blob: 48c1cb0623deb0ceb8b41557557566cc19ca8b78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
App.WizardController = Em.Controller.extend({
isStepDisabled: null,
init: function () {
this.set('isStepDisabled', []);
this.clusters = App.Cluster.find();
step: 1,
value: false
for (var i = 2; i <= this.get('totalSteps'); i++) {
step: i,
value: true
dbNamespace: function(){
return this.get('name').capitalize().replace('Controller', "");
* get property from local storage
* @param key
* @return {*}
getDBProperty: function(key){
return App.db.get(this.get('dbNamespace'), key);
* set property to local storage
* @param key
* @param value
setDBProperty: function(key, value){
App.db.set(this.get('dbNamespace'), key, value);
setStepsEnable: function () {
for (var i = 1; i <= this.totalSteps; i++) {
var step = this.get('isStepDisabled').findProperty('step', i);
if (i <= this.get('currentStep')) {
step.set('value', false);
} else {
step.set('value', true);
setLowerStepsDisable: function (stepNo) {
for (var i = 1; i < stepNo; i++) {
var step = this.get('isStepDisabled').findProperty('step', i);
step.set('value', true);
* Set current step to new value.
* Method moved from App.router.setInstallerCurrentStep
* @param currentStep
* @param completed
currentStep: function () {
return App.get('router').getWizardCurrentStep(this.get('name').substr(0, this.get('name').length - 10));
* Set current step to new value.
* Method moved from App.router.setInstallerCurrentStep
* @param currentStep
* @param completed
setCurrentStep: function (currentStep, completed) {
App.db.setWizardCurrentStep(this.get('name').substr(0, this.get('name').length - 10), currentStep, completed);
this.set('currentStep', currentStep);
clusters: null,
isStep0: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 0;
isStep1: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 1;
isStep2: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 2;
isStep3: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 3;
isStep4: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 4;
isStep5: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 5;
isStep6: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 6;
isStep7: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 7;
isStep8: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 8;
isStep9: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 9;
isStep10: function () {
return this.get('currentStep') == 10;
gotoStep: function (step) {
if (this.get('isStepDisabled').findProperty('step', step).get('value') !== false) {
return false;
// if going back from Step 9 in Install Wizard, delete the checkpoint so that the user is not redirected
// to Step 9
if (this.get('content.controllerName') == 'installerController' && this.get('currentStep') === '9' && step < 9) {
clusterName: this.get('clusterName'),
clusterState: 'CLUSTER_NOT_CREATED_1',
wizardControllerName: 'installerController',
if ((this.get('currentStep') - step) > 1) {{
header: Em.I18n.t('installer.navigation.warning.header'),
onPrimary: function () {
App.router.send('gotoStep' + step);
body: "If you proceed to go back to Step " + step + ", you will lose any changes you have made beyond this step"
} else {
App.router.send('gotoStep' + step);
return true;
gotoStep0: function () {
gotoStep1: function () {
gotoStep2: function () {
gotoStep3: function () {
gotoStep4: function () {
gotoStep5: function () {
gotoStep6: function () {
gotoStep7: function () {
gotoStep8: function () {
gotoStep9: function () {
gotoStep10: function () {
* Initialize host status info for step9
setInfoForStep9: function () {
var hostInfo = this.getDBProperty('hosts');
for (var index in hostInfo) {
hostInfo[index].status = "pending";
hostInfo[index].message = 'Waiting';
hostInfo[index].logTasks = [];
hostInfo[index].tasks = [];
hostInfo[index].progress = '0';
this.setDBProperty('hosts', hostInfo);
* Remove all data for installOptions step
clearInstallOptions: function () {
var installOptions = jQuery.extend({}, this.get('installOptionsTemplate'));
this.set('content.installOptions', installOptions);
this.setDBProperty('installOptions', installOptions);
this.set('content.hosts', []);
this.setDBProperty('hosts', []);
toObject: function (object) {
var result = {};
for (var i in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
result[i] = object[i];
return result;
* save status of the cluster. This is called from step8 and step9 to persist install and start requestId
* @param clusterStatus object with status, isCompleted, requestId, isInstallError and isStartError field.
saveClusterStatus: function (clusterStatus) {
var oldStatus = this.toObject(this.get('content.cluster'));
clusterStatus = jQuery.extend(oldStatus, clusterStatus);
if (clusterStatus.requestId &&
clusterStatus.oldRequestsId.indexOf(clusterStatus.requestId) === -1) {
this.set('content.cluster', clusterStatus);
this.setDBProperty('cluster', clusterStatus);
* Invoke installation of selected services to the server and saves the request id returned by the server.
