noOfHosts > 1) {
return hostExcAmbari[0];
} else {
return hostnames[0];
* Return hostName of masterNode for specified service
* @param componentName
* @return {*}
selectHost:function (componentName) {
var noOfHosts = this.get('hosts').length;
if (componentName === 'KERBEROS_SERVER') {
return this.getKerberosServer(noOfHosts).host_name;
} else if (componentName === 'NAMENODE') {
return this.getNameNode(noOfHosts).host_name;
} else if (componentName === 'SECONDARY_NAMENODE') {
return this.getSNameNode(noOfHosts).host_name;
} else if (componentName === 'JOBTRACKER') {
return this.getJobTracker(noOfHosts).host_name;
} else if (componentName === 'HBASE_MASTER') {
return this.getHBaseMaster(noOfHosts).host_name;
} else if (componentName === 'OOZIE_SERVER') {
return this.getOozieServer(noOfHosts).host_name;
} else if (componentName === 'HIVE_SERVER') {
return this.getHiveServer(noOfHosts).host_name;
} else if (componentName === 'TEMPLETON_SERVER') {
return this.getTempletonServer(noOfHosts).host_name;
} else if (componentName === 'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER') {
return this.getZooKeeperServer(noOfHosts);
} else if (componentName === 'GANGLIA_SERVER') {
return this.getGangliaServer(noOfHosts);
} else if (componentName === 'NAGIOS_SERVER') {
return this.getNagiosServer(noOfHosts);
masterHostMapping:function () {
var mapping = [], mappingObject, self = this, mappedHosts, hostObj, hostInfo;
//get the unique assigned hosts and find the master services assigned to them
mappedHosts = this.get("selectedServicesMasters").mapProperty("selectedHost").uniq();
mappedHosts.forEach(function (item) {
hostObj = self.get("hosts").findProperty("host_name", item);
console.log("Name of the host is: " + hostObj.host_name);
mappingObject = Ember.Object.create({
masterServices:self.get("selectedServicesMasters").filterProperty("selectedHost", item)
}, this);
return mapping;
remainingHosts:function () {
return (this.get("hosts.length") - this.get("masterHostMapping.length"));
hasZookeeper:function () {
return this.selectedServices.findProperty("service_name", "ZooKeeper");
getAvailableHosts:function (componentName) {
var assignableHosts = [],
zookeeperHosts = null;
if (componentName === "ZooKeeper") {
zookeeperHosts = this.get("selectedServicesMasters").filterProperty("display_name", "ZooKeeper").mapProperty("selectedHost").uniq();
this.get("hosts").forEach(function (item) {
if (!(zookeeperHosts.contains(item.get("host_name")))) {
}, this);
return assignableHosts;
} else {
return this.get("hosts");
assignHostToMaster:function (masterService, selectedHost, zId) {
if (selectedHost && masterService) {
if ((masterService === "ZooKeeper") && zId) {
this.get('selectedServicesMasters').findProperty("zId", zId).set("selectedHost", selectedHost);
else {
this.get('selectedServicesMasters').findProperty("display_name", masterService).set("selectedHost", selectedHost);
lastZooKeeper:function () {
var currentZooKeepers = this.get("selectedServicesMasters").filterProperty("display_name", "ZooKeeper");
if (currentZooKeepers) {
return currentZooKeepers.get("lastObject");
return null;
addZookeepers:function () {
*Logic: If ZooKeeper service is selected then there can be
* minimum 1 ZooKeeper master in total, and
* maximum 1 ZooKeeper on every host
var maxNumZooKeepers = this.get("hosts.length"),
currentZooKeepers = this.get("selectedServicesMasters").filterProperty("display_name", "ZooKeeper"),
newZookeeper = null,
zookeeperHosts = null,
suggestedHost = null,
i = 0,
lastZoo = null;
console.log('hosts legth is: ' + maxNumZooKeepers);
