blob: 2e7a1cbaf015715d4a27d9468a6460484cb9d0a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "common/status.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
#include "gen-cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
#include "gutil/threading/thread_collision_warner.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/reservation-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h" // for RowDescriptor
#include "runtime/reservation-manager.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
namespace impala {
class DataSink;
class MemPool;
class MemTracker;
class ObjectPool;
class RowBatch;
class RuntimeState;
class ScalarExpr;
class SubplanNode;
class SubplanPlanNode;
class TPlan;
class TupleRow;
class TDebugOptions;
class ExecNode;
/// PlanNode and ExecNode are the super-classes of all plan nodes and execution nodes
/// respectively. The plan nodes contain a subset of the static state of their
/// corresponding ExecNode, of which there is one instance per fragment. ExecNode contains
/// only runtime state and there can be up to MT_DOP instances of it per fragment.
/// Hence every ExecNode has a corresponding PlanNode which may or may not be at the same
/// level of hierarchy as the ExecNode.
/// TODO: IMPALA-9216: Move all the static state of ExecNode into PlanNode.
/// All subclasses need to make sure to check RuntimeState::is_cancelled()
/// periodically in order to ensure timely termination after the cancellation
/// flag gets set.
class PlanNode {
PlanNode() = default;
/// Initializes this object from the thrift tnode desc. All internal members created and
/// initialized here will be owned by state->obj_pool().
/// If overridden in subclass, must first call superclass's Init().
/// Should only be called after all children have been set and Init()-ed.
virtual Status Init(const TPlanNode& tnode, RuntimeState* state);
/// Create its corresponding exec node. Place exec node in state->obj_pool().
virtual Status CreateExecNode(RuntimeState* state, ExecNode** node) const = 0;
/// Creates plan node tree from list of nodes contained in plan via depth-first
/// traversal. All nodes are placed in state->obj_pool() and have Init() called on them.
/// Returns error if 'plan' is corrupted, otherwise success.
static Status CreateTree(
RuntimeState* state, const TPlan& plan, PlanNode** root) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual ~PlanNode(){}
/// TODO: IMPALA-9216: Add accessor methods for these members instead of making
/// them public.
/// Reference to the thrift node that represents this PlanNode.
const TPlanNode* tnode_ = nullptr;
/// Conjuncts in this node. 'conjuncts_' live in this exec node's object pool. Note:
/// conjunct_evals_ are not created for Aggregation nodes. TODO: move conjuncts to
/// query-state's obj pool.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> conjuncts_;
RowDescriptor* row_descriptor_ = nullptr;
// Runtime filter's expressions assigned to this plan node.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> runtime_filter_exprs_;
std::vector<PlanNode*> children_;
/// Pointer to the containing SubplanPlanNode or NULL if not inside a subplan.
/// Set by the containing SubplanPlanNode::Prepare() before Prepare() is called on
/// 'this' node. Not owned.
SubplanPlanNode* containing_subplan_ = nullptr;
/// Create a single exec node derived from thrift node; place exec node in 'pool'.
static Status CreatePlanNode(ObjectPool* pool, const TPlanNode& tnode, PlanNode** node,
RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
static Status CreateTreeHelper(RuntimeState* state,
const std::vector<TPlanNode>& tnodes, PlanNode* parent, int* node_idx,
PlanNode** root) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
class ExecNode {
/// Copies over state from the 'pnode', initializes internal objects from 'pool' that
/// cannot fail during initialization and finally initializes references to descriptors
/// from 'descs'.
ExecNode(ObjectPool* pool, const PlanNode& pnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs);
virtual ~ExecNode();
/// Sets up internal structures, etc., without doing any actual work.
/// Must be called prior to Open(). Will only be called once in this
/// node's lifetime.
/// If overridden in subclass, must first call superclass's Prepare().
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Recursively calls Codegen() on all children.
/// Expected to be overriden in subclass to generate LLVM IR functions and register
/// them with the LlvmCodeGen object. The function pointers of the compiled IR functions
/// will be set up in PlanFragmentExecutor::Open(). If overridden in subclass, must also
/// call superclass's Codegen() before or after the code generation for this exec node.
/// Will only be called once in the node's lifetime.
virtual void Codegen(RuntimeState* state);
/// Performs any preparatory work prior to calling GetNext().
/// If overridden in subclass, must first call superclass's Open().
/// Open() is called after Prepare() or Reset(), i.e., possibly multiple times
/// throughout the lifetime of this node.
/// Memory resources must be acquired by an ExecNode only during or after the first
/// call to Open(). Blocking ExecNodes outside of a subplan must call Open() on their
/// child before acquiring their own resources to reduce the peak resource requirement.
/// This is particularly important if there are multiple blocking ExecNodes in a
/// pipeline because the lower nodes will release resources in Close() before the
/// Open() of their parent returns. The resource profile calculation in the frontend
/// relies on this when computing the peak resources required for a query.
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Retrieves rows and returns them via row_batch. Sets eos to true
/// if subsequent calls will not retrieve any more rows.
/// Data referenced by any tuples returned in row_batch must not be overwritten
/// by the callee until Close() is called. The memory holding that data
/// can be returned via row_batch's tuple_data_pool (in which case it may be deleted
/// by the caller) or held on to by the callee. The row_batch, including its
/// tuple_data_pool, will be destroyed by the caller at some point prior to the final
/// Close() call.
/// In other words, if the memory holding the tuple data will be referenced
/// by the callee in subsequent GetNext() calls, it must *not* be attached to the
/// row_batch's tuple_data_pool.
virtual Status GetNext(
RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
/// Resets the stream of row batches to be retrieved by subsequent GetNext() calls.
/// Clears all internal state, returning this node to the state it was in after calling
/// Prepare() and before calling Open(). This function must not clear memory
/// still owned by this node that is backing rows returned in GetNext(). 'row_batch' can
/// be used to transfer ownership of any such memory.
/// Prepare() and Open() must have already been called before calling Reset().
/// GetNext() may have optionally been called (not necessarily until eos).
/// Close() must not have been called.
/// Reset() is not idempotent. Calling it multiple times in a row without a preceding
/// call to Open() is invalid.
/// If overridden in a subclass, must call superclass's Reset() at the end. The default
/// implementation calls Reset() on children.
/// Note that this function may be called many times (proportional to the input data),
/// so should be fast.
virtual Status Reset(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Close() will get called for every exec node, regardless of what else is called and
/// the status of these calls (i.e. Prepare() may never have been called, or
/// Prepare()/Open()/GetNext() returned with an error).
/// Close() releases all resources that were allocated in Open()/GetNext(), even if the
/// latter ended with an error. Close() can be called if the node has been prepared or
/// the node is closed.
/// The default implementation updates runtime profile counters and calls
/// Close() on the children. Subclasses should check if the node has already been
/// closed (is_closed()), then close themselves, then call the base Close().
/// Nodes that are using tuples returned by a child may call Close() on their children
/// before their own Close() if the child node has returned eos.
/// It is only safe to call Close() on the child node while the parent node is still
/// returning rows if the parent node fully materializes the child's input.
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
/// Creates exec node tree from list of nodes contained in plan via depth-first
/// traversal. All nodes are placed in state->obj_pool().
/// Returns error if 'plan_node' is corrupted, otherwise success.
static Status CreateTree(RuntimeState* state, const PlanNode& plan_node,
const DescriptorTbl& descs, ExecNode** root) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Set debug action in 'tree' according to debug_options.
static void SetDebugOptions(const TDebugOptions& debug_options, ExecNode* tree);
/// Collect all nodes of given 'node_type' that are part of this subtree, and return in
/// 'nodes'.
void CollectNodes(TPlanNodeType::type node_type, std::vector<ExecNode*>* nodes);
/// Collect all scan node types.
void CollectScanNodes(std::vector<ExecNode*>* nodes);
/// Evaluates the predicate in 'eval' over 'row' and returns the result.
static bool EvalPredicate(ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, TupleRow* row);
/// Evaluate the conjuncts in 'evaluators' over 'row'.
/// Returns true if all exprs return true.
static bool EvalConjuncts(
ScalarExprEvaluator* const* evals, int num_conjuncts, TupleRow* row);
/// Codegen EvalConjuncts(). Returns a non-OK status if the function couldn't be
/// codegen'd. The codegen'd version uses inlined, codegen'd GetBooleanVal() functions.
static Status CodegenEvalConjuncts(LlvmCodeGen* codegen,
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& conjuncts, llvm::Function** fn,
const char* name = "EvalConjuncts") WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns a string representation in DFS order of the plan rooted at this.
std::string DebugString() const;
/// Recursive helper method for generating a string for DebugString().
/// Implementations should call DebugString(int, std::stringstream) on their children.
/// Input parameters:
/// indentation_level: Current level in plan tree.
/// Output parameters:
/// out: Stream to accumulate debug string.
virtual void DebugString(int indentation_level, std::stringstream* out) const;
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& conjuncts() const { return conjuncts_; }
const std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>& conjunct_evals() const {
return conjunct_evals_;
int id() const { return id_; }
TPlanNodeType::type type() const { return type_; }
/// Returns a unique label for this ExecNode of the form "PLAN_NODE_TYPE(id=[int])",
/// for example, EXCHANGE_NODE (id=2).
std::string label() const;
/// Returns the row descriptor for rows produced by this node. The RowDescriptor is
/// constant for the lifetime of the fragment instance, and so is shared by reference
/// across the plan tree, including in RowBatches. The lifetime of the descriptor is the
/// same as the lifetime of this node.
const RowDescriptor* row_desc() const { return &row_descriptor_; }
ExecNode* child(int i) { return children_[i]; }
int num_children() const { return children_.size(); }
/// Valid to call in or after Prepare().
SubplanNode* get_containing_subplan() const { return containing_subplan_; }
void set_containing_subplan(SubplanNode* sp) {
DCHECK(containing_subplan_ == nullptr);
containing_subplan_ = sp;
int64_t limit() const { return limit_; }
/// Returns the number of rows returned by this Node.
int64_t rows_returned() const {
DCHECK(getExecutionModel() != NON_TASK_BASED_SYNC);
return num_rows_returned_;
/// Returns the number of rows returned by this Node. Thread safe version of
/// rows_returned().
/// TODO: The thread safe versions can be removed if we remove the legacy multi-threaded
/// scan nodes.
int64_t rows_returned_shared() const {
// Ideally this function should only be called when num_rows_returned_ is shared by
// multiple threads. Both the HdfsScanNodeMt and KuduScanNodeMt call this function
// from the scanner code-path for simplicity.
getExecutionModel() == NON_TASK_BASED_SYNC || getExecutionModel() == TASK_BASED);
return base::subtle::Acquire_Load(&num_rows_returned_);
/// Returns true if a valid limit is set and number of rows returned by this node has
/// exceeded the limit.
bool ReachedLimit() {
DCHECK(getExecutionModel() != NON_TASK_BASED_SYNC);
return limit_ != -1 && num_rows_returned_ >= limit_;
/// Returns true if a valid limit is set and number of rows returned by this node has
/// exceeded the limit. Thread safe version of ReachedLimit().
bool ReachedLimitShared() {
// Ideally this function should only be called when num_rows_returned_ is shared by
// multiple threads. Both the HdfsScanNodeMt and KuduScanNodeMt call this function
// from the scanner code-path for simplicity.
getExecutionModel() == NON_TASK_BASED_SYNC || getExecutionModel() == TASK_BASED);
return limit_ != -1 && base::subtle::Acquire_Load(&num_rows_returned_) >= limit_;
RuntimeProfile* runtime_profile() { return runtime_profile_; }
MemTracker* mem_tracker() { return mem_tracker_.get(); }
MemTracker* expr_mem_tracker() { return expr_mem_tracker_.get(); }
MemPool* expr_perm_pool() { return expr_perm_pool_.get(); }
MemPool* expr_results_pool() { return expr_results_pool_.get(); }
const TBackendResourceProfile& resource_profile() { return resource_profile_; }
bool is_closed() const { return is_closed_; }
/// Return true if codegen was disabled by the planner for this ExecNode. Does not
/// check to see if codegen was enabled for the enclosing fragment.
