blob: 19644a8fcaa969b6ca7760ad21a4f589e5e7d4ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var App = require('app');
module.exports = [
serviceName: 'HDFS',
displayName: 'HDFS',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.hdfs.description')
serviceName: 'HCFS',
displayName: 'HCFS',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: false,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.hcfs.description')
serviceName: 'MAPREDUCE',
displayName: 'MapReduce',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.mapreduce.description')
serviceName: 'MAPREDUCE2',
displayName: 'MapReduce 2',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
isHidden: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.mapreduce2.description')
serviceName: 'YARN',
displayName: 'YARN + MapReduce2',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.yarn.description')
serviceName: 'TEZ',
displayName: 'TEZ',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.tez.description')
serviceName: 'NAGIOS',
displayName: 'Nagios',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.nagios.description')
serviceName: 'GANGLIA',
displayName: 'Ganglia',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.ganglia.description')
serviceName: 'HIVE',
displayName: 'Hive + HCat',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.hive.description')
serviceName: 'HCATALOG',
displayName: 'HCatalog',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
isHidden: true
serviceName: 'WEBHCAT',
displayName: 'WebHCat',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
isHidden: true
serviceName: 'HBASE',
displayName: 'HBase',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.hbase.description')
serviceName: 'PIG',
displayName: 'Pig',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.pig.description')
serviceName: 'SQOOP',
displayName: 'Sqoop',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.sqoop.description')
serviceName: 'OOZIE',
displayName: 'Oozie',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.oozie.description')
serviceName: 'ZOOKEEPER',
displayName: 'ZooKeeper',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: true,
canBeSelected: true,
description: Em.I18n.t('services.zookeeper.description')
serviceName: 'HUE',
displayName: 'Hue',
isDisabled: false,
isSelected: App.supports.hue,
canBeSelected: App.supports.hue,
isHidden: !App.supports.hue