blob: 1bc589ebb8f5bfe2f93a5050dde83eaeabbcb8d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <orc/OrcFile.hh>
#include <queue>
#include "exec/hdfs-orc-scanner.h"
namespace impala {
class HdfsOrcScanner;
/// Base class for reading an ORC column. Each column reader will keep track of an
/// orc::ColumnVectorBatch and transfer its values into Impala internals(tuples/slots).
/// We implement subclasses for each primitive types. They'll keep the SlotDescriptor
/// to locate the slot to materialize. Basically, the usage of the interfaces follows the
/// pattern:
/// reader1 = Create(orc_node1, slot_desc1, orc_scanner);
/// reader2 = Create(orc_node2, slot_desc2, orc_scanner);
/// while ( /* has new batch in the stripe */ ) {
/// reader1->UpdateInputBatch(orc_batch_of_column1)
/// reader2->UpdateInputBatch(orc_batch_of_column2)
/// while ( /* has more rows to read */ ) {
/// tuple = ... // Init tuple
/// reader1->ReadValue(row_idx, tuple, mem_pool);
/// reader2->ReadValue(row_idx, tuple, mem_pool);
/// row_idx++;
/// }
/// }
/// For complex types readers, they can be top-level readers (readers materializing
/// table level tuples), so we need more interface to deal with table/collection level
/// tuple materialization. See more in the class comments of OrcComplexColumnReader.
class OrcColumnReader {
/// Create a column reader for the given 'slot_desc' based on the ORC 'node'. We say
/// the 'slot_desc' and ORC 'node' match iff
/// scanner->col_id_path_map_[node->getColumnId()] == slot_desc->col_path
/// Caller should guaranteed that 'slot_desc' matches to ORC 'node' or one of its
/// descendants. If 'node' is a primitive type, 'slot_desc' should match it since
/// primitive types don't have descendants.
/// If 'node' is in complex types (struct/array/map) and does not match 'slot_desc',
/// the created reader will use the 'slot_desc' to create its children. See more in
/// constructors of complex column readers.
/// The Create function adds the object to the obj_pool of the parent HdfsOrcScanner.
static OrcColumnReader* Create(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
/// Base constructor for all types of readers that hold a SlotDescriptor (non top-level
/// readers). Primitive column readers will materialize values into the slot. STRUCT
/// column readers will delegate the slot materialization to its children. Collection
/// column (ARRAY/MAP) readers will create CollectionValue in the slot and assemble
/// collection tuples referenced by the CollectionValue. (See more in 'ReadValue')
OrcColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
virtual ~OrcColumnReader() { }
/// Default to true for primitive column readers. Only complex column readers can be
/// not materializing tuples.
virtual bool MaterializeTuple() const { return true; }
/// Whether it's a reader for a STRUCT/ARRAY/MAP column.
virtual bool IsComplexColumnReader() const { return false; }
/// Whether it's a reader for a ARRAY/MAP column.
virtual bool IsCollectionReader() const { return false; }
/// Update the orc batch we tracked. We'll read values from it.
virtual void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) = 0;
/// Read value at 'row_idx' of the ColumnVectorBatch into a slot of the given 'tuple'.
/// Use 'pool' to allocate memory in need. Depends on the UpdateInputBatch being called
/// before (thus batch_ is updated)
virtual Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool)
friend class OrcStructReader;
/// Convenient field for debug. We can't keep the pointer of orc::Type since they'll be
/// destroyed after orc::RowReader was released. Only keep the id orc::Type here.
uint64_t orc_column_id_;
/// If the reader is materializing a slot inside a tuple, the SlotDescriptor is kept.
/// Otherwise (top level readers), 'slot_desc_' will be nullptr.
