blob: 5d9c43a33b49abc42cec8ed5eb4f1b587bd9a86a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from io import BytesIO
import os
import os.path
import ssl
import sys
import warnings
import base64
import datetime
from collections import namedtuple
from six.moves import urllib, http_client
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TTransportBase
from shell_exceptions import HttpError, AuthenticationException
from cookie_util import get_all_matching_cookies, get_all_cookies, get_cookie_expiry
import six
# Declare namedtuple for Cookie with named fields - cookie and expiry_time
Cookie = namedtuple('Cookie', ['cookie', 'expiry_time'])
# This was taken from in Thrift to allow making changes Impala needs.
# The current changes that have been applied:
# - Added logic for the 'Expect: 100-continue' header on large requests
# - If an error code is received back in flush(), an exception is thrown.
# Note there is a copy of this code in Impyla.
class ImpalaHttpClient(TTransportBase):
"""Http implementation of TTransport base."""
# When sending requests larger than this size, include the 'Expect: 100-continue' header
# to indicate to the server to validate the request before reading the contents. This
# value was chosen to match curl's behavior. See Section 8.2.3 of RFC2616.
def __init__(self, uri_or_host, port=None, path=None, cafile=None, cert_file=None,
key_file=None, ssl_context=None, http_cookie_names=None, socket_timeout_s=None,
"""ImpalaHttpClient supports two different types of construction:
ImpalaHttpClient(host, port, path) - deprecated
ImpalaHttpClient(uri, [port=<n>, path=<s>, cafile=<filename>, cert_file=<filename>,
key_file=<filename>, ssl_context=<context>], http_cookie_names=<cookienamelist>])
Only the second supports https. To properly authenticate against the server,
provide the client's identity by specifying cert_file and key_file. To properly
authenticate the server, specify either cafile or ssl_context with a CA defined.
NOTE: if both cafile and ssl_context are defined, ssl_context will override cafile.
http_cookie_names is used to specify a comma-separated list of possible cookie names
used for cookie-based authentication or session management. If a cookie with one of
these names is returned in an http response by the server or an intermediate proxy
then it will be included in each subsequent request for the same connection. If it
is set as wildcards, all cookies in an http response will be preserved.
if port is not None:
"Please use the ImpalaHttpClient('http{s}://host:port/path') constructor",
stacklevel=2) = uri_or_host
self.port = port
assert path
self.path = path
self.scheme = 'http'
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri_or_host)
self.scheme = parsed.scheme
assert self.scheme in ('http', 'https')
if self.scheme == 'http':
self.port = parsed.port or http_client.HTTP_PORT
elif self.scheme == 'https':
self.port = parsed.port or http_client.HTTPS_PORT
self.certfile = cert_file
self.keyfile = key_file
self.context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=cafile) \
if (cafile and not ssl_context) else ssl_context = parsed.hostname
self.path = parsed.path
if parsed.query:
self.path += '?%s' % parsed.query
proxy = urllib.request.getproxies()[self.scheme]
except KeyError:
proxy = None
if urllib.request.proxy_bypass(
proxy = None
if proxy:
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(proxy)
self.realhost =
self.realport = self.port = parsed.hostname
self.port = parsed.port
self.proxy_auth = self.basic_proxy_auth_header(parsed)
self.realhost = self.realport = self.proxy_auth = None
if (not http_cookie_names) or (str(http_cookie_names).strip() == ""):
self.__preserve_all_cookies = False
self.__http_cookie_dict = None
self.__auth_cookie_names = None
elif str(http_cookie_names).strip() == "*":
self.__preserve_all_cookies = True
self.__http_cookie_dict = dict()
self.__auth_cookie_names = set()
self.__preserve_all_cookies = False
# Build a dictionary that maps cookie name to namedtuple.
cookie_names = http_cookie_names.split(',')
self.__http_cookie_dict = \
{cn: Cookie(cookie=None, expiry_time=None) for cn in cookie_names}
# Store the auth cookie names in __auth_cookie_names.
# Assume auth cookie names end with ".auth".
self.__auth_cookie_names = {cn for cn in cookie_names if cn.endswith(".auth")}
# Set __are_matching_cookies_found as True if matching cookies are found in response.
self.__are_matching_cookies_found = False
self.__wbuf = BytesIO()