//work only if the Zookeeper service is selected in previous step
if (!this.get("selectedServices").mapProperty("service_name").contains("ZOOKEEPER")) {
console.log('ALERT: Zookeeper service was not selected');
return false;
if (currentZooKeepers.get("length") < maxNumZooKeepers) {
console.log('currentZookeeper length less than maximum. Its: ' + currentZooKeepers.get("length"))
currentZooKeepers.set("lastObject.showAddControl", false);
if (currentZooKeepers.get("length") >= 1) {
currentZooKeepers.set("lastObject.showRemoveControl", true);
//create a new zookeeper based on an existing one
newZookeeper = Ember.Object.create({});
lastZoo = currentZooKeepers.get("lastObject");
newZookeeper.set("display_name", lastZoo.get("display_name"));
newZookeeper.set("selectedHost", lastZoo.get("selectedHost"));
newZookeeper.set("availableHosts", this.getAvailableHosts("ZooKeeper"));
if (currentZooKeepers.get("length") === (maxNumZooKeepers - 1)) {
newZookeeper.set("showAddControl", false);
} else {
newZookeeper.set("showAddControl", true);
newZookeeper.set("showRemoveControl", true);
//get recommended host for the new Zookeeper server
zookeeperHosts = currentZooKeepers.mapProperty("selectedHost").uniq();
for (i = 0; i < this.get("hosts.length"); i++) {
if (!(zookeeperHosts.contains(this.get("hosts")[i].get("host_name")))) {
suggestedHost = this.get("hosts")[i].get("host_name");
newZookeeper.set("selectedHost", suggestedHost);
newZookeeper.set("zId", (currentZooKeepers.get("lastObject.zId") + 1));
this.set('zId', parseInt(this.get('zId')) + 1);
return true;
return false;//if no more zookeepers can be added
removeZookeepers:function (zId) {
var currentZooKeepers;
//work only if the Zookeeper service is selected in previous step
if (!this.get("selectedServices").mapProperty("service_name").contains("ZOOKEEPER")) {
return false;
currentZooKeepers = this.get("selectedServicesMasters").filterProperty("display_name", "ZooKeeper");
if (currentZooKeepers.get("length") > 1) {
this.get("selectedServicesMasters").removeAt(this.get("selectedServicesMasters").indexOf(this.get("selectedServicesMasters").findProperty("zId", zId)));
currentZooKeepers = this.get("selectedServicesMasters").filterProperty("display_name", "ZooKeeper");
if (currentZooKeepers.get("length") < this.get("hosts.length")) {
currentZooKeepers.set("lastObject.showAddControl", true);
if (currentZooKeepers.get("length") === 1) {
currentZooKeepers.set("lastObject.showRemoveControl", false);
this.set('zId', parseInt(this.get('zId')) - 1);
return true;
return false;
rebalanceZookeeperHosts:function () {
//for a zookeeper update the available hosts for the other zookeepers
var currentZooKeepers = this.get("selectedServicesMasters").filterProperty("display_name", "ZooKeeper"),
zooHosts = currentZooKeepers.mapProperty("selectedHost"),
availableZooHosts = [],
preparedAvailableHosts = null;
//get all hosts available for zookeepers
this.get("hosts").forEach(function (item) {
if (!zooHosts.contains(item.get("host_name"))) {
}, this);
currentZooKeepers.forEach(function (item) {
preparedAvailableHosts = availableZooHosts.slice(0);
preparedAvailableHosts.pushObject(this.get("hosts").findProperty("host_name", item.get("selectedHost")))
preparedAvailableHosts.sort(this.sortHostsByConfig, this);
item.set("availableHosts", preparedAvailableHosts);
}, this);
sortHostsByConfig:function (a, b) {
//currently handling only total memory on the host
if (a.memory < b.memory) {
return 1;
else {
return -1;
sortHostsByName:function (a, b) {
if (a.host_name > b.host_name) {
return 1;
else {
return -1;