blob: a141dbabd3c352981eb33515cb9aee6434df733a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "common/status.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/messenger.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/result_tracker.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "rpc/impala-service-pool.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace rpc {
class RpcController;
class GeneratedServiceIf;
} // rpc
} // kudu
namespace impala {
/// Singleton class which manages all KRPC services and proxies.
/// --------
/// An RpcMgr manages 0 or more services: RPC interfaces that are a collection of remotely
/// accessible methods. A new service is registered by calling RegisterService(). All
/// services are served on the same port; the underlying RPC layer takes care of
/// de-multiplexing RPC calls to their respective endpoints.
/// Services are made available to remote clients when RpcMgr::StartServices() is called;
/// before this method no service method will be called.
/// Services may only be registered and started after RpcMgr::Init() is called.
/// -------
/// A proxy is a client-side interface to a remote service. Remote methods exported by
/// that service may be called through a proxy as though they were local methods.
/// A proxy can be obtained by calling GetProxy(). Proxies implement local methods which
/// call remote service methods, e.g. proxy->Foo(request, &response) will call the Foo()
/// service method on the service that 'proxy' points to.
/// Proxies may only be created after RpcMgr::Init() is called.
/// For example usage of proxies, please see
/// ---------
/// RpcMgr resides inside the singleton ExecEnv class.
/// Before any proxy or service interactions, RpcMgr::Init() must be called exactly once
/// to start the reactor threads that service network events. Services must be registered
/// with RpcMgr::RegisterService() before RpcMgr::StartServices() is called. When shutting
/// down, RpcMgr::Shutdown() must be called to ensure that all services are cleanly
/// terminated. RpcMgr::Init() and RpcMgr::Shutdown() are not thread safe.
/// --------------
/// Each service and proxy interacts with the network via a shared pool of 'reactor'
/// threads which respond to incoming and outgoing RPC events. The number of 'reactor'
/// threads are configurable via FLAGS_reactor_thread. By default, it's set to the number
/// of cpu cores. Incoming events are passed immediately to one of two thread pools: new
/// connections are handled by an 'acceptor' pool, and RPC request events are handled by
/// a per-service 'service' pool. The size of a 'service' pool is specified when calling
/// RegisterService().
/// All incoming RPC requests are placed into a per-service pool's fixed-size queue.
/// The service threads will dequeue from this queue and process the requests. If the
/// queue becomes full, the RPC will fail at the caller. The function IsServerTooBusy()
/// below will return true for this case. The size of the queue is specified when calling
/// RegisterService().
/// Inbound connection set-up is handled by a small fixed-size pool of 'acceptor'
/// threads. The number of threads that accept new TCP connection requests to the service
/// port is configurable via FLAGS_acceptor_threads.
/// If 'use_tls' is true, then the underlying messenger is configured with the required
/// certificates, and encryption is enabled and marked as required.
class RpcMgr {
RpcMgr(bool use_tls = false) : use_tls_(use_tls) {}
/// Initializes the reactor threads, and prepares for sending outbound RPC requests. All
/// services will be started on 'address', which must be a resolved IP address.
Status Init(const TNetworkAddress& address) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
bool is_inited() const { return messenger_.get() != nullptr; }
/// Start the acceptor threads which listen on 'address_', making KRPC services
/// available. Before this method is called, remote clients will get a 'connection
/// refused' error when trying to invoke an RPC on this host.
Status StartServices() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Register a new service.
/// 'num_service_threads' is the number of threads that should be started to execute RPC
/// handlers for the new service.
/// 'service_queue_depth' is the maximum number of requests that may be queued for this
/// service before clients begin to see rejection errors.
/// 'service_ptr' contains an interface implementation that will handle RPCs. Note that
/// the service name has to be unique within an Impala instance or the registration will
/// fail.
/// 'service_mem_tracker' is the MemTracker for tracking the memory usage of RPC
/// payloads in the service queue.
/// It is an error to call this after StartServices() has been called.
Status RegisterService(int32_t num_service_threads, int32_t service_queue_depth,
kudu::rpc::GeneratedServiceIf* service_ptr, MemTracker* service_mem_tracker)
/// Returns true if the given 'remote_user' in RpcContext 'context' is authorized to
/// access 'service_name' registered with this RpcMgr. Authorization is only enforced
/// when Kerberos is enabled.