self.__http = None
self.__http_response = None
self.__timeout = socket_timeout_s
# __custom_headers is used to store HTTP headers which are generated in runtime for
# new request.
self.__custom_headers = None
self.__get_custom_headers_func = None
self.__basic_auth = None
self.__kerb_service = None
self.__add_custom_headers_funcs = []
self.__verbose = verbose
def basic_proxy_auth_header(proxy):
if proxy is None or not proxy.username:
return None
ap = "%s:%s" % (urllib.parse.unquote(proxy.username),
cr = base64.b64encode(ap).strip()
return "Basic " + cr
def using_proxy(self):
return self.realhost is not None
def open(self):
if self.scheme == 'http':
self.__http = http_client.HTTPConnection(, self.port,
elif self.scheme == 'https':
self.__http = http_client.HTTPSConnection(, self.port,
if self.using_proxy():
self.__http.set_tunnel(self.realhost, self.realport,
{"Proxy-Authorization": self.proxy_auth})
def close(self):
self.__http = None
self.__http_response = None
def isOpen(self):
return self.__http is not None
def setTimeout(self, ms):
if ms is None:
self.__timeout = None
self.__timeout = ms / 1000.0
def getCustomHeadersWithBasicAuth(self, cookie_header, has_auth_cookie):
custom_headers = {}
if cookie_header:
# Add cookies to HTTP header.
custom_headers['Cookie'] = cookie_header
# Add the 'Authorization' header to request even if the auth cookie is
# present to avoid a round trip in case the cookie is expired when server
# receive the request. Since the 'auth' value is calculated once, so it
# won't cause a performance issue.
custom_headers['Authorization'] = "Basic " + self.__basic_auth
return custom_headers
def getCustomHeadersWithBearerAuth(self, cookie_header, has_auth_cookie):
custom_headers = {}
if cookie_header:
# Add cookies to HTTP header.
custom_headers['Cookie'] = cookie_header
# Add the 'Authorization' header to request even if the auth cookie is
# present to avoid a round trip in case the cookie is expired when server
# receive the request. Since the 'auth' value is calculated once, so it
# won't cause a performance issue.
custom_headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer {0}".format(self.__bearer_token)
return custom_headers
def getCustomHeadersWithNegotiateAuth(self, cookie_header, has_auth_cookie):
import kerberos
custom_headers = {}
if cookie_header:
# Add cookies to HTTP header.
custom_headers['Cookie'] = cookie_header
# For GSSAPI over http we need to dynamically generate custom request headers.
if not has_auth_cookie:
_, krb_context = kerberos.authGSSClientInit(self.__kerb_service)
kerberos.authGSSClientStep(krb_context, "")
negotiate_details = kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(krb_context)
custom_headers['Authorization'] = "Negotiate " + negotiate_details
except kerberos.GSSError:
raise AuthenticationException("Kerberos authentication failure.")
return custom_headers
def getCustomHeadersWithoutAuth(self, cookie_header, has_auth_cookie):
custom_headers = {}
if cookie_header:
# Add cookies to HTTP header.
custom_headers['Cookie'] = cookie_header
return custom_headers
# Set function to generate customized HTTP headers for Ldap authorization.
def setLdapAuth(self, basic_auth):
# auth mechanism: LDAP
self.__basic_auth = basic_auth
self.__get_custom_headers_func = self.getCustomHeadersWithBasicAuth
# Set function to generate customized HTTP headers for JWT authorization.
def setJwtAuth(self, jwt):
# auth mechanism: JWT
self.__bearer_token = jwt
self.__get_custom_headers_func = self.getCustomHeadersWithBearerAuth
# Set function to generate customized HTTP headers for Kerberos authorization.
def setKerberosAuth(self, kerb_service):
# auth mechanism: GSSAPI
self.__kerb_service = kerb_service
self.__get_custom_headers_func = self.getCustomHeadersWithNegotiateAuth
# Set function to generate customized HTTP headers without authorization.
def setNoneAuth(self):
# auth mechanism: None
self.__get_custom_headers_func = self.getCustomHeadersWithoutAuth
# Whenever http(s) calls are made to the backend impala, each function
# added through this method will be called. Thus, arbitrary custom
# headers can be set on each request.
# parameters:
# funcs - tuple of functions where each takes no arguments and returns
# a dict of http headers
# Note: if the custom function returns a http header with a name that
# does not start with "X-" or "x-", it will cause an error to be thrown
def addCustomHeaderFunc(self, *funcs):
if funcs is None:
for f in funcs:
# Update HTTP headers based on the saved cookies and auth mechanism.
def refreshCustomHeaders(self):
self.__custom_headers = {}
if self.__get_custom_headers_func:
cookie_header, has_auth_cookie = self.getHttpCookieHeaderForRequest()
self.__custom_headers = \
self.__get_custom_headers_func(cookie_header, has_auth_cookie)
for f in self.__add_custom_headers_funcs:
headers = f()
if headers is not None:
for key in headers:
assert key[0:2].lower() == "x-", \
"header '{0}' is not valid, all custom headers must start with "\
"'X-' or 'x-'".format(key)
assert key not in self.__custom_headers, \
"header '{0}' already exists in custom headers dictionary".format(key)
self.__custom_headers[key] = headers[key]
