blob: 007cf16fa0de4149036f0042d594658c5ee97b0b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Em.I18n.translations = {
'': 'Reload Page',
'app.reloadPopup.text': 'Trying to connect to server...',
'app.reloadPopup.header': 'Reload Page',
'login.header':'Sign in',
'login.loginButton':'Sign in',
'login.error':'Invalid username/password combination.',
'graphs.noData.title': 'No Data',
'graphs.noData.message': 'There was no data available. Possible reasons include inaccessible Ganglia service.',
'graphs.error.title': 'Error',
'graphs.error.message': 'There was a problem getting data for the chart ({0}: {1})',
'services.nagios.description':'Nagios Monitoring and Alerting system',
'services.ganglia.description':'Ganglia Metrics Collection system',
'services.hdfs.description':'Apache Hadoop Distributed File System',
'services.mapreduce.description':'Apache Hadoop Distributed Processing Framework',
'services.sqoop.description':'Tool for transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured data stores such as relational databases',
'services.pig.description':'Scripting platform for analyzing large datasets',
'services.hive.description':'Data warehouse system for ad-hoc queries & analysis of large datasets and table & storage management service',
'services.oozie.description':'System for workflow coordination and execution of Apache Hadoop jobs',
'services.zookeeper.description':'ZooKeeper desc',
'services.hbase.description':'Non-relational distributed database and centralized service for configuration management & synchronization',
'services.hive.databaseComponent':'Database Server',
'services.alerts.OK.timePrefix': 'OK for ',
'services.alerts.WARN.timePrefix': 'WARN for ',
'services.alerts.CRIT.timePrefix': 'CRIT for ',
'services.alerts.headingOfList': 'Alerts and Health Checks',
'services.alerts.goToService': 'Go to Service',
'services.alerts.goToNagios': 'Go to Nagios Web UI',
'installer.header':'Cluster Install Wizard',
'installer.navigation.warning.header':'Navigation Warning',
'installer.step1.body.header':'Welcome to Apache Ambari!',
'installer.step1.body':'Ambari makes it easy to install, manage, and monitor Hadoop clusters.<br>' +
'We will walk you through the cluster installation process with this step-by-step wizard.',
'installer.step1.clusterName':'Name your cluster',
'installer.step1.clusterName.tooltip.title':'Cluster Name',
'installer.step1.clusterName.tooltip.content':'Enter a unique cluster name. Cluster name cannot be changed later.',
'installer.step1.clusterName.error.required':'Cluster Name is required',
'installer.step1.clusterName.error.whitespaces':'Cluster Name cannot contain white spaces',
'installer.step1.clusterName.error.specialChar':'Cluster Name cannot contain special characters',
'installer.step2.header':'Install Options',
'installer.step2.body':'Enter the list of hosts to be included in the cluster and provide your SSH key.',
'installer.step2.targetHosts':'Target Hosts',
'':'Enter a list of host names, one per line',
'installer.step2.hostPattern.tooltip.title':'Pattern Expressions',
'installer.step2.hostPattern.tooltip.content':'You can use pattern expressions to specify a number of target hosts. For example, to specify host01.domain thru host10.domain, enter host[01-10].domain in the target hosts textarea.',
'installer.step2.hostName.error.required':'You must specify at least one host name',
'installer.step2.hostName.error.notRequired':'Host Names will be ignored if not using SSH to automatically configure hosts',
'installer.step2.hostName.error.invalid':'Invalid Host Name(s)',
'installer.step2.hostName.pattern.header':'Host name pattern expressions',
'installer.step2.sshKey':'Host Registration Information',
'installer.step2.sshKey.error.required':'SSH Private Key is required',
'installer.step2.passphrase.error.match':'Passphrases do not match',
'installer.step2.manualInstall.label':'Do not use SSH to automatically configure hosts ',
'':'By not using SSH to connect to the target hosts, you must manually install the ' +
'Ambari Agent on each host in order for the wizard to perform the necessary configurations and software installs.',
'installer.step2.advancedOption':'Advanced Options',
'installer.step2.repoConf':'Software Repository Configuration File Path',
'installer.step2.advancedOptions.header':'Advanced Options',
'installer.step2.localRepo.label_use':'Use a',
'installer.step2.localRepo.label_instead':'instead of downloading software packages from the Internet',
'installer.step2.localRepo.error.required':'Local repository file path is required',
'installer.step2.localRepo.tooltip.title':'Local Software Repository',
'installer.step2.localRepo.tooltip.content': 'The cluster install requires access to the Internet to fetch software ' +
'from a remote repository. In some cases, adequate bandwidth is not available and you want to prevent downloading ' +
'packages from the remote repository over and over again. Other times, Internet access is not available from the ' +
'hosts in your cluster. In these situations, you must set up a version of the repository that your machines can ' +
'access locally and this is called a <b>Local Software Repository</b>',
'installer.step2.javaHome.label' : 'Path to 64-bit JDK',
'installer.step2.javaHome.tooltip.title' : 'JAVA_HOME',
'installer.step2.javaHome.tooltip.content' : 'Path to 64-bit JAVA_HOME. /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_31 is the default used by Ambari. You can override this to a specific path that contains the JDK. <br/> Note: the path must be valid on <b>ALL</b> hosts in your cluster.',
'installer.step2.useSsh.provide' : 'Provide your',
'installer.step2.useSsh.provide_id_rsa' : '(id_rsa for root) and use SSH to automatically register hosts',
'installer.step2.useSsh.tooltip.title':'SSH Private Key',
'installer.step2.useSsh.tooltip.content':'The <b>SSH Private Key File</b> is used for the root access to the target hosts in your cluster.',
'installer.step2.manualInstall.perform_on_hosts':'on hosts and do not use SSH',
'installer.step2.manualInstall.tooltip.title':'manual registration',
'installer.step2.manualInstall.tooltip.content':'Manually registering the Ambari Agent on each host eliminates the need for SSH and should be performed prior to continuing cluster installation.',
'installer.step2.manualInstall.popup.header':'Before You Proceed',
'installer.step2.manualInstall.popup.body':'You must install Ambari Agents on each host you want to manage before you proceed.',
'installer.step3.header':'Confirm Hosts',
'installer.step3.body':'Registering your hosts.<br>' +
'Please confirm the host list and remove any hosts that you do not want to include in the cluster.',
'installer.step3.hostLog.popup.header':'Registration log for {0}',
'installer.step3.hosts.remove.popup.header':'Remove Hosts',
'installer.step3.hosts.remove.popup.body':'Are you sure you want to remove the selected host(s)?',
'installer.step3.hosts.retry.popup.header':'Retry Host Discovery',
'installer.step3.hosts.retry.popup.body':'Are you sure you want to retry discovery of the selected host(s)?',
'installer.step3.hostInformation.popup.header':'Error in retrieving host Information',
'installer.step3.hostInformation.popup.body' : 'All bootstrapped hosts registered but unable to retrieve cpu and memory related information',
'installer.step4.header':'Choose Services',
'installer.step4.body':'Choose which services you want to install on your cluster.',
'installer.step4.mapreduceCheck.popup.header':'MapReduce Needed',
'installer.step4.mapreduceCheck.popup.body':'You did not select MapReduce, but it is needed by other services you selected. We will automatically add MapReduce. Is this OK?',
'installer.step4.monitoringCheck.popup.header':'Limited Functionality Warning',
'installer.step4.monitoringCheck.popup.body':'You did not select Nagios and/or Ganglia. If both are not selected, monitoring and alerts will not function properly. Is this OK?',
'installer.step5.header':'Assign Masters',
'installer.step5.attention':' hosts not running master services',
'installer.step5.body':'Assign master components to hosts you want to run them on.',