bool IsNodeCodegenDisabled() const;
/// Returns true if this node is inside the right-hand side plan tree of a SubplanNode.
bool IsInSubplan() const { return plan_node_.containing_subplan_ != nullptr; }
/// Names of counters shared by all exec nodes
static const std::string ROW_THROUGHPUT_COUNTER;
friend class DataSink;
friend class ScopedGetNextEventAdder;
friend class ScopedOpenEventAdder;
enum ExecutionModel {
/// Exec nodes with single threaded execution. This is the default execution model
/// for majority of the nodes. BlockingJoin node is an exception since it could spawn
/// a build thread in some cases. Due to the blocking nature of such join operators,
/// it can be considered as not requiring explicit synchronization.
/// Exec nodes which spawn multiple worker threads. Examples are HdfsScanNode and
/// and KuduScanNode. Requires syncronization if the main thread and worker threads
/// share resources.
/// Task Based multi-threading. Examples are HdfsScanNodeMt and KuduScanNodeMt.
virtual ExecutionModel getExecutionModel() const { return NON_TASK_BASED_NO_SYNC; }
BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client() {
return reservation_manager_.buffer_pool_client();
Status ClaimBufferReservation(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return reservation_manager_.ClaimBufferReservation(state);
Status ReleaseUnusedReservation() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return reservation_manager_.ReleaseUnusedReservation();
/// Reference to the PlanNode shared across fragment instances.
/// TODO: Store a specialized reference directly in the child classes when all static
/// state is moved there and accessed directly.
const PlanNode& plan_node_;
/// Unique within a single plan tree.
int id_;
TPlanNodeType::type type_;
ObjectPool* pool_;
/// ExecNode lifecycle events for this ExecNode. Initialised for nodes outside subplan.
/// Within a subplan, we iterate through the lifecycle multiple times so this would
/// have a lot of overhead and not be particularly useful. All times are relative to
/// QueryState::fragment_events_start_time().
RuntimeProfile::EventSequence* events_ = nullptr;
/// Used to track whether the first GetNext() event was added to 'events_' so that
/// ScopedGetNextEventAdder can avoid adding a duplicate event.
bool first_getnext_added_ = false;
/// Conjuncts and their evaluators in this node. 'conjuncts_' live in the
/// query-state's object pool while the evaluators live in this exec node's
/// object pool. Note: conjunct_evals_ are not created for Aggregation nodes.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> conjuncts_;
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> conjunct_evals_;
std::vector<ExecNode*> children_;
RowDescriptor& row_descriptor_;
/// Resource information sent from the frontend.
const TBackendResourceProfile resource_profile_;
/// debug-only: if debug_action_ is not INVALID, node will perform action in
/// debug_phase_
TDebugOptions debug_options_;
int64_t limit_; // -1: no limit
/// Runtime profile for this node. Owned by the QueryState's ObjectPool.
RuntimeProfile* const runtime_profile_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rows_returned_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rows_returned_rate_;
/// Account for peak memory used by this node
boost::scoped_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker_;
/// MemTracker used by 'expr_perm_pool_' and 'expr_results_pool_'.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemTracker> expr_mem_tracker_;
/// MemPool for allocations made by expression evaluators in this node that are
/// "permanent" and live until Close() is called. Created in Prepare().
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> expr_perm_pool_;
/// MemPool for allocations made by expression evaluators in this node that hold
/// intermediate or final results of expression evaluation. Should be cleared
/// periodically to free accumulated memory. QueryMaintenance() clears this pool, but
/// it may be appropriate for ExecNode implementation to clear it at other points in
/// execution where the memory is not needed.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> expr_results_pool_;
/// Pointer to the containing SubplanNode or NULL if not inside a subplan.
