blob: 3c63d6d8a97756630bdfa7c06faa5bd3881a440f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
namespace impala {
/// Singleton utility class that updates counter values. This is used to sample some
/// metric (e.g. memory used) at regular intervals. The samples can be summarized in
/// a few ways (e.g. averaged, stored as histogram, kept as a time series data, etc).
/// This class has one thread that will wake up at a regular period and update all
/// the registered counters. Optionally, users can register functions to be called before
/// counters get updated, for example to update global metrics that the counters then
/// pull from.
/// Typically, the counter updates should be stopped as early as possible to prevent
/// future stale samples from polluting the useful values.
class PeriodicCounterUpdater {
enum PeriodicCounterType {
/// Sets up data structures and starts the counter update thread. Should only be called
/// once during process startup and must be called before other methods.
static void Init();
typedef std::function<void()> UpdateFn;
/// Registers an update function that will be called before individual counters will be
/// updated. This can be used to update some global metric once before reading it
/// through individual counters.
static void RegisterUpdateFunction(UpdateFn update_fn);
/// Registers a periodic counter to be updated by the update thread.
/// Either sample_fn or dst_counter must be non-NULL. When the periodic counter
/// is updated, it either gets the value from the dst_counter or calls the sample
/// function to get the value.
/// dst_counter/sample fn is assumed to be compatible types with src_counter.
static void RegisterPeriodicCounter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* src_counter,
RuntimeProfile::SampleFunction sample_fn,
RuntimeProfile::Counter* dst_counter, PeriodicCounterType type);
/// Adds a bucketing counter to be updated at regular intervals.
static void RegisterBucketingCounters(RuntimeProfile::Counter* src_counter,
std::vector<RuntimeProfile::Counter*>* buckets);
/// Adds counter to be sampled and updated at regular intervals.
static void RegisterTimeSeriesCounter(RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* counter);
/// Stops updating the value of 'counter'.
static void StopRateCounter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter);
/// Stops updating the value of 'counter'.
static void StopSamplingCounter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter);
/// If the bucketing counters 'buckets' are registered, stops updating the counters and
/// convert the buckets from count to percentage. If not registered, has no effect.
/// Perioidic counters are updated periodically so should be removed as soon as the
/// underlying counter is no longer going to change.
static void StopBucketingCounters(std::vector<RuntimeProfile::Counter*>* buckets);
/// Stops 'counter' from receiving any more samples.
static void StopTimeSeriesCounter(RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* counter);
struct RateCounterInfo {
RuntimeProfile::Counter* src_counter;
RuntimeProfile::SampleFunction sample_fn;
int64_t elapsed_ms;
struct SamplingCounterInfo {
RuntimeProfile::Counter* src_counter; // the counter to be sampled
RuntimeProfile::SampleFunction sample_fn;
int64_t total_sampled_value; // sum of all sampled values;
int64_t num_sampled; // number of samples taken
struct BucketCountersInfo {
RuntimeProfile::Counter* src_counter; // the counter to be sampled
int64_t num_sampled; // number of samples taken
/// TODO: customize bucketing
/// Loop for periodic counter update thread. This thread wakes up once in a while
/// and updates all the added rate counters and sampling counters.
[[noreturn]] void UpdateLoop();
/// Thread performing asynchronous updates.
boost::scoped_ptr<boost::thread> update_thread_;
/// List of functions that will be called before individual counters will be sampled.
std::vector<UpdateFn> update_fns_;
/// Spinlock that protects the list of update functions (and their execution).
SpinLock update_fns_lock_;
/// Spinlock that protects the map of rate counters
SpinLock rate_lock_;
/// A map of the dst (rate) counter to the src counter and elapsed time.
typedef boost::unordered_map<RuntimeProfile::Counter*, RateCounterInfo> RateCounterMap;
RateCounterMap rate_counters_;
/// Spinlock that protects the map of averages over samples of counters
SpinLock sampling_lock_;
/// A map of the dst (averages over samples) counter to the src counter (to be sampled)
/// and number of samples taken.
typedef boost::unordered_map<RuntimeProfile::Counter*, SamplingCounterInfo>
SamplingCounterMap sampling_counters_;
/// Spinlock that protects the map of buckets of counters
SpinLock bucketing_lock_;
/// Map from a bucket of counters to the src counter
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::vector<RuntimeProfile::Counter*>*, BucketCountersInfo>
BucketCountersMap bucketing_counters_;
/// Spinlock that protects the map of time series counters
SpinLock time_series_lock_;
/// Set of time series counters that need to be updated
typedef boost::unordered_set<RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter*> TimeSeriesCounters;
TimeSeriesCounters time_series_counters_;
/// Singleton object that keeps track of all rate counters and the thread
/// for updating them.
static PeriodicCounterUpdater* instance_;