/// If authorization is denied, the RPC is responded to with an error message. Memory
/// of RPC payloads accounted towards 'mem_tracker', the service's MemTracker, is also
/// released.
bool Authorize(const string& service_name, kudu::rpc::RpcContext* context,
MemTracker* mem_tracker) const;
/// Creates a new proxy of type P to a host with IP address 'address' and hostname
/// 'hostname'. Please note that 'address' has to be a resolved IP address and
/// 'hostname' has to match the hostname used in the Kerberos principal of the
/// destination host if Kerberos is enabled. 'P' must descend from kudu::rpc::Proxy.
template <typename P>
Status GetProxy(const TNetworkAddress& address, const std::string& hostname,
std::unique_ptr<P>* proxy) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Shut down all previously registered services. All service pools are shut down.
/// All acceptor and reactor threads within the messenger are also shut down.
/// All unprocessed incoming requests will be replied with error messages.
void Shutdown();
/// Returns true if the last RPC of 'rpc_controller' failed because the remote
/// service's queue filled up and couldn't accept more incoming requests.
/// 'rpc_controller' should contain the status of the last RPC call.
static bool IsServerTooBusy(const kudu::rpc::RpcController& rpc_controller);
const scoped_refptr<kudu::rpc::ResultTracker> result_tracker() const {
return tracker_;
scoped_refptr<kudu::MetricEntity> metric_entity() const {
return messenger_->metric_entity();
std::shared_ptr<kudu::rpc::Messenger> messenger() { return messenger_; }
/// Writes a JSON representation of the RpcMgr's metrics to a value named 'services' in
/// 'document'. It will include the number of RPCs accepted so far, the number of calls
/// in flight, and metrics and histograms for each service and their methods.
void ToJson(rapidjson::Document* document);
/// Retry the Rpc 'rpc_call' on the 'proxy' object up to 'times_to_try' times.
/// The 'rpc_call' must be idempotent as it may be called multiple times.
/// Each Rpc has a timeout of 'timeout_ms' milliseconds.
/// If the service is busy then sleep 'server_busy_backoff_ms' milliseconds before
/// retrying.
/// Pass 'debug_action' to DebugAction() to potentially inject errors.
/// TODO: Clean up this interface. Replace the debug action with fault injection in RPC
/// callbacks or other places.
template <typename Proxy, typename ProxyMethod, typename Request, typename Response>
static Status DoRpcWithRetry(const std::unique_ptr<Proxy>& proxy,
const ProxyMethod& rpc_call, const Request& request, Response* response,
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx, const char* error_msg, const int times_to_try,
const int64_t timeout_ms, const int64_t server_busy_backoff_ms = 0,
const char* debug_action = nullptr);
~RpcMgr() {
DCHECK_EQ(service_pools_.size(), 0)
<< "Must call Shutdown() before destroying RpcMgr";
/// One pool per registered service. scoped_refptr<> is dictated by the Kudu interface.
std::vector<scoped_refptr<ImpalaServicePool>> service_pools_;
/// Required Kudu boilerplate for constructing the MetricEntity passed
/// to c'tor of ServiceIf when creating a service.
/// TODO(KRPC): Integrate with Impala MetricGroup.
kudu::MetricRegistry registry_;
/// Used when creating a new service. Shared across all services which don't really
/// track results for idempotent RPC calls.
const scoped_refptr<kudu::rpc::ResultTracker> tracker_;
/// Holds a reference to the acceptor pool. Shared ownership with messenger_.
std::shared_ptr<kudu::rpc::AcceptorPool> acceptor_pool_;
/// Container for reactor threads which run event loops for RPC services, plus acceptor
/// threads which manage connection setup. Has to be a shared_ptr as required by
/// MessangerBuilder::Build().
std::shared_ptr<kudu::rpc::Messenger> messenger_;
/// True after StartServices() completes.
bool services_started_ = false;
/// True if TLS is configured for communication between Impala backends. messenger_ will
/// be configured to use TLS if this is set.
const bool use_tls_;
/// The host/port the rpc services are run on.
TNetworkAddress address_;
} // namespace impala