blob: e2fd326c0b14bea769ef7b104b425da5d828b1a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "common/global-types.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
namespace llvm {
class Function;
class Value;
} // namespace llvm
namespace impala {
class AggFn;
class AggFnEvaluator;
class PlanNode;
class CodegenAnyVal;
class DescriptorTbl;
class ExecNode;
class LlvmBuilder;
class LlvmCodeGen;
class MemPool;
class MemTracker;
class ObjectPool;
class RowBatch;
class RowDescriptor;
class RuntimeState;
class ScalarExpr;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
class SlotDescriptor;
class TAggregator;
class Tuple;
class TupleDescriptor;
class TupleRow;
/// AggregatorConfig contains the static state initialized from its corresponding thrift
/// structure. It serves as an input for creating instances of the Aggregator class.
class AggregatorConfig {
const TAggregator& taggregator, RuntimeState* state, PlanNode* pnode);
virtual Status Init(
const TAggregator& taggregator, RuntimeState* state, PlanNode* pnode);
virtual ~AggregatorConfig() {}
/// Tuple into which Update()/Merge()/Serialize() results are stored.
TupleId intermediate_tuple_id_;
TupleDescriptor* intermediate_tuple_desc_;
/// Tuple into which Finalize() results are stored. Possibly the same as
/// the intermediate tuple.
TupleId output_tuple_id_;
TupleDescriptor* output_tuple_desc_;
/// The RowDescriptor for the exec node this aggregator corresponds to.
const RowDescriptor& row_desc_;
/// The RowDescriptor for the child of the exec node this aggregator corresponds to.
const RowDescriptor& input_row_desc_;
/// Certain aggregates require a finalize step, which is the final step of the
/// aggregate after consuming all input rows. The finalize step converts the aggregate
/// value into its final form. This is true if this aggregator contains aggregate that
/// requires a finalize step.
const bool needs_finalize_;
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> conjuncts_;
/// Exprs used to evaluate input rows
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> grouping_exprs_;
/// The list of all aggregate operations for this aggregator.
std::vector<AggFn*> aggregate_functions_;
/// Base class for aggregating rows. Used in the AggregationNode and
/// StreamingAggregationNode.
/// Rows are added by calling AddBatch(). Once all rows have been added, InputDone() must
/// be called and the results can be fetched with GetNext().
class Aggregator {
/// 'agg_idx' is the index of 'taggregator' in the parent TAggregationNode.
Aggregator(ExecNode* exec_node, ObjectPool* pool, const AggregatorConfig& config,
const std::string& name, int agg_idx);
virtual ~Aggregator();
/// Aggregators follow the same lifecycle as ExecNodes, except that after Open() and
/// before GetNext() rows should be added with AddBatch(), followed by InputDone()[
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual void Codegen(RuntimeState* state) = 0;
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual Status GetNext(
RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
virtual Status Reset(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
/// Adds all of the rows in 'batch' to the aggregation.
virtual Status AddBatch(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch) = 0;
/// Used to insert input rows if this is a streaming pre-agg. Tries to aggregate all of
/// the rows of 'child_batch', but if there isn't enough memory available rows will be
/// streamed through and returned in 'out_batch'. If 'eos' is true, 'child_batch' was
/// fully processed, otherwise 'out_batch' was filled up and AddBatchStreaming() should
/// be called again with the same 'child_batch' and a new 'out_batch'.
/// AddBatch() and AddBatchStreaming() should not be called on the same Aggregator.
virtual Status AddBatchStreaming(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* out_batch,
RowBatch* child_batch, bool* eos) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
/// Indicates that all batches have been added. Must be called before GetNext().
virtual Status InputDone() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
virtual int GetNumGroupingExprs() = 0;
RuntimeProfile* runtime_profile() { return runtime_profile_; }
virtual void SetDebugOptions(const TDebugOptions& debug_options) = 0;
virtual std::string DebugString(int indentation_level = 0) const = 0;
virtual void DebugString(int indentation_level, std::stringstream* out) const = 0;
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
/// The id of the ExecNode this Aggregator corresponds to.
const int id_;
ExecNode* exec_node_;
/// The index of this Aggregator within the AggregationNode. When returning output, this
/// Aggregator should only write tuples at 'agg_idx_' within the row.
const int agg_idx_;
ObjectPool* pool_;
/// Account for peak memory used by this aggregator.
std::unique_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker_;
/// MemTracker used by 'expr_perm_pool_' and 'expr_results_pool_'.
std::unique_ptr<MemTracker> expr_mem_tracker_;
/// MemPool for allocations made by expression evaluators in this aggregator that are
/// "permanent" and live until Close() is called. Created in Prepare().
std::unique_ptr<MemPool> expr_perm_pool_;
/// MemPool for allocations made by expression evaluators in this aggregator that hold
/// intermediate or final results of expression evaluation. Should be cleared
/// periodically to free accumulated memory. QueryMaintenance() clears this pool, but
/// it may be appropriate for Aggregator implementation to clear it at other points in
/// execution where the memory is not needed.
std::unique_ptr<MemPool> expr_results_pool_;
/// Tuple into which Update()/Merge()/Serialize() results are stored.
TupleId intermediate_tuple_id_;
TupleDescriptor* intermediate_tuple_desc_;
/// Tuple into which Finalize() results are stored. Possibly the same as
/// the intermediate tuple.
TupleId output_tuple_id_;
TupleDescriptor* output_tuple_desc_;
/// The RowDescriptor for the exec node this aggregator corresponds to.
const RowDescriptor& row_desc_;
/// The RowDescriptor for the child of the exec node this aggregator corresponds to.
const RowDescriptor& input_row_desc_;
/// Certain aggregates require a finalize step, which is the final step of the
/// aggregate after consuming all input rows. The finalize step converts the aggregate
/// value into its final form. This is true if this aggregator contains aggregate that
/// requires a finalize step.
const bool needs_finalize_;
/// The list of all aggregate operations for this aggregator.
std::vector<AggFn*> agg_fns_;
/// Evaluators for each aggregate function. If this is a grouping aggregation, these
/// evaluators are only used to create cloned per-partition evaluators. The cloned
/// evaluators are then used to evaluate the functions. If this is a non-grouping
/// aggregation these evaluators are used directly to evaluate the functions.
/// Permanent and result allocations for these allocators are allocated from
/// 'expr_perm_pool_' and 'expr_results_pool_' respectively.
std::vector<AggFnEvaluator*> agg_fn_evals_;
/// Conjuncts and their evaluators in this aggregator. 'conjuncts_' live in the
/// query-state's object pool while the evaluators live in this aggregator's
/// object pool.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> conjuncts_;
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> conjunct_evals_;
/// Runtime profile for this aggregator. Owned by 'pool_'.
RuntimeProfile* const runtime_profile_;
int64_t num_rows_returned_ = 0;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rows_returned_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Time spent processing the child rows
RuntimeProfile::Counter* build_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Initializes the aggregate function slots of an intermediate tuple.
/// Any var-len data is allocated from the FunctionContexts.
void InitAggSlots(
const std::vector<AggFnEvaluator*>& agg_fn_evals, Tuple* intermediate_tuple);
/// Updates the given aggregation intermediate tuple with aggregation values computed
/// over 'row' using 'agg_fn_evals'. Whether the agg fn evaluator calls Update() or
/// Merge() is controlled by the evaluator itself, unless enforced explicitly by passing
/// in is_merge == true. The override is needed to merge spilled and non-spilled rows
/// belonging to the same partition independent of whether the agg fn evaluators have
/// is_merge() == true.
/// This function is replaced by codegen (which is why we don't use a vector argument
/// for agg_fn_evals).. Any var-len data is allocated from the FunctionContexts.
/// TODO: Fix the arguments order. Need to update CodegenUpdateTuple() too.
void UpdateTuple(AggFnEvaluator** agg_fn_evals, Tuple* tuple, TupleRow* row,
bool is_merge = false) noexcept;
/// Called on the intermediate tuple of each group after all input rows have been
/// consumed and aggregated. Computes the final aggregate values to be returned in
/// GetNext() using the agg fn evaluators' Serialize() or Finalize().
/// For the Finalize() case if the output tuple is different from the intermediate
/// tuple, then a new tuple is allocated from 'pool' to hold the final result.
/// Grouping values are copied into the output tuple and the the output tuple holding
/// the finalized/serialized aggregate values is returned.
/// TODO: Coordinate the allocation of new tuples with the release of memory
/// so as not to make memory consumption blow up.
Tuple* GetOutputTuple(
const std::vector<AggFnEvaluator*>& agg_fn_evals, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool);
/// Clears 'expr_results_pool_' and returns the result of state->CheckQueryState().
/// Aggregators should call this periodically, e.g. once per input row batch. This
/// should not be called outside the main execution thread.
/// TODO: IMPALA-2399: replace QueryMaintenance() - see JIRA for more details.
Status QueryMaintenance(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen for updating aggregate expressions agg_fns_[agg_fn_idx]
/// and returns the IR function in 'fn'. Returns non-OK status if codegen
/// is unsuccessful.
Status CodegenUpdateSlot(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, int agg_fn_idx,
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc, llvm::Function** fn) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen a call to a function implementing the UDA interface with input values
/// from 'input_vals'. 'dst_val' should contain the previous value of the aggregate
/// function, and 'updated_dst_val' is set to the new value after the Update or Merge
/// operation is applied. The instruction sequence for the UDA call is inserted at
/// the insert position of 'builder'.
Status CodegenCallUda(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, LlvmBuilder* builder, AggFn* agg_fn,
llvm::Value* agg_fn_ctx_arg, const std::vector<CodegenAnyVal>& input_vals,
const CodegenAnyVal& dst_val, CodegenAnyVal* updated_dst_val) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen UpdateTuple(). Returns non-OK status if codegen is unsuccessful.
Status CodegenUpdateTuple(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** fn) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
} // namespace impala