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc_;
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner_;
inline static bool IsNull(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch, int row_idx) {
return orc_batch->hasNulls && !orc_batch->notNull[row_idx];
/// Set the reader's slot in the given 'tuple' to NULL
virtual void SetNullSlot(Tuple* tuple) {
inline void* GetSlot(Tuple* tuple) const {
return tuple->GetSlot(DCHECK_NOTNULL(slot_desc_)->tuple_offset());
class OrcBoolColumnReader : public OrcColumnReader {
OrcBoolColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) { }
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::LongVectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
// In debug mode, we use dynamic_cast<> to double-check the downcast is legal
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::LongVectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
orc::LongVectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
template<typename T>
class OrcIntColumnReader : public OrcColumnReader {
OrcIntColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) { }
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::LongVectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
DCHECK(batch_ == static_cast<orc::LongVectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool)
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) {
return Status::OK();
int64_t val = batch_->[row_idx];
*(reinterpret_cast<T*>(GetSlot(tuple))) = val;
return Status::OK();
orc::LongVectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
template<typename T>
class OrcDoubleColumnReader : public OrcColumnReader {
OrcDoubleColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) { }
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::DoubleVectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::DoubleVectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool)
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) {
return Status::OK();
double val = batch_->[row_idx];
*(reinterpret_cast<T*>(GetSlot(tuple))) = val;
return Status::OK();
orc::DoubleVectorBatch* batch_;
class OrcStringColumnReader : public OrcColumnReader {
OrcStringColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) { }
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::StringVectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::StringVectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
orc::StringVectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
class OrcTimestampReader : public OrcColumnReader {
OrcTimestampReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) { }
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::TimestampVectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::TimestampVectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
orc::TimestampVectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
template<typename DECIMAL_TYPE>
class OrcDecimalColumnReader : public OrcColumnReader {
OrcDecimalColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) { }
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override {
// Reminder: even decimal(1,1) is stored in int64 batch
batch_ = static_cast<orc::Decimal64VectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::Decimal64VectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool)
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) {
return Status::OK();
int64_t val = batch_->[row_idx];
reinterpret_cast<DECIMAL_TYPE*>(GetSlot(tuple))->value() = val;
return Status::OK();
orc::Decimal64VectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
class OrcDecimal16ColumnReader : public OrcColumnReader {
OrcDecimal16ColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) { }
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::Decimal128VectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::Decimal128VectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
orc::Decimal128VectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
/// Base class for reading a complex column. The two subclasses are OrcStructReader and
/// OrcCollectionReader. Each OrcComplexColumnReader has children readers for sub types.
/// Each slot maps to a child. Different children may maps to the same sub type, because
/// SlotDescriptors of a TupleDescriptor may have the same col_path (e.g. when there're
/// sub queries). The root reader is always an OrcStructReader since the root of the ORC
/// schema is represented as a STRUCT type.
/// Only OrcComplexColumnReaders can be top-level readers: readers that control the
/// materialization of the top-level tuples, whether directly or indirectly (by its
/// unique child).
/// There're only one top-level reader that directly materializes top-level(table-level)
/// tuples: the reader whose orc_node matches the tuple_path of the top-level
/// TupleDescriptor. For the only top-level reader that directly materializes top-level
/// tuples, the usage of the interfaces follows the pattern:
/// while ( /* has new batch in the stripe */ ) {
/// reader->UpdateInputBatch(orc_batch);
/// while (!reader->EndOfBatch()) {
/// tuple = ... // Init tuple
/// reader->TransferTuple(tuple, mem_pool);
/// }
/// }
/// 'TransferTuple' don't require a row index since the top-level reader will keep
/// track of the progress by internal fields:
/// * STRUCT reader: row_idx_
/// * LIST reader: row_idx_, array_start_, array_idx_, array_end_
/// * MAP reader: row_idx_, array_offset_, array_end_
/// For top-level readers that indirectly materializes tuples, they are ancestors of the
/// above reader. Such kind of readers just UpdateInputBatch (so update children's
/// recursively) and then delegate the materialization to their children. (See more in
/// HdfsOrcScanner::TransferTuples)
/// For non top-level readers, they can be divided into two kinds by whether they should
/// materialize collection tuples (reflected by materialize_tuple_). STRUCT is not a
/// collection type so non top-level STRUCT readers always have materialize_tuple_ being
/// false as default.
/// For non top-level collection type readers, they create a CollectionValue and a
/// CollectionValueBuilder when 'ReadValue' is called. Then recursively delegate the
/// materialization of collection tuples to the child that matches the TupleDescriptor.
