| # These are the globs that RAT ignores when doing a copyright |
| # audit. Comments start with "# ". |
| |
| # http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html: "A file without any degree of creativity |
| # in either its literal elements or its structure is not protected by copyright law; |
| # therefore, such a file does not require a license header." |
| .clang-format |
| .devcontainer/* |
| .gitattributes |
| .gitignore |
| */.gitignore |
| */rat_exclude_files.txt |
| be/src/testutil/htpasswd |
| be/src/testutil/*.key |
| bin/generate_junitxml.py |
| bin/junitxml_prune_notrun.py |
| tests/*/__init__.py |
| testdata/common/__init__.py |
| fe/src/test/resources/regionservers |
| shell/__init__.py |
| ssh_keys/id_rsa_impala |
| testdata/__init__.py |
| tests/__init__.py |
| bin/diagnostics/__init__.py |
| lib/python/impala_py_lib/__init__.py |
| lib/python/impala_py_lib/jenkins/__init__.py |
| shell/packaging/MANIFEST.in |
| shell/packaging/requirements.txt |
| testdata/cluster/node_templates/cdh7/etc/init.d/kms |
| testdata/authentication/* |
| bin/banned_py3k_warnings.txt |
| |
| be/src/gutil/* |
| be/src/thirdparty/datasketches/* |
| be/src/thirdparty/llvm/* |
| be/src/thirdparty/murmurhash/* |
| be/src/thirdparty/mpfit/* |
| be/src/thirdparty/fast_double_parser/* |
| be/src/kudu/gutil |
| www/bootstrap/css/bootstrap* |
| www/bootstrap/js/bootstrap* |
| www/c3/* |
| www/Chart* |
| www/d3.v3.min.js |
| www/d3.v5.min.js |
| www/DataTables*/* |
| www/datatables-*.* |
| www/favicon.ico |
| www/highlight/* |
| www/icons/* |
| www/jquery/jquery-3.5.1.min.js |
| www/pako.min.js |
| tests/comparison/leopard/static/css/bootstrap* |
| tests/comparison/leopard/static/fonts/glyphicons-halflings* |
| tests/comparison/leopard/static/js/bootstrap* |
| shell/ext-py/bitarray-2.3.0/* |
| shell/ext-py/kerberos-1.3.1/* |
| shell/ext-py/prettytable-0.7.2/* |
| shell/ext-py/sasl-0.3.1/* |
| shell/ext-py/six-1.14.0/* |
| shell/ext-py/sqlparse-0.3.1/* |
| shell/ext-py/thrift-0.16.0/* |
| shell/ext-py/thrift_sasl-0.4.3/* |
| tests/comparison/leopard/static/css/hljs.css |
| tests/comparison/leopard/static/js/highlight.pack.js |
| common/protobuf/kudu |
| be/src/kudu/util/array_view.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/cache-test.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/cache.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/cache.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/cloud/instance_detector-test.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/coding.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/coding.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/condition_variable.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/condition_variable.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/debug/trace_event.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/debug/trace_event_impl.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/debug/trace_event_impl.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/debug/trace_event_impl_constants.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/debug/trace_event_synthetic_delay.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/debug/trace_event_synthetic_delay.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/env.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/env.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/env_posix.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/nvm_cache.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/random.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/slice.h |
| be/src/kudu/util/status-test.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/status.cc |
| be/src/kudu/util/status.h |
| be/src/kudu/security/x509_check_host.h |
| be/src/kudu/security/x509_check_host.cc |
| be/src/util/cache/cache.h |
| be/src/util/cache/cache.cc |
| be/src/util/cache/cache-internal.h |
| be/src/util/cache/cache-test.h |
| be/src/util/cache/cache-test.cc |
| be/src/util/cache/rl-cache.cc |
| be/src/util/cache/rl-cache-test.cc |
| docs/css/dita-ot-doc.css |
| docs/shared/header.xml |
| |
| # http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html: "Short informational text files; for |
| # example README, INSTALL files. The expectation is that these files make it obvious which |
| # product they relate to." |
| be/src/testutil/certificates-info.txt |
| LOGS.md |
| README*.md |
| */README |
| */README.dox |
| */README.txt |
| testdata/scale_test_metadata/README.md |
| tests/comparison/ORACLE.txt |
| bin/distcc/README.md |
| tests/comparison/POSTGRES.txt |
| docs/README.md |
| docker/README.md |
| be/src/thirdparty/pcg-cpp-0.98/README.md |
| lib/python/README.md |
| lib/python/impala_py_lib/gdb/README.md |
| shell/packaging/README.md |
| bin/kerberos/README-kerberos.md |
| |
| # http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html: "Test data for which the addition of a |
| # source header would cause the tests to fail." |
| testdata/*.csv |
| testdata/*.sql |
| testdata/*.test |
| be/src/kudu/util/testdata/*.txt |
| be/src/testutil/*.pem |
| *.json |
| fe/src/main/java/org/apache/impala/extdatasource/jdbc/README.md |
