blob: d3ce54ec3ab21672c1072403722c6ba4ca28fe42 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Usage: [--dryrun]
# This script is meant to run on an build slave and post back comments
# to a code review. It does not need to run on all supported platforms so we use system
# python instead of the full Impala virtualenv.
# This script runs in the context of a source checkout. It posts comments for issues
# introduced between HEAD^ and HEAD. It picks up metadata from environment variables
# set by the jenkins gerrit trigger: GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER, etc.
# It uses the gerrit ssh interface to post the review, connecting as
# impala-public-jenkins.
# Ref:
# Dependencies:
# ssh, pip, virtualenv
# TODO: generalise to other warnings
# * clang-tidy
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from collections import defaultdict
import json
import os
from os import environ
import os.path
import re
from subprocess import check_call, check_output, Popen, PIPE
import virtualenv
FLAKE8_VERSION = "3.9.2"
VENV_PATH = "gerrit_critic_venv"
VENV_BIN = os.path.join(VENV_PATH, "bin")
PIP_PATH = os.path.join(VENV_BIN, "pip")
FLAKE8_DIFF_PATH = os.path.join(VENV_BIN, "flake8-diff")
# Limit on length of lines in source files.
# Source file extensions that we should apply our line limit and whitespace rules to.
SOURCE_EXTENSIONS = {".cc", ".h", ".java", ".py", ".sh", ".thrift"}
# Source file patterns that we exclude from our checks.
re.compile(r".*be/src/kudu.*"), # Kudu source code may have different rules.
re.compile(r".*"), # Benchmark files tend to have long lines.
re.compile(r".*/function-registry/"), # Many long strings.
re.compile(r".*/catalog/"), # Many long strings.
re.compile(r".*/codegen/"), # Many long strings.
re.compile(r".*shell/ext-py/.*"), # Third-party code.
re.compile(r".*be/src/thirdparty/.*"), # Third-party code.
re.compile(r".*/.*\.xml\.py") # Long lines in config template files.
# Thrift files that are not used in communication between impalad and catalogd/statestore
"BackendGflags.thrift", # Only used between FE and BE
"beeswax.thrift", # Only used between client and impalad
"DataSinks.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"Descriptors.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"ExecStats.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"LineageGraph.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"NetworkTest.thrift", # Unused in production
"Planner.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"PlanNodes.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"parquet.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"ResourceProfile.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"SystemTables.thrift", # Only used in impalads
"Zip.thrift", # Unused
"This file is used in communication between impalad and catalogd/statestore. "
"Please make sure impalads can still work with new/old versions of catalogd and "
"statestore. Basically only new optional fields can be added.")
"This file is used in communication between impalad and catalogd/statestore. "
"Please make sure impalads can still work with new/old versions of catalogd and "
"statestore. Basically only new fields can be added and should be added at the end "
"of a table definition.\n"
# Matches range information like:
# @@ -229,0 +230,2 @@ struct TColumnStats {
RANGE_RE = re.compile(r"^@@ -([0-9]*).* \+([0-9]*).*@@\s*(.*)$")
# Matches required/optional fields like:
# 7: required i64 num_trues
REQUIRED_FIELD_RE = re.compile(r"[0-9]*: required \w* \w*")
OPTIONAL_FIELD_RE = re.compile(r"[0-9]*: optional \w* \w*")
# Matches include statements like:
# include "Exprs.thrift"
INCLUDE_FILE_RE = re.compile(r"include \"(\w+\.thrift)\"")
THRIFT_WARNING_SUFFIX = (" might break the compatibility between impalad and "
"catalogd/statestore during upgrade")
def setup_virtualenv():
"""Set up virtualenv with flake8-diff."""
check_call([PIP_PATH, "install",
def get_comment_input(message, line_number=0, side=COMMENT_REVISION_SIDE,
context_line="", dryrun=False):
comment = {"message": message, "line": line_number, "side": side}
if dryrun:
comment["context_line"] = context_line
return comment
def get_flake8_comments(base_revision, revision):
"""Get flake8 warnings for code changes made in the git commit 'revision'.
Returns a dict with file path as keys and a list of CommentInput objects. See
for information on the format."""
comments = defaultdict(lambda: [])
# flake8 needs to be on the path.
flake8_env = os.environ.copy()
flake8_env["PATH"] = "{0}:{1}".format(VENV_BIN, flake8_env["PATH"])
flake8_diff_proc = Popen(
[FLAKE8_DIFF_PATH, "--standard-flake8-output", "--color", "off", base_revision,
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=flake8_env)
stdout, stderr = flake8_diff_proc.communicate()