* @param isRetry
installServices: function (isRetry) {
// clear requests since we are installing services
// and we don't want to get tasks for previous install attempts
this.set('content.cluster.oldRequestsId', []);
var clusterName = this.get('');
var data;
var name;
if (isRetry) {
name = 'wizard.install_services.installer_controller.is_retry';
data = '{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"' + Em.I18n.t('requestInfo.installComponents') + '"}, "Body": {"HostRoles": {"state": "INSTALLED"}}}';
else {
name = 'wizard.install_services.installer_controller.not_is_retry';
data = '{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"' + Em.I18n.t('requestInfo.installServices') + '"}, "Body": {"ServiceInfo": {"state": "INSTALLED"}}}';
name: name,
sender: this,
data: {
data: data,
cluster: clusterName
success: 'installServicesSuccessCallback',
error: 'installServicesErrorCallback'
installServicesSuccessCallback: function (jsonData) {
var installStartTime = new Date().getTime();
console.log("TRACE: In success function for the installService call");
if (jsonData) {
var requestId =;
console.log('requestId is: ' + requestId);
var clusterStatus = {
status: 'PENDING',
requestId: requestId,
isInstallError: false,
isCompleted: false,
installStartTime: installStartTime
} else {
console.log('ERROR: Error occurred in parsing JSON data');
installServicesErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
console.log("TRACE: In error function for the installService call");
console.log("TRACE: error code status is: " + request.status);
console.log('Error message is: ' + request.responseText);
var clusterStatus = {
status: 'PENDING',
requestId: this.get('content.cluster.requestId'),
isInstallError: true,
isCompleted: false
App.showAlertPopup(Em.I18n.t('common.errorPopup.header'), request.responseText);
bootstrapRequestId: null,
Bootstrap selected hosts.
launchBootstrap: function (bootStrapData) {
name: 'wizard.launch_bootstrap',
sender: this,
data: {
bootStrapData: bootStrapData
success: 'launchBootstrapSuccessCallback',
error: 'launchBootstrapErrorCallback'
return this.get('bootstrapRequestId');
launchBootstrapSuccessCallback: function (data) {
console.log("TRACE: POST bootstrap succeeded");
this.set('bootstrapRequestId', data.requestId);
launchBootstrapErrorCallback: function () {
console.log("ERROR: POST bootstrap failed");
alert('Bootstrap call failed. Please try again.');
* Load <code>content.<name></code> variable from localStorage, if wasn't loaded before.
* If you specify <code>reload</code> to true - it will reload it.
* @param name
* @param reload
* @return {Boolean}
load: function (name, reload) {
if (this.get('content.' + name) && !reload) {
return false;
var result = this.getDBProperty(name);
if (!result) {
if (this['get' + name.capitalize()]) {
result = this['get' + name.capitalize()]();
this.setDBProperty(name, result);
console.log(this.get('name') + ": created " + name, result);
else {
console.debug('get' + name.capitalize(), ' not defined in the ' + this.get('name'));
this.set('content.' + name, result);
console.log(this.get('name') + ": loaded " + name, result);
save: function (name) {
var value = this.toObject(this.get('content.' + name));
this.setDBProperty(name, value);
console.log(this.get('name') + ": saved " + name, value);
clear: function () {
this.set('content', Ember.Object.create({
'controllerName': this.get('content.controllerName')
this.set('currentStep', 0);
clusterStatusTemplate: {
name: "",
status: "PENDING",
isCompleted: false,
requestId: null,
installStartTime: null,
installTime: null,
isInstallError: false,
isStartError: false,
oldRequestsId: []
clearStorageData: function () {
this.setDBProperty('service',undefined); //not to use this data at AddService page
this.setDBProperty('hosts', undefined);
this.setDBProperty('masterComponentHosts', undefined);
this.setDBProperty('slaveComponentHosts', undefined);
this.setDBProperty('cluster', undefined);
this.setDBProperty('allHostNames', undefined);
this.setDBProperty('installOptions', undefined);
this.setDBProperty('allHostNamesPattern', undefined);
installOptionsTemplate: {
hostNames: "", //string
manualInstall: false, //true, false
useSsh: true, //bool
javaHome: App.defaultJavaHome, //string
localRepo: false, //true, false
sshKey: "", //string
bootRequestId: null, //string
sshUser: "root" //string
loadedServiceComponents: null,
* Generate serviceComponents as pr the stack definition and save it to localdata
* called form stepController step4WizardController
loadServiceComponents: function () {
name: 'wizard.service_components',
