blob: 05e8ea2e97ea4661fc16ad3a09e72e856b2ed0a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/orc-column-readers.h"
#include <queue>
#include "runtime/collection-value-builder.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.inline.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
namespace impala {
string PrintNode(const orc::Type* node) {
return Substitute("$0 column (ORC id=$1)", node->toString(), node->getColumnId());
OrcColumnReader* OrcColumnReader::Create(const orc::Type* node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner) {
DCHECK(node != nullptr);
DCHECK(slot_desc != nullptr);
OrcColumnReader* reader = nullptr;
if (node->getKind() == orc::TypeKind::STRUCT) {
reader = new OrcStructReader(node, slot_desc, scanner);
} else if (node->getKind() == orc::TypeKind::LIST) {
reader = new OrcListReader(node, slot_desc, scanner);
} else if (node->getKind() == orc::TypeKind::MAP) {
reader = new OrcMapReader(node, slot_desc, scanner);
} else {
switch (slot_desc->type().type) {
reader = new OrcBoolColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner);
reader = new OrcIntColumnReader<int8_t>(node, slot_desc, scanner);
reader = new OrcIntColumnReader<int16_t>(node, slot_desc, scanner);
case TYPE_INT:
reader = new OrcIntColumnReader<int32_t>(node, slot_desc, scanner);
reader = new OrcIntColumnReader<int64_t>(node, slot_desc, scanner);
reader = new OrcDoubleColumnReader<float>(node, slot_desc, scanner);
reader = new OrcDoubleColumnReader<double>(node, slot_desc, scanner);
reader = new OrcTimestampReader(node, slot_desc, scanner);
reader = new OrcStringColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner);
if (node->getPrecision() == 0 || node->getPrecision() > 18) {
// For decimals whose precision is larger than 18, its value can't fit into
// an int64 (10^19 > 2^63). So we should use int128 for this case.
reader = new OrcDecimal16ColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner);
} else {
switch (slot_desc->type().GetByteSize()) {
case 4:
reader = new OrcDecimalColumnReader<Decimal4Value>(
node, slot_desc, scanner);
case 8:
reader = new OrcDecimalColumnReader<Decimal8Value>(
node, slot_desc, scanner);
case 16:
reader = new OrcDecimalColumnReader<Decimal16Value>(
node, slot_desc, scanner);
DCHECK(false) << "invalidate byte size for decimal type: "
<< slot_desc->type().GetByteSize();
DCHECK(false) << slot_desc->type().DebugString();
} // end of switch
return scanner->obj_pool_.Add(reader);
OrcComplexColumnReader* OrcComplexColumnReader::CreateTopLevelReader(
const orc::Type* node, const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner) {
OrcComplexColumnReader* reader = nullptr;
if (node->getKind() == orc::TypeKind::STRUCT) {
reader = new OrcStructReader(node, table_tuple_desc, scanner);
} else if (node->getKind() == orc::TypeKind::LIST) {
reader = new OrcListReader(node, table_tuple_desc, scanner);
} else if (node->getKind() == orc::TypeKind::MAP) {
reader = new OrcMapReader(node, table_tuple_desc, scanner);
} else {
DCHECK(false) << "Can't create top level reader for " << PrintNode(node);
return scanner->obj_pool_.Add(reader);
OrcColumnReader::OrcColumnReader(const orc::Type* orc_type,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: slot_desc_(slot_desc), scanner_(scanner) {
orc_column_id_ = DCHECK_NOTNULL(orc_type)->getColumnId();
if (slot_desc_ == nullptr) {
orc::TypeKind type_kind = orc_type->getKind();
DCHECK(type_kind == orc::TypeKind::LIST
|| type_kind == orc::TypeKind::MAP
|| type_kind == orc::TypeKind::STRUCT)
<< "Selected primitive types should have SlotDescriptors";
VLOG(3) << "Created reader for " << PrintNode(orc_type) << ": slot_desc_="
<< (slot_desc_? slot_desc_->DebugString() : "null");
Status OrcBoolColumnReader::ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) {
return Status::OK();
int64_t val = batch_->[row_idx];
*(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(GetSlot(tuple))) = (val != 0);
return Status::OK();
Status OrcStringColumnReader::ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) {
return Status::OK();
const char* src_ptr = batch_->[row_idx];
int64_t src_len = batch_->[row_idx];
int dst_len = slot_desc_->type().len;
if (slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_CHAR) {
int unpadded_len = min(dst_len, static_cast<int>(src_len));
char* dst_char = reinterpret_cast<char*>(GetSlot(tuple));
memcpy(dst_char, src_ptr, unpadded_len);
StringValue::PadWithSpaces(dst_char, dst_len, unpadded_len);
return Status::OK();
StringValue* dst = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(GetSlot(tuple));
if (slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_VARCHAR && src_len > dst_len) {
dst->len = dst_len;
} else {
dst->len = src_len;
// Space in the StringVectorBatch is allocated by scanner_->reader_mem_pool_. It will
// be reused at next batch, so we allocate a new space for this string.