/// Set by SubplanNode::Prepare() before Prepare() is called on 'this' node. Not owned.
SubplanNode* containing_subplan_;
/// If true, codegen should be disabled for this exec node.
const bool disable_codegen_;
virtual bool IsScanNode() const { return false; }
/// Executes 'debug_action_' if 'phase' matches 'debug_phase_'.
/// 'phase' must not be INVALID.
Status ExecDebugAction(
TExecNodePhase::type phase, RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
DCHECK_NE(phase, TExecNodePhase::INVALID);
// Fast path for the common case when an action is not enabled for this phase.
if (LIKELY(debug_options_.phase != phase)) return Status::OK();
return ExecDebugActionImpl(phase, state);
/// Clears 'expr_results_pool_' and returns the result of state->CheckQueryState().
/// Nodes should call this periodically, e.g. once per input row batch. This should
/// not be called outside the main execution thread.
/// TODO: IMPALA-2399: replace QueryMaintenance() - see JIRA for more details.
Status QueryMaintenance(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Sets the number of rows returned.
void SetNumRowsReturned(int64_t value) {
DCHECK(getExecutionModel() != NON_TASK_BASED_SYNC);
num_rows_returned_ = value;
/// Increment the number of rows returned.
void IncrementNumRowsReturned(int64_t value) {
DCHECK(getExecutionModel() != NON_TASK_BASED_SYNC);
num_rows_returned_ += value;
/// Increment the number of rows returned. Thread safe version of
/// IncrementNumRowsReturned().
void IncrementNumRowsReturnedShared(int64_t value) {
DCHECK(getExecutionModel() == NON_TASK_BASED_SYNC);
base::subtle::Barrier_AtomicIncrement(&num_rows_returned_, value);
/// Decrement the number of rows returned.
void DecrementNumRowsReturned(int64_t value) { IncrementNumRowsReturned(-1 * value); }
/// Decrement the number of rows returned. Thread safe version of
/// DecrementNumRowsReturned().
void DecrementNumRowsReturnedShared(int64_t value) {
IncrementNumRowsReturnedShared(-1 * value);
/// Caps the input row batch to ensure that the limit is not exceeded.
/// Sets the eos and returns true, if the limit is reached.
bool CheckLimitAndTruncateRowBatchIfNeeded(RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
/// Caps the input row batch to ensure that the limit is not exceeded.
/// Sets the eos and returns true, if the limit is reached.
/// Uses thread safe functions.
bool CheckLimitAndTruncateRowBatchIfNeededShared(RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
/// Keeps track of number of rows returned by an exec node. If this variable is shared
/// by multiple threads, it should be accessed using thread-safe functions defined
/// above. The single-threaded code-paths should use non-atomic functions defined
/// above. The only exceptions are HdfsScanNodeMt and KuduScanNodeMt, which are single
/// threaded (task based multi-threading support), but use the thread-safe functions
/// in the scanner code-path for code simplicity. This is because both the task based
/// MT scan nodes (HdfsScanNodeMt/KuduScanNodeMt) and regular scan nodes
/// (HdfsScanNode/KuduScanNode) call common scanner functions.
int64_t num_rows_returned_;
/// Implementation of ExecDebugAction(). This is the slow path we take when there is
/// actually a debug action enabled for 'phase'.
Status ExecDebugActionImpl(
TExecNodePhase::type phase, RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Set in ExecNode::Close(). Used to make Close() idempotent. This is not protected
/// by a lock, it assumes all calls to Close() are made by the same thread.
bool is_closed_;
/// Wraps the buffer pool client for this node. Initialized with the node's minimum
/// reservation in ClaimBufferReservation(). After initialization, the client must hold
/// onto at least the minimum reservation so that it can be returned to the initial
/// reservations pool in Close().
ReservationManager reservation_manager_;
inline bool ExecNode::EvalPredicate(ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, TupleRow* row) {
BooleanVal v = eval->GetBooleanVal(row);
if (v.is_null || !v.val) return false;
return true;