sender: this,
data: {
stackUrl: App.get('stack2VersionURL'),
stackVersion: App.get('currentStackVersionNumber')
success: 'loadServiceComponentsSuccessCallback',
error: 'loadServiceComponentsErrorCallback'
return this.get('loadedServiceComponents');
loadServiceComponentsSuccessCallback: function (jsonData) {
var displayOrderConfig = require('data/services');
console.log("TRACE: getService ajax call -> In success function for the getServiceComponents call");
console.log("TRACE: : " + jsonData.items);
// Creating Model
var Service = Ember.Object.extend({
serviceName: null,
displayName: null,
isDisabled: true,
isSelected: true,
isInstalled: false,
description: null,
version: null
var data = [];
// loop through all the service components
for (var i = 0; i < displayOrderConfig.length; i++) {
var entry = jsonData.items.findProperty("StackServices.service_name", displayOrderConfig[i].serviceName);
if (entry) {
var myService = Service.create({
serviceName: entry.StackServices.service_name,
displayName: displayOrderConfig[i].displayName,
isDisabled: displayOrderConfig[i].isDisabled,
isSelected: displayOrderConfig[i].isSelected,
canBeSelected: displayOrderConfig[i].canBeSelected,
isInstalled: false,
isHidden: displayOrderConfig[i].isHidden,
description: entry.StackServices.comments,
version: entry.StackServices.service_version
else {
console.warn('Service not found - ', displayOrderConfig[i].serviceName);
this.set('loadedServiceComponents', data);
console.log('TRACE: service components: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
loadServiceComponentsErrorCallback: function (request, ajaxOptions, error) {
console.log("TRACE: STep5 -> In error function for the getServiceComponents call");
console.log("TRACE: STep5 -> error code status is: " + request.status);
console.log('Step8: Error message is: ' + request.responseText);
loadServicesFromServer: function () {
var services = this.getDBProperty('service');
if (services) {
var apiService = this.loadServiceComponents();
this.set('', apiService);
registerErrPopup: function (header, message) {{
header: header,
secondary: false,
onPrimary: function () {
bodyClass: Ember.View.extend({
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile(['<p>{{view.message}}</p>'].join('\n')),
message: message
* Save hosts that the user confirmed to proceed with from step 3
* @param stepController App.WizardStep3Controller
saveConfirmedHosts: function (stepController) {
var hostInfo = {};
stepController.get('content.hosts').forEach(function (_host) {
if (_host.bootStatus == 'REGISTERED') {
hostInfo[] = {
cpu: _host.cpu,
memory: _host.memory,
disk_info: _host.disk_info,
bootStatus: _host.bootStatus,
isInstalled: false
console.log('wizardController:saveConfirmedHosts: save hosts ', hostInfo);
this.setDBProperty('hosts', hostInfo);
this.set('content.hosts', hostInfo);
* Save data after installation to main controller
* @param stepController App.WizardStep9Controller
saveInstalledHosts: function (stepController) {
var hosts = stepController.get('hosts');
var hostInfo = this.getDBProperty('hosts');
for (var index in hostInfo) {
hostInfo[index].status = "pending";
var host = hosts.findProperty('name', hostInfo[index].name);
if (host) {
hostInfo[index].status = host.status;
hostInfo[index].message = host.message;
hostInfo[index].progress = host.progress;
this.set('content.hosts', hostInfo);
this.setDBProperty('hosts', hostInfo);
console.log('wizardController:saveInstalledHosts: save hosts ', hostInfo);
* Save slaveHostComponents to main controller
* @param stepController
saveSlaveComponentHosts: function (stepController) {
var hosts = stepController.get('hosts');
var headers = stepController.get('headers');
var formattedHosts = Ember.Object.create();
headers.forEach(function (header) {
formattedHosts.set(header.get('name'), []);
hosts.forEach(function (host) {
var checkboxes = host.get('checkboxes');
headers.forEach(function (header) {
var cb = checkboxes.findProperty('title', header.get('label'));
if (cb.get('checked')) {
hostName: host.hostName,
group: 'Default',
isInstalled: cb.get('isInstalled')
var slaveComponentHosts = [];
headers.forEach(function (header) {
componentName: header.get('name'),
displayName: header.get('label').replace(/\s/g, ''),
hosts: formattedHosts.get(header.get('name'))
this.setDBProperty('slaveComponentHosts', slaveComponentHosts);
console.log('wizardController.slaveComponentHosts: saved hosts', slaveComponentHosts);
this.set('content.slaveComponentHosts', slaveComponentHosts);
* Return true if cluster data is loaded and false otherwise.
