blob: 0dd55fd9f3339c2fde15104329282a8398094e73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "exec/orc-metadata-utils.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace impala {
void OrcMetadataUtils::BuildSchemaPaths(const orc::Type& root, int num_partition_keys,
vector<SchemaPath>* paths) {
SchemaPath path;
DCHECK_EQ(root.getKind(), orc::TypeKind::STRUCT);
int num_columns = root.getSubtypeCount();
for (int i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i) {
path.push_back(i + num_partition_keys);
BuildSchemaPath(*root.getSubtype(i), &path, paths);
void OrcMetadataUtils::BuildSchemaPath(const orc::Type& node, SchemaPath* path,
vector<SchemaPath>* paths) {
DCHECK_EQ(paths->size(), node.getColumnId());
if (node.getKind() == orc::TypeKind::STRUCT) {
int size = node.getSubtypeCount();
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
const orc::Type* child = node.getSubtype(i);
BuildSchemaPath(*child, path, paths);
} else if (node.getKind() == orc::TypeKind::LIST) {
DCHECK_EQ(node.getSubtypeCount(), 1);
const orc::Type* child = node.getSubtype(0);
BuildSchemaPath(*child, path, paths);
} else if (node.getKind() == orc::TypeKind::MAP) {
DCHECK_EQ(node.getSubtypeCount(), 2);
const orc::Type* key_child = node.getSubtype(0);
const orc::Type* value_child = node.getSubtype(1);
BuildSchemaPath(*key_child, path, paths);
(*path)[path->size() - 1] = SchemaPathConstants::MAP_VALUE;
BuildSchemaPath(*value_child, path, paths);
Status OrcSchemaResolver::ResolveColumn(const SchemaPath& col_path,
const orc::Type** node, bool* pos_field, bool* missing_field) const {
const ColumnType* table_col_type = nullptr;
*node = root_;
*pos_field = false;
*missing_field = false;
for (int i = 0; i < col_path.size(); ++i) {
int table_idx = col_path[i];
int file_idx = table_idx;
if (i == 0) {
table_col_type = &tbl_desc_.col_descs()[table_idx].type();
// For top-level columns, the first index in a path includes the table's partition
// keys.
file_idx -= tbl_desc_.num_clustering_cols();
} else if (table_col_type->type == TYPE_ARRAY &&
table_idx == SchemaPathConstants::ARRAY_POS) {
// To materialize the positions, the ORC lib has to materialize the whole array
// column.
*pos_field = true;
break; // return *node as the ARRAY node
} else {
table_col_type = &table_col_type->children[table_idx];
if (file_idx >= (*node)->getSubtypeCount()) {
*missing_field = true;
return Status::OK();
*node = (*node)->getSubtype(file_idx);
if (table_col_type->type == TYPE_ARRAY) {
DCHECK_EQ(table_col_type->children.size(), 1);
if ((*node)->getKind() != orc::TypeKind::LIST) {
return Status(Substitute("File '$0' has an incompatible ORC schema for column "
"'$1', Column type: $2, ORC schema:\\n$3", filename_,
PrintSubPath(tbl_desc_, col_path, i), "array", (*node)->toString()));
} else if (table_col_type->type == TYPE_MAP) {
DCHECK_EQ(table_col_type->children.size(), 2);
if ((*node)->getKind() != orc::TypeKind::MAP) {
return Status(Substitute("File '$0' has an incompatible ORC schema for column "
"'$1', Column type: $2, ORC schema:\\n$3", filename_,
PrintSubPath(tbl_desc_, col_path, i), "map", (*node)->toString()));
} else if (table_col_type->type == TYPE_STRUCT) {
DCHECK_GT(table_col_type->children.size(), 0);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(i, col_path.size() - 1);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ValidateType(*table_col_type, **node));
return Status::OK();
Status OrcSchemaResolver::ValidateType(const ColumnType& type,
const orc::Type& orc_type) const {
switch (orc_type.getKind()) {
case orc::TypeKind::BOOLEAN:
if (type.type == TYPE_BOOLEAN) return Status::OK();
case orc::TypeKind::BYTE:
if (type.type == TYPE_TINYINT || type.type == TYPE_SMALLINT
|| type.type == TYPE_INT || type.type == TYPE_BIGINT) {
return Status::OK();
case orc::TypeKind::SHORT:
if (type.type == TYPE_SMALLINT || type.type == TYPE_INT
|| type.type == TYPE_BIGINT) {
return Status::OK();
case orc::TypeKind::INT:
if (type.type == TYPE_INT || type.type == TYPE_BIGINT) return Status::OK();
case orc::TypeKind::LONG:
if (type.type == TYPE_BIGINT) return Status::OK();
case orc::TypeKind::FLOAT:
case orc::TypeKind::DOUBLE:
if (type.type == TYPE_FLOAT || type.type == TYPE_DOUBLE) return Status::OK();
case orc::TypeKind::STRING:
case orc::TypeKind::VARCHAR:
case orc::TypeKind::CHAR:
if (type.type == TYPE_STRING || type.type == TYPE_VARCHAR
|| type.type == TYPE_CHAR) {
return Status::OK();
case orc::TypeKind::TIMESTAMP:
if (type.type == TYPE_TIMESTAMP) return Status::OK();
case orc::TypeKind::DECIMAL: {
if (type.type != TYPE_DECIMAL || type.scale != orc_type.getScale()) break;
bool overflow = false;
int orc_precision = orc_type.getPrecision();
if (orc_precision == 0 || orc_precision > ColumnType::MAX_DECIMAL8_PRECISION) {
// For ORC decimals whose precision is larger than 18, its value can't fit into
// an int64 (10^19 > 2^63). So we should use int128 (16 bytes) for this case.
// The possible byte sizes for Impala decimals are 4, 8, 16.
// We mark it as overflow if the target byte size is not 16.
overflow = (type.GetByteSize() != 16);
} else if (orc_type.getPrecision() > ColumnType::MAX_DECIMAL4_PRECISION) {
// For ORC decimals whose precision <= 18 and > 9, int64 and int128 can fit them.
// We only mark it as overflow if the target byte size is 4.
overflow = (type.GetByteSize() == 4);
if (!overflow) return Status::OK();
return Status(Substitute(
"Column $0 in ORC file '$1' can't be truncated to table column $2",
orc_type.toString(), filename_, type.DebugString()));
default: break;
return Status(Substitute(
"Type mismatch: table column $0 is map to column $1 in ORC file '$2'",
type.DebugString(), orc_type.toString(), filename_));