# Ignore the return code since it will be non-zero if any violations are found. We want
# to continue in that case. Instead check stderr for any errors.
if stderr:
raise Exception("Did not expect flake8-diff to write to stderr:\n{0}".format(stderr))
# Match output lines like:
# bin/jenkins/ F401 'json' imported but unused
VIOLATION_RE = re.compile(r"^([^:]*):([0-9]*):([0-9]*): (.*)$")
for line in stdout.splitlines():
match = VIOLATION_RE.match(line)
if not match:
raise Exception("Pattern did not match line:\n{0}".format(line))
file, line, col, details = match.groups()
line = int(line)
col = int(col)
skip_file = False
if pattern.match(file):
skip_file = True
if skip_file:
comments_for_file = comments[file]
comment = {"message": "flake8: {0}".format(details)}
# Heuristic: if the error is on the first column, assume it applies to the whole line.
if col == 1:
comment["line"] = line
comment["range"] = {"start_line": line, "end_line": line,
"start_character": col - 1, "end_character": col}
return comments
def get_misc_comments(base_revision, revision, dryrun=False):
"""Get miscellaneous warnings for code changes made in the git commit 'revision', e.g.
long lines and trailing whitespace. These warnings are produced by directly parsing the
diff output."""
comments = defaultdict(lambda: [])
# Matches range information like:
# @@ -128 +133,2 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
RANGE_RE = re.compile(r"^@@ -[0-9,]* \+([0-9]*).*$")
diff = check_output(["git", "diff", "-U0", "{0}..{1}".format(base_revision, revision)],
curr_file = None
check_source_file = False
curr_line_num = 0
for diff_line in diff.splitlines():
if diff_line.startswith("+++ "):
# Start of diff for a file. Strip off "+++ b/" to get the file path.
curr_file = diff_line[6:]
check_source_file = os.path.splitext(curr_file)[1] in SOURCE_EXTENSIONS
if check_source_file:
if pattern.match(curr_file):
check_source_file = False
elif diff_line.startswith("@@ "):
# Figure out the starting line of the hunk. Format of unified diff is:
# @@ -128 +133,2 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# We want to extract the start line for the added lines
match = RANGE_RE.match(diff_line)
if not match:
raise Exception("Pattern did not match diff line:\n{0}".format(diff_line))
curr_line_num = int(
elif diff_line.startswith("+") and check_source_file:
# An added or modified line - check it to see if we should generate warnings.
add_misc_comments_for_line(comments, diff_line[1:], curr_file, curr_line_num,
curr_line_num += 1
return comments
def add_misc_comments_for_line(comments, line, curr_file, curr_line_num, dryrun=False):
"""Helper for get_misc_comments to generate comments for 'line' at 'curr_line_num' in
'curr_file' and append them to 'comments'."""
# Check for trailing whitespace.
if line.rstrip() != line:
"line has trailing whitespace", curr_line_num, context_line=line, dryrun=dryrun))
# Check for long lines. Skip .py files since flake8 already flags long lines.
if len(line) > LINE_LIMIT and os.path.splitext(curr_file)[1] != ".py":
msg = "line too long ({0} > {1})".format(len(line), LINE_LIMIT)
msg, curr_line_num, context_line=line, dryrun=dryrun))
if '\t' in line:
"tab used for whitespace", curr_line_num, context_line=line, dryrun=dryrun))
if 'ThriftDebugString' in line and curr_file.startswith("be/src/"):
"Please make sure you don't output sensitive data with ThriftDebugString(). "
"If so, use impala::RedactedDebugString() instead.",
curr_line_num, context_line=line, dryrun=dryrun))
def get_catalog_compatibility_comments(base_revision, revision, dryrun=False):
"""Get comments on Thrift/FlatBuffers changes that might break the communication
between impalad and catalogd/statestore"""
comments = defaultdict(lambda: [])
diff = check_output(
["git", "diff", "-U0", "{0}..{1}".format(base_revision, revision),
"--", "common/thrift"],
curr_file = None
check_source_file = False
has_concerns = False
in_enum_clause = False
is_thrift_file = False
# Line numbers in the old file and in the new file
old_line_num = 0
new_line_num = 0
for diff_line in diff.splitlines():
if diff_line.startswith("--- "):
elif diff_line.startswith("+++ "):
# Start of diff for a file. Add a comment for the previous file if has concerns.
if curr_file and check_source_file and has_concerns:
# Strip off "+++ b/" to get the file path.
curr_file = diff_line[6:]
check_source_file = False
has_concerns = False
in_enum_clause = False
is_thrift_file = os.path.splitext(curr_file)[1] == ".thrift"
if is_thrift_file and os.path.basename(curr_file) not in EXCLUDE_THRIFT_FILES:
check_source_file = True
elif check_source_file and diff_line.startswith("@@ "):
# Figure out the starting line of the hunk. Examples:
# @@ -932,0 +933,5 @@ enum TImpalaQueryOptions {
# @@ -55,0 +56 @@ enum TPlanNodeType {
# @@ -109 +109 @@ struct THdfsTableSink {
# We want to extract the start line for the added lines
match = RANGE_RE.match(diff_line)
if not match:
raise Exception("Pattern did not match diff line:\n{0}".format(diff_line))
old_line_num = int(
new_line_num = int(
in_enum_clause ="enum ")
elif check_source_file and diff_line.startswith("-"):
# Check if deleting/modifying a required field
change = diff_line[1:].strip()
if in_enum_clause and not change.startswith("//"):
has_concerns = True
"Modifying/deleting this enum item" + THRIFT_WARNING_SUFFIX,
old_line_num, COMMENT_PARENT_SIDE, diff_line, dryrun))
elif REQUIRED_FIELD_RE.match(change):
has_concerns = True
"Modifying/deleting this required field" + THRIFT_WARNING_SUFFIX,
old_line_num, COMMENT_PARENT_SIDE, diff_line, dryrun))
elif OPTIONAL_FIELD_RE.match(change):