* This is used for all wizard controllers except for installer wizard.
dataLoading: function () {
var dfd = $.Deferred();
if (App.router.get('clusterController.isLoaded')) {
} else {
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (App.router.get('clusterController.isLoaded')) {
}, 50);
return dfd.promise();
* Return true if user data is loaded via App.MainServiceInfoConfigsController
* This function is used in reassign master wizard right now.
usersLoading: function () {
var self = this;
var dfd = $.Deferred();
var miscController = App.MainAdminMiscController.create({content: self.get('content')});
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (miscController.get('dataIsLoaded')) {
if (self.get("content.hdfsUser")) {
self.set('content.hdfsUser', miscController.get('content.hdfsUser'));
}, 10);
return dfd.promise();
* Save cluster status before going to deploy step
* @param name cluster state. Unique for every wizard
saveClusterState: function (name) {
clusterName: this.get(''),
clusterState: name,
wizardControllerName: this.get('content.controllerName'),
* load advanced configs from server
loadAdvancedConfigs: function () {
var configs = (this.getDBProperty('advancedServiceConfig')) ? this.getDBProperty('advancedServiceConfig') : [];
this.get('').filterProperty('isSelected', true).mapProperty('serviceName').forEach(function (_serviceName) {
var serviceComponents = App.config.loadAdvancedConfig(_serviceName);
if (serviceComponents) {
configs = configs.concat(serviceComponents);
}, this);
this.set('content.advancedServiceConfig', configs);
this.setDBProperty('advancedServiceConfig', configs);
* Load serviceConfigProperties to model
loadServiceConfigProperties: function () {
var serviceConfigProperties = this.getDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties');
this.set('content.serviceConfigProperties', serviceConfigProperties);
console.log("AddHostController.loadServiceConfigProperties: loaded config ", serviceConfigProperties);
* Save config properties
* @param stepController Step7WizardController
saveServiceConfigProperties: function (stepController) {
var serviceConfigProperties = [];
stepController.get('stepConfigs').forEach(function (_content) {
if (_content.serviceName === 'YARN' && !App.supports.capacitySchedulerUi) {
_content.set('configs', App.config.textareaIntoFileConfigs(_content.get('configs'), 'capacity-scheduler.xml'));
_content.get('configs').forEach(function (_configProperties) {
var overrides = _configProperties.get('overrides');
var overridesArray = [];
if (overrides != null) {
overrides.forEach(function (override) {
var overrideEntry = {
value: override.get('value'),
hosts: []
override.get('selectedHostOptions').forEach(function (host) {
overridesArray = (overridesArray.length) ? overridesArray : null;
var configProperty = {
id: _configProperties.get('id'),
name: _configProperties.get('name'),
value: _configProperties.get('value'),
defaultValue: _configProperties.get('defaultValue'),
description: _configProperties.get('description'),
serviceName: _configProperties.get('serviceName'),
domain: _configProperties.get('domain'),
filename: _configProperties.get('filename'),
displayType: _configProperties.get('displayType'),
overrides: overridesArray
}, this);
}, this);
this.setDBProperty('serviceConfigProperties', serviceConfigProperties);
this.set('content.serviceConfigProperties', serviceConfigProperties);