blob: 79911c796f266c60200d41050915ef6bc23b4628 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import re
from datetime import datetime
# IMPALA-6715: Every so often the stress test or the TPC workload directories get
# changed, and the stress test loses the ability to run the full set of queries. Set
# these constants and assert that when a workload is used, all the queries we expect to
# use are there.
# Add the number of stress test specific queries, i.e. in files like '*-stress-*.test'
# Regex to extract the estimated memory from an explain plan.
# The unit prefixes can be found in
# fe/src/main/java/org/apache/impala/common/
r"Per-Host Resource Estimates: Memory=(\d+\.?\d*)(P|T|G|M|K)?B")
NEW_GLOG_ENTRY_PATTERN = re.compile(r"[IWEF](?P<Time>\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{6}).*")
def parse_glog(text, start_time=None):
'''Parses the log 'text' and returns a list of log entries. If a 'start_time' is
provided only log entries that are after the time will be returned.
year =
found_start = False
log = list()
entry = None
for line in text.splitlines():
if not found_start:
found_start = line.startswith("Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu")
match = NEW_GLOG_ENTRY_PATTERN.match(line)
if match:
if entry:
if not start_time or start_time <= datetime.strptime("Time"), "%m%d %H:%M:%S.%f").replace(year):
entry = [line]
entry = None
elif entry:
if entry:
return log
def parse_mem_to_mb(mem, units):
mem = float(mem)
if mem <= 0:
units = units.strip().upper() if units else ""
if units.endswith("B"):
units = units[:-1]
if not units:
mem /= 2 ** 20
elif units == "K":
mem /= 2 ** 10
elif units == "M":
elif units == "G":
mem *= 2 ** 10
elif units == "T":
mem *= 2 ** 20
elif units == "P":
mem *= 2 ** 30
raise Exception('Unexpected memory unit "%s"' % units)
return int(mem)
def parse_duration_string_ms(duration):
"""Parses a duration string of the form 1h2h3m4s5.6ms4.5us7.8ns into milliseconds."""
pattern = r'(?P<value>[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*?)(?P<units>\D+)'
matches = list(re.finditer(pattern, duration))
assert matches, 'Failed to parse duration string %s' % duration
times = {'h': 0, 'm': 0, 's': 0, 'ms': 0}
for match in matches:
parsed = match.groupdict()
times[parsed['units']] = float(parsed['value'])
return (times['h'] * 60 * 60 + times['m'] * 60 + times['s']) * 1000 + times['ms']
def parse_duration_string_ns(duration):
"""Parses a duration string of the form 1h2h3m4s5.6ms4.5us7.8ns into nanoseconds."""
pattern = r'(?P<value>[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*?)(?P<units>\D+)'
matches = list(re.finditer(pattern, duration))
assert matches, 'Failed to parse duration string %s' % duration
times = {'h': 0, 'm': 0, 's': 0, 'ms': 0, 'us': 0, 'ns': 0}
for match in matches:
parsed = match.groupdict()
times[parsed['units']] = float(parsed['value'])
value_ns = (times['h'] * 60 * 60 + times['m'] * 60 + times['s']) * 1000000000
value_ns += times['ms'] * 1000000 + times['us'] * 1000 + times['ns']
return value_ns
def get_duration_us_from_str(duration_str):
"""Parses the duration string got in profile and returns the duration in us"""
match_res ="\((\d+) us\)", duration_str)
if match_res:
return int(
raise Exception("Illegal duration string: " + duration_str)
def match_memory_estimate(explain_lines):
Given a list of strings from EXPLAIN output, find the estimated memory needed. This is
used as a binary search start point.
explain_lines: list of str
2-tuple str of memory limit in decimal string and units (one of 'P', 'T', 'G', 'M',
'K', '' bytes)
Exception if no match found
# IMPALA-6441: This method is a public, first class method so it can be importable and
# tested with actual EXPLAIN output to make sure we always find the start point.
mem_limit, units = None, None
for line in explain_lines:
regex_result =
if regex_result:
mem_limit, units = regex_result.groups()
if None in (mem_limit, units):
raise Exception('could not parse explain string:\n' + '\n'.join(explain_lines))
return mem_limit, units
def get_bytes_summary_stats_counter(counter_name, runtime_profile):
"""Extracts a list of TSummaryStatsCounters from a given runtime profile where the units
are in bytes. Each entry in the returned list corresponds to a single occurrence of
the counter in the profile. If the counter is present, but it has not been updated,
an empty TSummaryStatsCounter is returned for that entry. If the counter is not in
the given profile, an empty list is returned. Here is an example of how this method
should be used:
# A single line in a runtime profile used for example purposes.
runtime_profile = "- ExampleCounter: (Avg: 8.00 KB (8192) ; " \
"Min: 8.00 KB (8192) ; " \
"Max: 8.00 KB (8192) ; " \
"Number of samples: 4)"
summary_stats = get_bytes_summary_stats_counter("ExampleCounter",
assert len(summary_stats) == 1
assert summary_stats[0].sum == summary_stats[0].min_value == \
summary_stats[0].max_value == 8192 and \
summary_stats[0].total_num_values == 1
# This requires the Thrift definitions to be generated. We limit the scope of the import
# to allow tools like the stress test to import this file without building Impala.
from RuntimeProfile.ttypes import TSummaryStatsCounter
regex_summary_stat = re.compile(r"""\(
Avg:[^\(]*\((?P<avg>[0-9]+)\)\s;\s # Matches Avg: [?].[?] [?]B (?)
Min:[^\(]*\((?P<min>[0-9]+)\)\s;\s # Matches Min: [?].[?] [?]B (?)
Max:[^\(]*\((?P<max>[0-9]+)\)\s;\s # Matches Max: [?].[?] [?]B (?)
Number\sof\ssamples:\s(?P<samples>[0-9]+)\) # Matches Number of samples: ?)""",
# First, find all lines that contain the counter name, and then extract the summary
# stats from each line. If the summary stats cannot be extracted, return a dictionary
# with values of 0 for all keys.
summary_stats = []
for counter in re.findall(counter_name + ".*", runtime_profile):
summary_stat =, counter)
# We need to special-case when the counter has not been updated at all because empty
# summary counters have a different format than updated ones.
if not summary_stat:
assert "0 (Number of samples: 0)" in counter
summary_stats.append(TSummaryStatsCounter(sum=0, total_num_values=0, min_value=0,
summary_stat = summary_stat.groupdict()
num_samples = int(summary_stat['samples'])
summary_stats.append(TSummaryStatsCounter(sum=num_samples *
int(summary_stat['avg']), total_num_values=num_samples,
min_value=int(summary_stat['min']), max_value=int(summary_stat['max'])))
return summary_stats
def get_time_summary_stats_counter(counter_name, runtime_profile):
"""Extracts a list of TSummaryStatsCounters from a given runtime profile where the
units are time. Each entry in the returned list corresponds to a single occurrence
of the counter in the profile. If the counter is present, but it has not been
updated, an empty TSummaryStatsCounter is returned for that entry. If the counter
is not in the given profile, an empty list is returned. All time values are returned
as nanoseconds. Here is an example of how this method should be used:
# A single line in a runtime profile used for example purposes.
runtime_profile = "- ExampleTimer: (Avg: 100.000ms ; " \
"Min: 100.000ms ; " \
"Max: 100.000ms ; " \
"Number of samples: 6)"
summary_stats = get_bytes_summary_stats_counter("ExampleTimer",
assert len(summary_stats) == 1
assert summary_stats[0].sum == summary_stats[0].min_value == \
summary_stats[0].max_value == 100000000 and \
summary_stats[0].total_num_values == 6
# This requires the Thrift definitions to be generated. We limit the scope of the import
# to allow tools like the stress test to import this file without building Impala.
from RuntimeProfile.ttypes import TSummaryStatsCounter
regex_summary_stat = re.compile(r"""\(
Avg:\s(?P<avg>.*)\s;\s # Matches Avg: ? ;
Min:\s(?P<min>.*)\s;\s # Matches Min: ? ;
Max:\s(?P<max>.*)\s;\s # Matches Max: ? ;
Number\sof\ssamples:\s(?P<samples>[0-9]+)\) # Matches Number of samples: ?)""",
summary_stats = []
for counter in re.findall(counter_name + ".*", runtime_profile):
summary_stat =, counter)
# We need to special-case when the counter has not been updated at all because empty
# summary counters have a different format than updated ones.
if not summary_stat:
assert "0ns (Number of samples: 0)" in counter
summary_stats.append(TSummaryStatsCounter(sum=0, total_num_values=0, min_value=0,
summary_stat = summary_stat.groupdict()
num_samples = int(summary_stat['samples'])
sum=num_samples * parse_duration_string_ns(summary_stat['avg']),
return summary_stats