# Removing an optional field should be OK unless the field number is reused by
# a new optional field. Add a general comment on the file.
has_concerns = True
old_line_num += 1
elif is_thrift_file and diff_line.startswith("+"):
change = diff_line[1:].strip()
# Check includes in Thrift files
match = INCLUDE_FILE_RE.match(change)
# Case 1: a target file includes a whitelist file, E.g. Frontend.thrift includes
# LineageGraph.thrift. Future changes in LineageGraph.thrift might impact
# Frontend.thrift so
# - LineageGraph.thrift should be removed from the whitelist (i.e.
# EXCLUDE_THRIFT_FILES) if it will be used in impalad and catalogd.
# - Or developers should make sure the included new fields are read/write only
# in impalads or only in catalogd.
if match and check_source_file and in EXCLUDE_THRIFT_FILES:
"Future changes in {0} might break the compatibility between impalad and "
"catalogd/statestore. Please remove {0} from EXCLUDE_THRIFT_FILES in "
"bin/jenkins/ or make sure the new fields are "
"read/write only in impalads or only in catalogd".format(,
new_line_num, context_line=diff_line, dryrun=dryrun))
# Case 2: A whitelist file includes a target file, e.g. PlanNodes.thrift includes
# Data.thrift. Note that PlanNodes.thrift is supposed to be used inside impalad.
# Data.thrift is used in both impalad and catalogd. We should ensure new fields
# included from Data.thrift are not set from catalogd.
elif (match and not check_source_file
"Thrift objects in the current file are supposed to be used inside "
"impalads. Please make sure new fields includes from {} are not set by "
new_line_num, context_line=diff_line, dryrun=dryrun))
elif check_source_file:
if REQUIRED_FIELD_RE.match(change):
has_concerns = True
"Modifying/adding this required field" + THRIFT_WARNING_SUFFIX,
new_line_num, context_line=diff_line, dryrun=dryrun))
new_line_num += 1
if curr_file and check_source_file and has_concerns:
comments, get_flatbuffers_compatibility_comments(base_revision, revision))
return comments
def get_flatbuffers_compatibility_comments(base_revision, revision):
comments = defaultdict(lambda: [])
diff = check_output(
["git", "diff", "--numstat", "{0}..{1}".format(base_revision, revision),
"--", "common/fbs"],
for diff_line in diff.splitlines():
_, _, path = diff_line.split()
if os.path.splitext(path)[1] == ".fbs":
return comments
def post_review_to_gerrit(review_input):
"""Post a review to the gerrit patchset. 'review_input' is a ReviewInput JSON object
containing the review comments. The gerrit change and patchset are picked up from
environment variables set by the gerrit jenkins trigger."""
change_num = environ["GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER"]
patch_num = environ["GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER"]
proc = Popen(["ssh", "-p", environ["GERRIT_PORT"],
"impala-public-jenkins@" + environ["GERRIT_HOST"], "gerrit", "review",
"--project", environ["GERRIT_PROJECT"], "--json",
"{0},{1}".format(change_num, patch_num)], stdin=PIPE)
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise Exception("Error posting review to gerrit.")
def merge_comments(a, b):
for k, v in b.items():
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Generate and post gerrit comments")
parser.add_argument("--dryrun", action='store_true',
help="Don't post comments back to gerrit. Also shows the context "
"lines if possible.")
parser.add_argument("--revision", default="HEAD",
help="The revision to check. Defaults to HEAD. Note that "
"flake8-diff only actually works correctly on HEAD. So "
"specifying other commits might miss the results of "
help="The base revision to check. Defaults to the parent commit of"
" revision")
args = parser.parse_args()
revision = args.revision
base_revision = args.base_revision if args.base_revision else "{0}^".format(revision)
comments = get_flake8_comments(base_revision, revision)
merge_comments(comments, get_misc_comments(base_revision, revision, args.dryrun))
comments, get_catalog_compatibility_comments(base_revision, revision, args.dryrun))
review_input = {"comments": comments}
if len(comments) > 0:
review_input["message"] = (
"gerrit-auto-critic failed. You can reproduce it locally using command:\n\n"
" python2 bin/jenkins/ --dryrun\n\n"
"To run it, you might need a virtual env with virtualenv installed.")
print(json.dumps(review_input, indent=True))
if not args.dryrun: