blob: 884fae64fb1ed0b95058b32724617c25dcfabc0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// NOTE: try not to add more headers here: runtime-state.h is included in many many files.
#include "common/global-types.h" // for PlanNodeId
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "runtime/client-cache-types.h"
#include "runtime/dml-exec-state.h"
#include "util/error-util-internal.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
namespace impala {
class BufferPool;
class DataStreamRecvr;
class DescriptorTbl;
class Expr;
class KrpcDataStreamMgr;
class LlvmCodeGen;
class MemTracker;
class ObjectPool;
class ReservationTracker;
class RuntimeFilterBank;
class ScalarExpr;
class Status;
class TimestampValue;
class ThreadResourcePool;
class TUniqueId;
class ExecEnv;
class HBaseTableFactory;
class TPlanFragmentCtx;
class TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx;
class QueryState;
namespace io {
class DiskIoMgr;
/// A collection of items that are part of the global state of a query and shared across
/// all execution nodes of that query. After initialisation, callers must call
/// ReleaseResources() to ensure that all resources are correctly freed before
/// destruction.
class RuntimeState {
/// query_state, fragment_ctx, and instance_ctx need to be alive at least as long as
/// the constructed RuntimeState
RuntimeState(QueryState* query_state, const TPlanFragmentCtx& fragment_ctx,
const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx& instance_ctx, ExecEnv* exec_env);
/// RuntimeState for test execution and Creates its own QueryState and
/// installs desc_tbl, if set. If query_ctx.request_pool isn't set, sets it to "test-pool".
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx, ExecEnv* exec_env, DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr);
/// Empty d'tor to avoid issues with scoped_ptr.
/// Initializes the runtime filter bank and claims the initial buffer reservation
/// for it.
Status InitFilterBank(long runtime_filters_reservation_bytes);
QueryState* query_state() const { return query_state_; }
/// Return the query's ObjectPool
ObjectPool* obj_pool() const;
const DescriptorTbl& desc_tbl() const;
const TQueryOptions& query_options() const;
int batch_size() const { return query_options().batch_size; }
bool abort_on_error() const { return query_options().abort_on_error; }
bool strict_mode() const { return query_options().strict_mode; }
bool decimal_v2() const { return query_options().decimal_v2; }
const TQueryCtx& query_ctx() const;
const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx& instance_ctx() const { return *instance_ctx_; }
const TUniqueId& session_id() const { return query_ctx().session.session_id; }
const std::string& do_as_user() const { return query_ctx().session.delegated_user; }
const std::string& connected_user() const {
return query_ctx().session.connected_user;
const TimestampValue* now() const { return now_.get(); }
const TimestampValue* utc_timestamp() const { return utc_timestamp_.get(); }
void set_now(const TimestampValue* now);
const Timezone& local_time_zone() const { return *local_time_zone_; }
const TUniqueId& query_id() const { return query_ctx().query_id; }
const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id() const {
return instance_ctx_ != nullptr
? instance_ctx_->fragment_instance_id
: no_instance_id_;
MemTracker* instance_mem_tracker() { return instance_mem_tracker_; }
MemTracker* query_mem_tracker(); // reference to the query_state_'s memtracker
ReservationTracker* instance_buffer_reservation() {
return instance_buffer_reservation_;
ThreadResourcePool* resource_pool() { return resource_pool_.get(); }
void set_fragment_root_id(PlanNodeId id) {
DCHECK_EQ(root_node_id_, -1) << "Should not set this twice.";
root_node_id_ = id;
/// The seed value to use when hashing tuples.
/// See comment on root_node_id_. We add one to prevent having a hash seed of 0.
uint32_t fragment_hash_seed() const { return root_node_id_ + 1; }
RuntimeFilterBank* filter_bank() { return filter_bank_.get(); }
DmlExecState* dml_exec_state() { return &dml_exec_state_; }
/// Returns runtime state profile
RuntimeProfile* runtime_profile() { return profile_; }
/// Returns the LlvmCodeGen object for this fragment instance.
