blob: 93fa068d880abd7421c2a92647f0635d3b0b0c57 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="secure_files">
<title>Securing Impala Data and Log Files</title>
<data name="Category" value="Impala"/>
<data name="Category" value="Security"/>
<data name="Category" value="Logs"/>
<data name="Category" value="HDFS"/>
<data name="Category" value="Administrators"/>
<!-- To do for John: mention redaction as a fallback to keep sensitive info out of the log files. -->
One aspect of security is to protect files from unauthorized access at the filesystem level. For example, if
you store sensitive data in HDFS, you specify permissions on the associated files and directories in HDFS to
restrict read and write permissions to the appropriate users and groups.
If you issue queries containing sensitive values in the <codeph>WHERE</codeph> clause, such as financial
account numbers, those values are stored in Impala log files in the Linux filesystem and you must secure
those files also. For the locations of Impala log files, see <xref href="impala_logging.xml#logging"/>.
All Impala read and write operations are performed under the filesystem privileges of the
<codeph>impala</codeph> user. The <codeph>impala</codeph> user must be able to read all directories and data
files that you query, and write into all the directories and data files for <codeph>INSERT</codeph> and
<codeph>LOAD DATA</codeph> statements. At a minimum, make sure the <codeph>impala</codeph> user is in the
<codeph>hive</codeph> group so that it can access files and directories shared between Impala and Hive. See
<xref href="impala_prereqs.xml#prereqs_account"/> for more details.
Setting file permissions is necessary for Impala to function correctly, but is not an effective security
practice by itself:
The way to ensure that only authorized users can submit requests for databases and tables they are allowed
to access is to set up Ranger authorization, as explained in
<xref href="impala_authorization.xml#authorization"/>. With authorization enabled, the checking of the user
ID and group is done by Impala, and unauthorized access is blocked by Impala itself. The actual low-level
read and write requests are still done by the <codeph>impala</codeph> user, so you must have appropriate
file and directory permissions for that user ID.
You must also set up Kerberos authentication, as described in <xref href="impala_kerberos.xml#kerberos"/>,
so that users can only connect from trusted hosts. With Kerberos enabled, if someone connects a new host to
the network and creates user IDs that match your privileged IDs, they will be blocked from connecting to
Impala at all from that host.