'installer.step5.body.hive':'<i class="icon-asterisks">&#10037</i> HiveServer2, Hive Metastore, and WebHCat Server will be co-hosted on the same server.',
'installer.step6.header':'Assign Slaves and Clients',
'installer.step6.body':'Assign slave and client components to hosts you want to run them on.<br/>Hosts that are assigned master components are shown with <i class=icon-asterisks>&#10037</i>. <br/>&quot;Client&quot; will install ',
'installer.step6.error.mustSelectOne':'You must assign at least one host to each.',
'installer.step6.error.mustSelectOneForHost':'You must assign at least one slave/client component to each.',
'installer.step7.header':'Customize Services',
'installer.step7.body':'We have come up with recommended configurations for the services you selected. Customize them as you see fit.',
'installer.step7.attentionNeeded':'<strong>Attention:</strong> Some configurations need your attention before you can proceed.',
'installer.step8.body':'Please review the configuration before installation',
'installer.step9.header':'Install, Start and Test',
'installer.step9.body':'Please wait while the selected services are installed and started.',
'installer.step9.status.success':'Successfully installed and started the services.',
'installer.step9.status.warning':'Installed and started the services with some warnings.',
'installer.step9.status.failed':'Failed to install/start the services.',
'':'Warnings encountered',
'':'Failures encountered',
'':'Waiting (Nothing to install)',
'installer.step9.hostLog.popup.header':'Tasks. executed on ',
'installer.step10.body':'Here is the summary of the install process.',
'installer.step10.nagiosRestartRequired':'<b>Important!</b> Restarting Nagios service is required for the alerts and notifications to work properly. After clicking on the Complete button to dismiss this wizard, go to Services -> Nagios to restart the Nagios service.',
'form.passwordRetype':'Retype Password',
'form.saveSuccess':'Successfully saved.',
'form.saveError':'Sorry, errors occured.',
'form.validator.invalidIp':'Please enter valid ip address',
'admin.advanced.caution':'This section is for advanced user only.<br/>Proceed with caution.',
'admin.advanced.button.uninstallIncludingData':'Uninstall cluster including all data.',
'admin.advanced.button.uninstallKeepData':'Uninstall cluster but keep data.',
'admin.advanced.popup.header':'Uninstall Cluster',
/*'admin.advanced.popup.text':'Uninstall Cluster',*/
'admin.audit.grid.performedBy':"Performed By",
'admin.authentication.form.method.database':'Use Ambari Database to authenticate users',
'admin.authentication.form.method.ldap':'Use LDAP/Active Directory to authenticate',
'admin.authentication.form.primaryServer':'Primary Server',
'admin.authentication.form.secondaryServer':'Secondary Server',
'admin.authentication.form.useSsl':'Use SSL',
'admin.authentication.form.bind.anonymously':"Bind Anonymously",
'admin.authentication.form.bind.useCrenedtials':"Use Credentials To Bind",
'admin.authentication.form.bindUserDN':'Bind User DN',
'admin.authentication.form.searchBaseDN':'Search Base DN',
'admin.authentication.form.usernameAttribute':'Username Attribute',
'admin.authentication.form.userDN':'User DN',
'admin.authentication.form.configurationTest':'Configuration Test',
'admin.authentication.form.testConfiguration':'Test Configuration',
'admin.authentication.form.test.success':'The configuration passes the test',
'':'The configuration fails the test',
'':'Kerberos Security has not been enabled on this cluster.',
'':'Enable Kerberos Security on this cluster',
'admin.users.ldapAuthentionUsed':'LDAP Authentication is being used to authenticate users',
'admin.users.delete.yourself.message':'You can\'t delete yourself',
'admin.users.delete.yourself.header':'Deleting warning',
'admin.users.delete.header':'Delete {0}',
'admin.users.addButton':'Add Local User',
'admin.users.passwordRetype':'Retype Password',
'question.sure':'Are you sure?',
'services.service.confirmation.body':'Are you sure?',
'services.service.summary.nameNode':'NameNode Web UI',
'services.service.summary.nameNodeUptime':'NameNode Uptime',