LlvmCodeGen* codegen() { return codegen_.get(); }
const std::string& GetEffectiveUser() const;
/// Add ScalarExpr expression 'expr' to be codegen'd later if it's not disabled by
/// query option. If 'is_codegen_entry_point' is true, 'expr' will be an entry
/// point into codegen'd evaluation (i.e. it will have a function pointer populated).
/// Adding an expr here ensures that it will be codegen'd (i.e. fragment execution
/// will fail with an error if the expr cannot be codegen'd).
void AddScalarExprToCodegen(ScalarExpr* expr, bool is_codegen_entry_point) {
scalar_exprs_to_codegen_.push_back({expr, is_codegen_entry_point});
/// Returns true if there are ScalarExpr expressions in the fragments that we want
/// to codegen (because they can't be interpreted or based on options/hints).
/// This should only be used after the Prepare() phase in which all expressions'
/// Prepare() are invoked.
bool ScalarExprNeedsCodegen() const { return !scalar_exprs_to_codegen_.empty(); }
/// Check if codegen was disabled and if so, add a message to the runtime profile.
void CheckAndAddCodegenDisabledMessage(RuntimeProfile* profile) {
if (CodegenDisabledByQueryOption()) {
profile->AddCodegenMsg(false, "disabled by query option DISABLE_CODEGEN");
} else if (CodegenDisabledByHint()) {
profile->AddCodegenMsg(false, "disabled due to optimization hints");
/// Returns true if there is a hint to disable codegen. This can be true for single node
/// optimization or expression evaluation request from FE to BE (see
/// Note that this internal flag is advisory and it may be ignored if the fragment has
/// any UDF which cannot be interpreted. See ScalarExpr::Prepare() for details.
inline bool CodegenHasDisableHint() const {
return query_ctx().disable_codegen_hint;
/// Returns true iff there is a hint to disable codegen and all expressions in the
/// fragment can be interpreted. This should only be used after the Prepare() phase
/// in which all expressions' Prepare() are invoked.
inline bool CodegenDisabledByHint() const {
return CodegenHasDisableHint() && !ScalarExprNeedsCodegen();
/// Returns true if codegen is disabled by query option.
inline bool CodegenDisabledByQueryOption() const {
return query_options().disable_codegen;
/// Returns true if codegen should be enabled for this fragment. Codegen is enabled
/// if all the following conditions hold:
/// 1. it's enabled by query option
/// 2. it's not disabled by internal hints or there are expressions in the fragment
/// which cannot be interpreted.
inline bool ShouldCodegen() const {
return !CodegenDisabledByQueryOption() && !CodegenDisabledByHint();
inline Status GetQueryStatus() {
// Do a racy check for query_status_ to avoid unnecessary spinlock acquisition.
if (UNLIKELY(!query_status_.ok())) {
boost::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(query_status_lock_);
return query_status_;
return Status::OK();
/// Log an error that will be sent back to the coordinator based on an instance of the
/// ErrorMsg class. The runtime state aggregates log messages based on type with one
/// exception: messages with the GENERAL type are not aggregated but are kept
/// individually.
bool LogError(const ErrorMsg& msg, int vlog_level = 1);
/// Returns true if the error log has not reached max_errors_.
bool LogHasSpace() {
boost::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(error_log_lock_);
return error_log_.size() < query_options().max_errors;
/// Returns true if there are entries in the error log.
bool HasErrors() {
boost::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(error_log_lock_);
return !error_log_.empty();
/// Returns the error log lines as a string joined with '\n'.
std::string ErrorLog();
/// Clear 'new_errors' and append all accumulated errors since the last call to this
/// function to 'new_errors' to be sent back to the coordinator. This has the side
/// effect of clearing out the internal error log map once this function returns.
void GetUnreportedErrors(ErrorLogMapPB* new_errors);
/// Given an error message, determine whether execution should be aborted and, if so,
/// return the corresponding error status. Otherwise, log the error and return
/// Status::OK(). Execution is aborted if the ABORT_ON_ERROR query option is set to
/// true or the error is not recoverable and should be handled upstream.