/// This child tracks the boundary of current collection and call 'ReadChildrenValue' to
/// assemble collection tuples. (See more in HdfsOrcScanner::AssembleCollection)
/// Children readers are created in the constructor recursively.
class OrcComplexColumnReader : public OrcColumnReader {
static OrcComplexColumnReader* CreateTopLevelReader(const orc::Type* node,
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
/// Constructor for top-level readers
OrcComplexColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
/// Constructor for non top-level readers
OrcComplexColumnReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner) : OrcColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) { }
bool IsComplexColumnReader() const override { return true; }
bool MaterializeTuple() const override { return materialize_tuple_; }
/// Whether we've finished reading the current orc batch.
bool EndOfBatch();
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override {
vbatch_ = orc_batch;
/// Assemble current collection value (tracked by 'row_idx_') into a top level 'tuple'.
/// Depends on the UpdateInputBatch being called before (thus batch_ is updated)
virtual Status TransferTuple(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
/// Num of tuples inside the 'row_idx'-th row. LIST/MAP types will have 0 to N tuples.
/// STRUCT type will always have one tuple.
virtual int GetNumTuples(int row_idx) const = 0;
/// Collection values (array items, map keys/values) are concatenated in the child's
/// batch. Get the start offset of values inside the 'row_idx'-th collection.
virtual int GetChildBatchOffset(int row_idx) const = 0;
const vector<OrcColumnReader*>& children() const { return children_; }
vector<OrcColumnReader*> children_;
/// Holds the TupleDescriptor if we should materialize its tuples
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc_ = nullptr;
bool materialize_tuple_ = false;
/// Keep row index if we're top level readers
int row_idx_;
/// Convenient reference to 'batch_' of subclass.
orc::ColumnVectorBatch* vbatch_ = nullptr;
class OrcStructReader : public OrcComplexColumnReader {
/// Constructor for top level reader
OrcStructReader(const orc::Type* node, const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
OrcStructReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override;
Status TransferTuple(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
int GetNumTuples(int row_idx) const override { return 1; }
int GetChildBatchOffset(int row_idx) const override { return row_idx; }
orc::StructVectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
/// Field ids of the children reader
std::vector<int> children_fields_;
void SetNullSlot(Tuple* tuple) override {
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) child->SetNullSlot(tuple);
void CreateChildForSlot(const orc::Type* curr_node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc);
/// Find which children of 'curr_node' matches the 'child_path'. Return the result in
/// '*child' and its index inside the children. Returns false for not found.
inline bool FindChild(const orc::Type& curr_node, const SchemaPath& child_path,
const orc::Type** child, int* field);
class OrcCollectionReader : public OrcComplexColumnReader {
/// Constructor for top level reader
OrcCollectionReader(const orc::Type* node, const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner) : OrcComplexColumnReader(node, table_tuple_desc, scanner)
{ }
OrcCollectionReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
bool IsCollectionReader() const override { return true; }
Status ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Assemble the given 'tuple' by reading children values into it. The corresponding
/// children values are in the 'row_idx'-th collection. Each collection (List/Map) may
/// have variable number of tuples, we only read children values of the 'tuple_idx'-th
/// tuple.
virtual Status ReadChildrenValue(int row_idx, int tuple_idx, Tuple* tuple,
MemPool* pool) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
class OrcListReader : public OrcCollectionReader {
OrcListReader(const orc::Type* node, const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
OrcListReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override;
Status TransferTuple(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
int GetNumTuples(int row_idx) const override;
int GetChildBatchOffset(int row_idx) const override;
Status ReadChildrenValue(int row_idx, int tuple_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool)
const override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
orc::ListVectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
const SlotDescriptor* pos_slot_desc_ = nullptr;
int array_start_ = -1;
int array_idx_ = -1;
int array_end_ = -1;
void CreateChildForSlot(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc);
/// Used for top level readers. Advance current position (row_idx_ and array_idx_)
/// to the first tuple inside next row.
void NextRow();
class OrcMapReader : public OrcCollectionReader {
OrcMapReader(const orc::Type* node, const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
OrcMapReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner);
void UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) override;
Status TransferTuple(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
int GetNumTuples(int row_idx) const override;
int GetChildBatchOffset(int row_idx) const override;
Status ReadChildrenValue(int row_idx, int tuple_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool)
const override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
orc::MapVectorBatch* batch_ = nullptr;
vector<OrcColumnReader*> key_readers_;
vector<OrcColumnReader*> value_readers_;
int array_offset_ = -1;
int array_end_ = -1;
void CreateChildForSlot(const orc::Type* orc_type, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc);
/// Used for top level readers. Advance current position (row_idx_ and array_offset_)
/// to the first key/value pair in next row.
void NextRow();