blob: 0967427f72b6a053a9a48354c6bed4a43d4d96dd [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import pytest
import re
import time
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import CustomClusterTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfNotHdfsMinicluster
from subprocess import check_call
from tests.util.shell_util import exec_process
class TestHdfsTimeouts(CustomClusterTestSuite):
"""Test to verify that HDFS operations time out correctly."""
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
impalad_args="--hdfs_operation_timeout_sec=5 --max_cached_file_handles=0")
def test_hdfs_open_timeout(self, vector):
"""This verifies that hdfsOpenFile times out appropriately. It tests this by
halting the NameNode, running a query that needs to do hdfsOpenFile,
and verifying that it times out and throws an error."""
# Find the NameNode's pid via pgrep. This would raise an error if it did not
# find a pid, so there is at least one match.
rc, pgrep_output, stderr = exec_process("pgrep -f namenode.NameNode")
assert rc == 0, \
"Error finding NameNode pid\nstdout={0}\nstderr={1}".format(pgrep_output, stderr)
# In our test environment, this should only match one pid
assert(pgrep_output.count("\n") == 1)
namenode_pid = pgrep_output.strip()
# Run a query successfully. This fetches metadata from the NameNode,
# and since this will be cached, a subsequent run will not ask the NameNode
# for metadata. This means a subsequent execution will only talk to the NameNode
# for file open.
"select count(*) from functional.alltypes", vector=vector)
# Stop the NameNode and execute the query again. Since the file handle cache is off,
# the query will do hdfsOpenFile calls and talk to the NameNode. Since the NameNode
# is stopped, those calls will hang, testing the timeout functionality.
ex = None
result = None
# Stop the NameNode
check_call(["kill", "-STOP", namenode_pid])
start_time = time.time()
result = self.execute_query("select count(*) from functional.alltypes",
end_time = time.time()
except Exception, e:
ex = e
end_time = time.time()
# Always resume the NameNode
check_call(["kill", "-CONT", namenode_pid])
# The query should have failed, which raises an exception
if ex is None:
assert False, "Query should have failed, but instead returned {0}".format(result)
# The exception should contain the appropriate error message
error_pattern = "hdfsOpenFile\(\) for.*at backend.*"
"failed to finish before the 5 second timeout"
assert len(re.findall(error_pattern, str(ex))) > 0
# The timeout is 5 seconds and seems to be enforced within about 20 seconds, so it
# would be unusual if this query does not finish in 60 seconds.
assert (end_time - start_time) < 60.0
# Execute the query a final time to verify that the system recovers.
"select count(*) from functional.alltypes", vector=vector)