Status LogOrReturnError(const ErrorMsg& message);
bool is_cancelled() const { return is_cancelled_.Load(); }
void Cancel();
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_storage_wait_timer() {
return total_storage_wait_timer_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_network_send_timer() {
return total_network_send_timer_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_network_receive_timer() {
return total_network_receive_timer_;
RuntimeProfile::ThreadCounters* total_thread_statistics() const {
return total_thread_statistics_;
void AddBytesReadCounter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter) {
void AddBytesSentCounter(RuntimeProfile::Counter* counter) {
/// Computes the ratio between the bytes sent and the bytes read by this runtime state's
/// fragment instance. For fragment instances that don't scan data, this returns 0.
double ComputeExchangeScanRatio() const;
/// Sets query_status_ with err_msg if no error has been set yet.
void SetQueryStatus(const std::string& err_msg) {
boost::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(query_status_lock_);
if (!query_status_.ok()) return;
query_status_ = Status(err_msg);
/// Sets query_status_ to MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED and logs all the registered trackers.
/// Subsequent calls to this will be no-ops.
/// If 'failed_allocation_size' is not 0, then it is the size of the allocation (in
/// bytes) that would have exceeded the limit allocated for 'tracker'.
/// This value and tracker are only used for error reporting.
/// If 'msg' is non-NULL, it will be appended to query_status_ in addition to the
/// generic "Memory limit exceeded" error.
/// Note that this interface is deprecated and MemTracker::LimitExceeded() should be
/// used and the error status should be returned.
void SetMemLimitExceeded(MemTracker* tracker,
int64_t failed_allocation_size = 0, const ErrorMsg* msg = NULL);
/// Returns a non-OK status if query execution should stop (e.g., the query was
/// cancelled or a mem limit was exceeded). Exec nodes should check this periodically so
/// execution doesn't continue if the query terminates abnormally. This should not be
/// called after ReleaseResources().
Status CheckQueryState();
/// Create a codegen object accessible via codegen() if it doesn't exist already.
Status CreateCodegen();
/// Codegen all ScalarExpr expressions in 'scalar_exprs_to_codegen_'. If codegen fails
/// for any expressions, return immediately with the error status. Once IMPALA-4233 is
/// fixed, it's not fatal to fail codegen if the expression can be interpreted.
/// TODO: Fix IMPALA-4233
Status CodegenScalarExprs();
/// Helper to call QueryState::StartSpilling().
Status StartSpilling(MemTracker* mem_tracker);
/// Release resources and prepare this object for destruction. Can only be called once.
void ReleaseResources();
/// If the fragment instance associated with this RuntimeState failed due to a RPC
/// failure, use this method to set the network address of the RPC's target node and
/// the posix error code of the failed RPC. The target node address and posix error code
/// will be included in the AuxErrorInfo returned by GetAuxErrorInfo. This method is
/// idempotent.
void SetRPCErrorInfo(TNetworkAddress dest_node, int16_t posix_error_code);
/// Returns true if this RuntimeState has any auxiliary error information, false
/// otherwise. Currently, only SetRPCErrorInfo() sets aux error info.
bool HasAuxErrorInfo() {
boost::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(aux_error_info_lock_);
return aux_error_info_ != nullptr;
/// Sets the given AuxErrorInfoPB with all relevant aux error info from the fragment
/// instance associated with this RuntimeState. If no aux error info for this
/// RuntimeState has been set, this method does nothing. Currently, only
/// SetRPCErrorInfo() sets aux error info.
void GetAuxErrorInfo(AuxErrorInfoPB* aux_error_info);
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
/// Allow TestEnv to use private methods for testing.
friend class TestEnv;
/// Set per-fragment state.
void Init();
/// Lock protecting error_log_
SpinLock error_log_lock_;
/// Logs error messages.
ErrorLogMap error_log_;
/// Global QueryState and original thrift descriptors for this fragment instance.
QueryState* const query_state_;
const TPlanFragmentCtx* const fragment_ctx_;
const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx* const instance_ctx_;
/// only populated by the (const QueryCtx&, ExecEnv*, DescriptorTbl*) c'tor
boost::scoped_ptr<QueryState> local_query_state_;
/// Provides instance id if instance_ctx_ == nullptr
TUniqueId no_instance_id_;
/// Query-global timestamps for implementing now() and utc_timestamp(). Both represent
/// the same point in time but now_ is in local time and utc_timestamp_ is in UTC.
