blob: d9d2b460aecc50020b959feaed1a9ad8b4b1ebb1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var App = require('app');
App.WizardStep1View = Em.View.extend({
templateName: require('templates/wizard/step1'),
stacks: function () {
var stacks = [];
this.get('controller.content.stacks').forEach(function (stack) {
name: stack.get('name').replace('-', ' '),
isSelected: stack.get('isSelected')
return stacks;
stackRadioButton: Ember.Checkbox.extend({
tagName: 'input',
attributeBindings: [ 'type', 'checked' ],
checked: function () {
return this.get('content.isSelected');
type: 'radio',
click: function () {
this.get('controller.content.stacks').setEach('isSelected', false);
this.get('controller.content.stacks').findProperty('name', this.get('').replace(' ', '-')).set('isSelected', true);
allRepositoriesGroup: [[],[],[]],
emptyRepoExist: function () {
return (this.get('allRepositoriesGroup').filterProperty('empty-error', true).length != 0);
isSubmitDisabled: function() {
return this.get('emptyRepoExist') || this.get('allRepoUnchecked') || this.get('invalidUrlExist') ;
}.property('emptyRepoExist', 'allRepoUnchecked', 'invalidUrlExist'),
invalidUrlExist: function () {
var selectedStack = this.get('controller.content.stacks').findProperty('isSelected', true);
var invalidExist = this.get('allRepositoriesGroup').filterProperty('validation', 'icon-exclamation-sign').length != 0;
return (selectedStack.get('invalidCnt') > 0) && invalidExist;
}.property('controller.content.stacks.@each.invalidCnt', 'allRepositoriesGroup.@each.validation'),
allRepoUnchecked: function () {
return (!this.get('allRepositoriesGroup').filterProperty('checked', true).length);
totalErrorCnt: function () {
var emptyCnt = this.get('allRepositoriesGroup').filterProperty('empty-error', true).length;
var invalidCnt = this.get('allRepositoriesGroup').filterProperty('validation', 'icon-exclamation-sign').length;
if (this.get('allRepoUnchecked')) {
return 1;
} else if ( emptyCnt || invalidCnt) {
return emptyCnt + invalidCnt;
} else {
return 0;
}.property('allRepositoriesGroup.@each.empty-error', 'allRepoUnchecked', 'allRepositoriesGroup.@each.validation'),
* Onclick handler for Config Group Header. Used to show/hide block
onToggleBlock: function () {
this.$('.accordion-body').toggle('blind', 500);
this.set('isRLCollapsed', !this.get('isRLCollapsed'));
isRLCollapsed: true,
didInsertElement: function () {
if (this.get('isRLCollapsed')) {
loadRepositories: function () {
var selectedStack = this.get('controller.content.stacks').findProperty('isSelected', true);
var reposGroup = [[],[],[]];
var self = this;
if (selectedStack && selectedStack.operatingSystems) {
selectedStack.operatingSystems.forEach(function (os) {
var cur_repo = Em.Object.create({
baseUrl: os.baseUrl
switch(os.osType) {
case 'redhat5':
cur_repo.set('osType', 'Red Hat 5');
reposGroup[0][0] = cur_repo;
// set group 0 properties by redhat5 (any of the three is ok)
self.setGroupByOs(reposGroup[0], os, 0);
case 'centos5':
cur_repo.set('osType', 'CentOS 5');
reposGroup[0][1] = cur_repo;
case 'oraclelinux5':
cur_repo.set('osType', 'Oracle Linux 5');
reposGroup[0][2] = cur_repo;
case 'redhat6':
cur_repo.set('osType', 'Red Hat 6');
reposGroup[1][0] = cur_repo;
// set group 1 properties by redhat6 (any of the three is ok)
self.setGroupByOs(reposGroup[1], os, 1);
case 'centos6':
cur_repo.set('osType', 'CentOS 6');
reposGroup[1][1] = cur_repo;
case 'oraclelinux6':
cur_repo.set('osType', 'Oracle Linux 6');
reposGroup[1][2] = cur_repo;
case 'sles11':
cur_repo.set('osType', 'SLES 11');
reposGroup[2][0] = cur_repo;
// set group 2 properties by sles11 (any of the twe is ok)
self.setGroupByOs(reposGroup[2], os, 2);
case 'suse11':
cur_repo.set('osType', 'SUSE 11');
reposGroup[2][1] = cur_repo;
