blob: c908cdadc070234cecd508b99e0057fe440d2871 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#pragma once
#include "exec/plan-root-sink.h"
#include "runtime/spillable-row-batch-queue.h"
#include "runtime/query-state.h"
#include "util/condition-variable.h"
namespace impala {
class DequeRowBatchQueue;
/// PlanRootSink that buffers RowBatches from the 'sender' (fragment) thread. RowBatches
/// are buffered in memory until the queue is full (the definition of 'full' depends on
/// the queue being used, in the current implementation the SpillableRowBatchQueue is
/// 'full' when the amount of spilled data exceeds the configured limit). Any subsequent
/// calls to Send will block until the 'consumer' (coordinator) thread has read enough
/// RowBatches to free up sufficient space in the queue. The blocking behavior follows
/// the same semantics as BlockingPlanRootSink.
/// FlushFinal() blocks until the consumer has read all RowBatches from the queue or
/// until the sink is either closed or cancelled. This ensures that the coordinator
/// fragment stays alive until the client fetches all results, but allows all other
/// fragments to complete and release their resources.
/// The sink assumes a non-thread safe RowBatchQueue is injected and uses a single lock to
/// synchronize access to the queue.
class BufferedPlanRootSink : public PlanRootSink {
BufferedPlanRootSink(TDataSinkId sink_id, const RowDescriptor* row_desc,
RuntimeState* state, const TBackendResourceProfile& resource_profile,
const TDebugOptions& debug_options);
/// Initializes the row_batches_get_wait_timer_ and row_batches_send_wait_timer_
/// counters.
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker) override;
/// Creates and opens the SpillableRowBatchQueue, returns an error Status if the queue
/// could not be opened. Failure to open the queue could occur if the initial
/// reservation for the BufferedTupleStream could not be acquired.
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Creates a copy of the given RowBatch and adds it to the queue. The copy is
/// necessary as the ownership of 'batch' remains with the sender.
virtual Status Send(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch) override;
/// Notifies the consumer of producer eos and blocks until the consumer has read all
/// batches from the queue, or until the sink is either closed or cancelled.
virtual Status FlushFinal(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Releases resources and unblocks the consumer thread.
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Blocks until rows are available for consumption. GetNext() always returns 'num_rows'
/// rows unless (1) there are not enough rows left in the result set to return
/// 'num_rows' rows, or (2) the value of 'num_rows' exceeds MAX_FETCH_SIZE.
virtual Status GetNext(RuntimeState* state, QueryResultSet* result_set, int num_rows,
bool* eos, int64_t timeout_us) override;
/// Notifies both consumer and producer threads so they can check the cancellation
/// status.
virtual void Cancel(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// The maximum number of rows that can be fetched at a time. Set to 100x the
/// DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE. Limiting the fetch size is necessary so that the resulting
/// QueryResultSet does not take up too much memory. Memory used by a QueryResultSet
/// is not tracked or reserved, so creating QueryResultSets that are too big can throw
/// off admission control.
static const int MAX_FETCH_SIZE = QueryState::DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE * 100;
/// Protects the RowBatchQueue and all ConditionVariables.
boost::mutex lock_;
/// Waited on by the consumer inside GetNext() until rows are available for consumption.
/// Signaled when the producer adds a RowBatch to the queue. Also signaled by
/// FlushFinal(), Close() and Cancel() to unblock the sender.
ConditionVariable rows_available_;
/// Waited on by the producer inside FlushFinal() until the consumer has hit eos.
/// Signaled when the consumer reads all RowBatches from the queue. Also signaled in
/// Cancel() to unblock the producer.
ConditionVariable consumer_eos_;
/// Waited on by the producer inside Send() if the RowBatchQueue is full. Signaled
/// when the consumer reads a batch from the RowBatchQueue. Also signaled in Cancel()
/// to unblock the producer.
ConditionVariable batch_queue_has_capacity_;
/// A SpillableRowBatchQueue that buffers RowBatches from the sender for consumption by
/// the consumer. The queue is not thread safe and access is protected by 'lock_'.
std::unique_ptr<SpillableRowBatchQueue> batch_queue_;
/// The TBackendResourceProfile created by the fe/ for the PlanRootSink. Passed to the
/// SpillableRowBatchQueue to impose the necessary memory limits.
const TBackendResourceProfile& resource_profile_;
/// Required by the SpillableRowBatchQueue's ReservationManager when claiming the
/// initial reservation.
const TDebugOptions& debug_options_;
/// Measures the amount of time spent by Impala waiting for the result spooling queue
/// to have more space. The queue may become full if Impala has produced enough rows to
/// fill up the queue, and the client hasn't not consumed any rows, or is consuming
/// rows in at a slower rate than Impala is producing them. Specifically, this counter
/// measures the amount of time spent waiting on 'batch_queue_has_capacity_' in the
/// 'Send' method.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* row_batches_send_wait_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Measures the amount of time spend by the client waiting for the result spooling
/// queue to have rows. The queue may be empty if the query has not produced any rows
/// yet or if the client is consuming rows at a faster rate than Impala is producing
/// them. Specifically, this counter measures the amount of time spent waiting on
/// 'rows_available_' in the 'GetNext' method.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* row_batches_get_wait_timer_ = nullptr;
/// The RowBatch currently being read by 'GetNext'. Necessary for calls to 'GetNext'
/// that only read part of a RowBatch from the queue. If nullptr, 'GetNext' will read
/// the next RowBatch from the queue. The pointer is reset whenever 'GetNext' has
/// finished reading all rows from the batch.
std::unique_ptr<RowBatch> current_batch_;
/// The index of the next row to be read from 'current_batch_' in the next call to
/// 'GetNext'. If 'current_batch_' is nullptr, the value of 'current_batch_row_' is 0.
int current_batch_row_ = 0;
/// Returns true if the 'queue' (not the 'batch_queue_') is empty. 'queue' refers to
/// the logical queue of RowBatches and thus includes any RowBatch that
/// 'current_batch_' points to. Must be called while holding 'lock_'. Cannot be called
/// once the sink has been closed.
bool IsQueueEmpty(RuntimeState* state) const {
return batch_queue_->IsEmpty() && current_batch_row_ == 0;
/// Sets the value of eos inside GetNext. eos is set to true if the queue is closed or
/// empty and the producer has set sender_state_ to EOS.
bool IsGetNextEos(RuntimeState* state) const {
return (IsCancelledOrClosed(state) || IsQueueEmpty(state))
&& sender_state_ == SenderState::EOS;
/// Returns true if the query has been cancelled or if the PlanRootSink has been
/// closed, returns false otherwise. Cancellation can occur asynchronously, so this
/// may become true at any point.
bool IsCancelledOrClosed(RuntimeState* state) const {
return state->is_cancelled() || closed_;