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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace impala {
/// Utility class for microbenchmarks.
/// This can be utilized to create a benchmark suite. For example:
/// Benchmark suite("benchmark");
/// suite.AddBenchmark("Implementation #1", Implementation1Fn, data);
/// suite.AddBenchmark("Implementation #2", Implementation2Fn, data);
/// ...
/// string result = suite.Measure();
class Benchmark {
/// Name of the microbenchmark. This is outputted in the result.
/// micro_heuristics is a bool argument which indicates whether micro benchmark
/// style should be used; that is, we look for a set of runs which doesn't context
/// switch so that we can measure pure userland code performance, as opposed to a
/// more complex benchmark that might issue blocking system calls.
Benchmark(const std::string& name, bool micro_heuristics = true);
/// Function to benchmark. The function should run iters time (to minimize function
/// call overhead). The second argument is opaque and is whatever data the test
/// function needs to execute.
typedef void (*BenchmarkFunction)(int iters, void*);
/// Add a benchmark with 'name' to the suite. The first benchmark is assumed to
/// be the baseline. Reporting will be done relative to that.
/// Returns a unique index for this benchmark.
/// baseline_idx is the base function to compare this one against.
/// Specify -1 to not have a baseline.
int AddBenchmark(const std::string& name, BenchmarkFunction fn, void* args,
int baseline_idx = 0);
/// Runs all the benchmarks and returns the result in a formatted string.
/// max_time is the total time to benchmark the function, in ms.
/// initial_batch_size is the initial batch size to the run the function. The
/// harness function will automatically ramp up the batch_size. The benchmark
/// will take *at least* initial_batch_size * function invocation time.
std::string Measure(int max_time = 50, int initial_batch_size = 10);
/// Output machine/build configuration as a string
static std::string GetMachineInfo();
friend class BenchmarkTest;
/// Benchmarks the 'function' returning the result as invocations per ms.
/// args is an opaque argument passed as the second argument to the function.
static double Measure(BenchmarkFunction function, void* args, int max_time,
int initial_batch_size, bool micro);
struct BenchmarkResult {
std::string name;
BenchmarkFunction fn;
void* args;
std::vector<double> rates;
int baseline_idx;
std::string name_;
std::vector<BenchmarkResult> benchmarks_;
bool micro_heuristics_;