this.set('allRepositoriesGroup', reposGroup);
}.observes('controller.content.stacks.@each.isSelected', 'controller.content.stacks.@each.reload'),
setGroupByOs: function (group, os, groupNumber) {
var isChecked = this.get('allGroupsCheckbox')[groupNumber];
group.set('checked', isChecked);
group.set('baseUrl', os.baseUrl);
group.set('defaultBaseUrl', os.defaultBaseUrl);
group.set('empty-error', !os.baseUrl);
group.set('invalid-error', os.validation == 'icon-exclamation-sign');
group.set('validation', os.validation);
group.set('undo', os.baseUrl != os.defaultBaseUrl);
group.set('clearAll', os.baseUrl);
group.set('group-number', groupNumber);
* Onclick handler for checkbox of each repo group
updateByCheckbox: function () {
//upload to content
var groups = this.get('allRepositoriesGroup');
var self = this;
var selectedStack = this.get('controller.content.stacks').findProperty('isSelected', true);
if (selectedStack && selectedStack.operatingSystems) {
selectedStack.operatingSystems.forEach(function (os) {
var groupNumber = self.osTypeToGroup(os.osType);
var targetGroup = groups.findProperty('group-number', groupNumber);
if (!targetGroup.get('checked')) {
os.baseUrl = os.defaultBaseUrl;
os.validation = null;
os.selected = false;
targetGroup.set('baseUrl', os.defaultBaseUrl);
targetGroup.set('undo', targetGroup.get('baseUrl') != targetGroup.get('defaultBaseUrl'));
targetGroup.set('invalid-error', false);
targetGroup.set('validation', null);
targetGroup.set('clearAll', false);
self.get('allGroupsCheckbox')[groupNumber] = false;
self.set('allGroupsCheckbox', self.get('allGroupsCheckbox'));
} else {
os.selected = true;
targetGroup.set('clearAll', targetGroup.get('baseUrl'));
self.get('allGroupsCheckbox')[groupNumber] = true;
allGroupsCheckbox: [true, true, true],
* Onclick handler for undo action of each repo group
undoGroupLocalRepository: function (event) {
var group = event.context;
var osTypes = this.groupToOsType(group.get('group-number'));
var selectedStack = this.get('controller.content.stacks').findProperty('isSelected', true);
osTypes.forEach( function (os) {
var cos = selectedStack.operatingSystems.findProperty('osType', os );
cos.baseUrl = cos.defaultBaseUrl;
cos.validation = null;
clearGroupLocalRepository: function (event) {
var group = event.context;
var osTypes = this.groupToOsType(group.get('group-number'));
var selectedStack = this.get('controller.content.stacks').findProperty('isSelected', true);
osTypes.forEach( function (os) {
var cos = selectedStack.operatingSystems.findProperty('osType', os );
cos.baseUrl = '';
cos.validation = null;
* Handler when editing any repo group BaseUrl
editGroupLocalRepository: function (event) {
//upload to content
var groups = this.get('allRepositoriesGroup');
var self = this;
var selectedStack = this.get('controller.content.stacks').findProperty('isSelected', true);
if (selectedStack && selectedStack.operatingSystems) {
selectedStack.operatingSystems.forEach(function (os) {
var targetGroup = groups.findProperty('group-number', self.osTypeToGroup(os.osType));
if (os.baseUrl != targetGroup.get('baseUrl')) {
os.baseUrl = targetGroup.get('baseUrl');
os.validation = null;
targetGroup.set('undo', targetGroup.get('baseUrl') != targetGroup.get('defaultBaseUrl'));
targetGroup.set('invalid-error', false);
targetGroup.set('validation', null);
targetGroup.set('clearAll', os.baseUrl);
groupToOsType: function (groupNumber) {
switch (groupNumber) {
case 0:
return ['redhat5', 'centos5', 'oraclelinux5'];
case 1:
return ['redhat6', 'centos6', 'oraclelinux6'];
case 2:
return ['sles11', 'suse11'];
osTypeToGroup: function (osType) {
switch(osType) {
case 'redhat5':
case 'centos5':
case 'oraclelinux5':
return 0;
case 'redhat6':
case 'centos6':
case 'oraclelinux6':
return 1;
case 'sles11':
case 'suse11':
return 2;