# Return first value as a cookie list for Cookie header. It's a list of name-value
# pairs in the form of <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>. Pairs in the list are separated by
# a semicolon and a space ('; ').
# Return second value as True if the cookie list contains auth cookie.
def getHttpCookieHeaderForRequest(self):
if (self.__http_cookie_dict is None) or not self.__are_matching_cookies_found:
return None, False
cookie_headers = []
has_auth_cookie = False
for cn, c_tuple in self.__http_cookie_dict.items():
if c_tuple.cookie:
if c_tuple.expiry_time and c_tuple.expiry_time <=
self.__http_cookie_dict[cn] = Cookie(cookie=None, expiry_time=None)
cookie_header = c_tuple.cookie.output(attrs=['value'], header='').strip()
if not has_auth_cookie and self.__auth_cookie_names \
and cn in self.__auth_cookie_names:
has_auth_cookie = True
if not cookie_headers:
self.__are_matching_cookies_found = False
return None, False
return '; '.join(cookie_headers), has_auth_cookie
# Extract cookies from response and save those cookies for which the cookie names
# are in the cookie name list specified in the __init__().
def extractHttpCookiesFromResponse(self):
if self.__preserve_all_cookies:
matching_cookies = get_all_cookies(self.path, self.headers)
elif self.__http_cookie_dict:
matching_cookies = get_all_matching_cookies(
self.__http_cookie_dict.keys(), self.path, self.headers)
matching_cookies = None
if matching_cookies:
if self.__verbose:
names = sorted([c.key for c in matching_cookies])
print("Preserving cookies: " + ', '.join(names), file=sys.stderr)
self.__are_matching_cookies_found = True
for c in matching_cookies:
self.__http_cookie_dict[c.key] = Cookie(c, get_cookie_expiry(c))
if c.key.endswith(".auth"):
# Return True if there are any saved cookies which are sent in previous request.
def areHttpCookiesSaved(self):
return self.__are_matching_cookies_found
# Clean all saved cookies.
def cleanHttpCookies(self):
if (self.__http_cookie_dict is not None) and self.__are_matching_cookies_found:
self.__are_matching_cookies_found = False
self.__http_cookie_dict = \
{cn: Cookie(cookie=None, expiry_time=None) for cn in self.__http_cookie_dict}
def read(self, sz):
def readBody(self):
def write(self, buf):
def flush(self):
# Send HTTP request and receive response.
# Return True if the client should retry this method.
def sendRequestRecvResp(data):
if self.isOpen():
# HTTP request
if self.using_proxy() and self.scheme == "http":
# need full URL of real host for HTTP proxy here (HTTPS uses CONNECT tunnel)
self.__http.putrequest('POST', "http://%s:%s%s" %
(self.realhost, self.realport, self.path))
self.__http.putrequest('POST', self.path)
# Write headers
self.__http.putheader('Content-Type', 'application/x-thrift')
data_len = len(data)
self.__http.putheader('Content-Length', str(data_len))
if data_len > ImpalaHttpClient.MIN_REQUEST_SIZE_FOR_EXPECT:
# Add the 'Expect' header to large requests. Note that we do not explicitly wait
# for the '100 continue' response before sending the data - HTTPConnection simply
# ignores these types of responses, but we'll get the right behavior anyways.
self.__http.putheader("Expect", "100-continue")
if self.using_proxy() and self.scheme == "http" and self.proxy_auth is not None:
self.__http.putheader("Proxy-Authorization", self.proxy_auth)
if not self.__custom_headers or 'User-Agent' not in self.__custom_headers:
user_agent = 'Python/ImpalaHttpClient'
script = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if script:
user_agent = '%s (%s)' % (user_agent, urllib.parse.quote(script))
self.__http.putheader('User-Agent', user_agent)
if self.__custom_headers:
for key, val in six.iteritems(self.__custom_headers):
self.__http.putheader(key, val)
# Write payload
# Get reply to flush the request
self.__http_response = self.__http.getresponse()
self.code = self.__http_response.status
self.message = self.__http_response.reason
self.headers = self.__http_response.msg
# A '401 Unauthorized' response might mean that we tried cookie-based
# authentication with one or more expired cookies.
# Delete the cookies and try again.
if self.code == 401 and self.areHttpCookiesSaved():
return True
return False
# Pull data out of buffer
data = self.__wbuf.getvalue()
self.__wbuf = BytesIO()
retry = sendRequestRecvResp(data)
if retry:
# Received "401 Unauthorized" response. Delete HTTP cookies and then retry.
if self.code >= 300:
# Report any http response code that is not 1XX (informational response) or
# 2XX (successful).
body = self.readBody().decode('utf-8')
raise HttpError(self.code, self.message, body, self.headers)