/// Set from query_globals_. Use pointer to avoid inclusion of timestampvalue.h and
/// avoid clang issues.
boost::scoped_ptr<TimestampValue> now_;
boost::scoped_ptr<TimestampValue> utc_timestamp_;
/// Query-global timezone used as local timezone when executing the query.
/// Owned by a static storage member of TimezoneDatabase class. It cannot be nullptr.
const Timezone* local_time_zone_;
boost::scoped_ptr<LlvmCodeGen> codegen_;
/// Contains all ScalarExpr expressions which need to be codegen'd. The second element
/// is true if we want to generate a codegen entry point for this expr.
std::vector<std::pair<ScalarExpr*, bool>> scalar_exprs_to_codegen_;
/// Thread resource management object for this fragment's execution. The runtime
/// state is responsible for returning this pool to the thread mgr.
std::unique_ptr<ThreadResourcePool> resource_pool_;
/// Execution state for DML statements.
DmlExecState dml_exec_state_;
RuntimeProfile* const profile_;
/// Total time waiting in storage (across all threads)
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_storage_wait_timer_;
/// Total time spent waiting for RPCs to complete. This time is a combination of:
/// - network time of sending the RPC payload to the destination
/// - processing and queuing time in the destination
/// - network time of sending the RPC response to the originating node
/// TODO: rename this counter and account for the 3 components above. IMPALA-6705.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_network_send_timer_;
/// Total time spent receiving over the network (across all threads)
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_network_receive_timer_;
/// Total CPU utilization for all threads in this plan fragment.
RuntimeProfile::ThreadCounters* total_thread_statistics_;
/// BytesRead counters in this instance's tree, not owned.
std::vector<RuntimeProfile::Counter*> bytes_read_counters_;
/// Counters for bytes sent over the network in this instance's tree, not owned.
std::vector<RuntimeProfile::Counter*> bytes_sent_counters_;
/// Memory usage of this fragment instance, a child of 'query_mem_tracker_'. Owned by
/// 'query_state_' and destroyed with the rest of the query's MemTracker hierarchy.
/// See IMPALA-8270 for a reason why having the QueryState own this is important.
MemTracker* instance_mem_tracker_ = nullptr;
/// Buffer reservation for this fragment instance - a child of the query buffer
/// reservation. Non-NULL if this is a finstance's RuntimeState used for query
/// execution. Owned by 'query_state_'.
ReservationTracker* const instance_buffer_reservation_;
/// If true, execution should stop, either because the query was cancelled by the
/// client, or because execution of the fragment instance is finished. If the main
/// fragment instance thread is still running, it should terminate with a CANCELLED
/// status once it notices is_cancelled_ == true.
AtomicBool is_cancelled_{false};
/// if true, ReleaseResources() was called.
bool released_resources_ = false;
/// Non-OK if an error has occurred and query execution should abort. Used only for
/// asynchronously reporting such errors (e.g., when a UDF reports an error), so this
/// will not necessarily be set in all error cases.
SpinLock query_status_lock_;
Status query_status_;
/// This is the node id of the root node for this plan fragment. This is used as the
/// hash seed and has two useful properties:
/// 1) It is the same for all exec nodes in a fragment, so the resulting hash values
/// can be shared.
/// 2) It is different between different fragments, so we do not run into hash
/// collisions after data partitioning (across fragments). See IMPALA-219 for more
/// details.
PlanNodeId root_node_id_ = -1;
/// Manages runtime filters that are either produced or consumed (or both!) by plan
/// nodes that share this runtime state.
boost::scoped_ptr<RuntimeFilterBank> filter_bank_;
/// Lock protecting aux_error_info_.
SpinLock aux_error_info_lock_;
/// Auxiliary error information, only set if the fragment instance failed (e.g.
/// query_status_ != Status::OK()). Owned by this RuntimeState.
std::unique_ptr<AuxErrorInfoPB> aux_error_info_;
/// prohibit copies
RuntimeState(const RuntimeState&);
#define RETURN_IF_CANCELLED(state) \
do { \
if (UNLIKELY((state)->is_cancelled())) return Status::CANCELLED; \
} while (false)