| fe/src/test/resources/*.xml |
| fe/src/test/resources/adschema.ldif |
| fe/src/test/resources/adusers.ldif |
| fe/src/test/resources/hbase-jaas-client.conf.template |
| fe/src/test/resources/hbase-jaas-server.conf.template |
| fe/src/test/resources/users.ldif |
| java/.mvn/maven.config |
| java/toolchains.xml.tmpl |
| testdata/AllTypesError/*.txt |
| testdata/AllTypesErrorNoNulls/*.txt |
| *.avsc |
| *.parq |
| *.parquet |
| testdata/cluster/hive/*.diff |
| testdata/cluster/node_templates/cdh5/etc/hadoop/conf/*.xml.tmpl |
| testdata/cluster/node_templates/common/etc/kudu/*.conf.tmpl |
| testdata/cluster/node_templates/common/etc/hadoop/conf/*.xml.tmpl |
| testdata/cluster/ranger/setup/*.json.template |
| testdata/cluster/ranger/*.diff |
| testdata/data/binary_tbl/000000_0.txt |
| testdata/data/chars-formats.txt |
| testdata/data/chars-tiny.txt |
| testdata/data/parent_table.txt |
| testdata/data/parent_table_2.txt |
| testdata/data/child_table.txt |
| testdata/data/date_tbl/*.txt |
| testdata/data/date_tbl_error/*.txt |
| testdata/data/decimal-tiny.txt |
| testdata/data/decimal_tbl.txt |
| testdata/data/decimal_rtf_tiny_tbl.txt |
| testdata/data/decimal_rtf_tbl.txt |
| testdata/data/overflow.txt |
| testdata/data/text-comma-backslash-newline.txt |
| testdata/data/text-dollar-hash-pipe.txt |
| testdata/data/dateless_timestamps.txt |
| testdata/data/text_large_zstd.txt |
| testdata/data/text_large_zstd.zst |
| testdata/data/timestamp_at_dst_changes.txt |
| testdata/data/widerow.txt |
| testdata/data/local_tbl/00000.txt |
| testdata/data/hudi_parquet/* |
| testdata/data/iceberg_test/* |
| testdata/data/json_test/* |
| testdata/data/sfs_d2.txt |
| testdata/data/sfs_d4.txt |
| testdata/data/load_data_with_catalog_v1.txt |
| testdata/datasets/functional/functional_schema_template.sql |
| testdata/impala-profiles/README |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats.expected.txt |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats.expected.json |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats.expected.pretty.json |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats.expected.pretty_extended.json |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats_default.expected.txt |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats_extended.expected.txt |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats_v2 |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats_v2_default.expected.txt |
| testdata/impala-profiles/impala_profile_log_tpcds_compute_stats_v2_extended.expected.txt |
| testdata/hive_benchmark/grepTiny/part-00000 |
| testdata/jceks/.gitkeep |
| testdata/jwt/*.json |
| testdata/jwt/jwt_expired |
| testdata/jwt/jwt_signed |
| testdata/jwt/jwt_signed_untrusted |
| testdata/tzdb/2017c.zip |
| testdata/tzdb/2017c-corrupt.zip |
| testdata/tzdb_tiny/* |
| tests/pytest.ini |
| tests/shell/bad_impalarc |
| tests/shell/good_impalarc |
| tests/shell/good_impalarc2 |
| tests/shell/good_impalarc3 |
| tests/shell/good_impalarc4 |
| tests/shell/impalarc_with_error |
| tests/shell/impalarc_with_error2 |
| tests/shell/impalarc_with_query_options |
| tests/shell/impalarc_with_warnings |
| tests/shell/impalarc_with_warnings2 |
| tests/shell/shell.cmds |
| tests/shell/shell2.cmds |
| tests/shell/shell_case_sensitive.cmds |
| tests/shell/shell_case_sensitive2.cmds |
| tests/shell/shell_error.cmds |
| tests/shell/test_close_queries.sql |
| tests/shell/test_file_comments.sql |
| tests/shell/test_file_no_comments.sql |
| tests/shell/test_var_substitution.sql |
| |
| # symlink to testdata/workloads/tpcds/queries |
| testdata/workloads/tpcds_partitioned/queries |
| |
| # Generated by Apache-licensed software: |
| be/src/transport/config.h |
| |
| # BSD 2-Clause license: |
| bin/summarize-pstacks |
| |
| # BSD 3-clause license that RAT can't seem to identify: |
| cmake_modules/FindJNI.cmake |
| |
| # http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-a : Python Software Foundation |
| # License is allowed. |
| shell/legacy/pkg_resources.py |
| |
| # Notices in Impala as required by ASF rules: |
| LICENSE.txt |
| NOTICE.txt |
| |
| # Notices in thirdparty sources included in the Impala repo and called out in /LICENSE.txt |
| be/src/thirdparty/roaring/LICENSE |
| be/src/thirdparty/squeasel/LICENSE |
| be/src/thirdparty/pcg-cpp-0.98/LICENSE.txt |
| be/src/thirdparty/xxhash/xxhash.h |
| be/src/thirdparty/xxhash/README.md |
| |
| # http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html: 'Snippet' files that are combined as form |
| # a larger file where the larger file would have duplicate licensing headers. |
| www/all_child_groups.tmpl |
| www/blacklisted_tooltip.txt |
| www/common-footer.tmpl |
| www/form-hidden-inputs.tmpl |
| www/quiescing_tooltip.txt |
| |
| # GNU tar artifact |
| pax_global_header |
| |
| # Files in binary image formats: |
| tests/comparison/leopard/static/favicon.ico |
| docs/images/howto_access_control.png |
| docs/images/howto_per_node_peak_memory_usage.png |
| docs/images/howto_show_histogram.png |
| docs/images/howto_static_server_pools_config.png |
| docs/images/impala_arch.jpeg |
| docs/images/support_send_diagnostic_data.png |