'services.service.summary.nameNodeHeap':'NameNode Heap',
'services.service.summary.pendingUpgradeStatus':'Upgrade Status',
'services.service.summary.pendingUpgradeStatus.pending':'Pending upgrade',
'services.service.summary.pendingUpgradeStatus.notPending':'No pending upgrade',
'services.service.summary.safeModeStatus':'Safe Mode Status',
'services.service.summary.safeModeStatus.inSafeMode':'In safe mode',
'services.service.summary.safeModeStatus.notInSafeMode':'Not in safe mode',
'services.service.summary.diskCapacity':'HDFS Disk Capacity',
'services.service.summary.blocksTotal':'Blocks (total)',
'services.service.summary.blockErrors':'Block Errors',
'services.service.summary.totalFiles':'Total Files + Dirs',
'services.service.summary.jobTrackerWebUI':'JobTracker Web UI',
'services.service.summary.jobTrackerUptime':'JobTracker Uptime',
'services.service.summary.jobTrackerHeap':'JobTracker Heap',
'services.service.summary.totalSlotsCapacity':'Total Slots Capacity',
'services.service.summary.totalJobs':'Total Jobs',
'services.service.summary.currentSlotUtiliMaps':'Map Slots',
'services.service.summary.currentSlotUtiliReduces':'Reduce Slots',
'services.service.summary.tasksMaps':'Tasks: Maps',
'services.service.summary.tasksReduces':'Tasks: Reduces',
'services.service.summary.hbaseMaster':'HBase Master Web UI',
'services.service.summary.regionServerCount':'Region Server Count',
'services.service.summary.regionInTransition':'Region In Transition',
'services.service.summary.masterStarted':'Master Started',
'services.service.summary.masterActivated':'Master Activated',
'services.service.summary.averageLoad':'Average Load',
'services.service.summary.masterHeap':'Master Heap',
'services.service.summary.moreStats':'more stats here',
'services.service.summary.clientCount': '{0} Client Hosts',
'':'Run Rebalancer',
'':'Run Compaction',
'':'Run Smoke Test',
'services.service.summary.notRunning':'Not Running',
'services.add.header':'Add Service Wizard',
'':'Are you sure?',
'':'Are you sure?',
'hosts.decommission.popup.body':'Are you sure?',
'hosts.delete.popup.body':'Are you sure?',
'':'Operation not allowed',
'':'You cannot delete this host because it is hosting following master services: {0}.',
'':'You cannot delete this host because following slave services are not fully stopped or decommissioned: {0}.',
'hosts.add.header':'Add Host Wizard',
'hosts.assignRack':'Assign Rack',
'':'Memory Used',
'':'Disk Space Used',
'':'Total Running Processes',
'charts.heatmap.category.mapreduce': 'MapReduce',
'charts.heatmap.unknown': 'Unknown',
'metric.memory':'disk used',
'':'{0} of {1} nodes live, {2}% capacity used',
'':'Secondary NameNode',
'':'HDFS Disk Capacity',
'':'{0} / {1} ({2}% used)',
'':'Total Files + Directories',
'':'DataNodes Status',
'':'NameNode Web UI',
'':'NameNode Uptime',
'':'NameNode Heap',
'':'{0} / {1} ({2}% used)',
'':'Capacity (Free/Used)',
'':'{0} of {1} trackers live, {2} jobs running, {3} jobs waiting',
'':'TaskTrackers Status',
'':'Total Slots Capacity',
'':'{0} live / {1} total',
'':'Total Jobs',
'':'{0} submitted / {1} completed',
'':'Map Slots',
'':'{0} occupied / {1} reserved',
'':'Reduce Slots',
'':'Tasks: Maps',
'':'Tasks: Reduces',
'':'{0} occupied / {1} reserved',
'':'{0} running / {1} waiting',
'':'{0} maps / {1} reduces / {2} avg per node',
'':'JobTracker Heap',
'':'{0} of {1} ({2}% used)',
'':'Job Trackers Uptime',
'':'Jobs Running',
'':'{0} region servers with {1} average load',
'':'HBase Master',
'':'Master Heap',
'':'{0} / {1} ({2}% used)',
'':'Master Server Uptime',
'':'Average Load',
'':'{0} regions per Region Server',
'':'Region Servers',
'':'{0} live / {1} total',
'':'Request Count',
'':'Master Web UI',
'':'Regions In Transition',
'':'Master Started',
'':'Master Activated',
'':'Stop service',
'' : 'Service needs to be stopped for reconfiguration',
'' : 'Restart service',
'' : 'Service needs to be restarted for reconfiguration',
'apps.filters.customRunDate':'Run Date custom filter',
'apps.isRunning.popup.title':'Is running',
'apps.isRunning.popup.content':'Job is running now',
'nagios.alerts.unavailable':'Alerts Unavailable'