uint8_t* buffer = pool->TryAllocateUnaligned(dst->len);
if (buffer == nullptr) {
string details = Substitute("Could not allocate string buffer of $0 bytes "
"for ORC file '$1'.", dst->len, scanner_->filename());
return scanner_->scan_node_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(
scanner_->state_, details, dst->len);
dst->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer);
memcpy(dst->ptr, src_ptr, dst->len);
return Status::OK();
Status OrcTimestampReader::ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) {
return Status::OK();
int64_t secs = batch_->[row_idx];
int64_t nanos = batch_->[row_idx];
auto slot = reinterpret_cast<TimestampValue*>(GetSlot(tuple));
*slot = TimestampValue::FromUnixTimeNanos(secs, nanos,
return Status::OK();
Status OrcDecimal16ColumnReader::ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) {
return Status::OK();
orc::Int128 orc_val = batch_->[row_idx];
DCHECK_EQ(slot_desc_->type().GetByteSize(), 16);
int128_t val = orc_val.getHighBits();
val <<= 64;
val |= orc_val.getLowBits();
// Use memcpy to avoid gcc generating unaligned instructions like movaps
// for int128_t. They will raise SegmentFault when addresses are not
// aligned to 16 bytes.
memcpy(GetSlot(tuple), &val, sizeof(int128_t));
return Status::OK();
OrcComplexColumnReader::OrcComplexColumnReader(const orc::Type* node,
const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcColumnReader(node, nullptr, scanner) {
SchemaPath& path = scanner->col_id_path_map_[node->getColumnId()];
if (path == table_tuple_desc->tuple_path()) tuple_desc_ = table_tuple_desc;
materialize_tuple_ = (tuple_desc_ != nullptr);
VLOG(3) << "Created top level ComplexColumnReader for " << PrintNode(node)
<< ": tuple_desc_=" << (tuple_desc_ ? tuple_desc_->DebugString() : "null");
bool OrcComplexColumnReader::EndOfBatch() {
DCHECK(slot_desc_ == nullptr
&& (tuple_desc_ == nullptr || tuple_desc_ == scanner_->scan_node_->tuple_desc()))
<< "Should be top level reader when calling EndOfBatch()";
if (!materialize_tuple_) {
// If this reader is not materializing tuples, its 'row_idx_' is invalid and the
// progress is tracked in the child. Delegate the judgement to the child recursively.
DCHECK_EQ(children_.size(), 1);
return static_cast<OrcComplexColumnReader*>(children_[0])->EndOfBatch();
if (vbatch_) DCHECK_LE(row_idx_, vbatch_->numElements);
return vbatch_ == nullptr || row_idx_ == vbatch_->numElements;
inline bool PathContains(const SchemaPath& path, const SchemaPath& sub_path) {
return path.size() >= sub_path.size() &&
std::equal(sub_path.begin(), sub_path.end(), path.begin());
inline const SchemaPath& GetTargetColPath(const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc) {
return slot_desc->type().IsCollectionType() ?
slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor()->tuple_path(): slot_desc->col_path();
bool OrcStructReader::FindChild(const orc::Type& parent, const SchemaPath& child_path,
const orc::Type** child, int* field) {
int size = parent.getSubtypeCount();
for (int c = 0; c < size; ++c) {
const orc::Type* node = parent.getSubtype(c);
const SchemaPath& node_path = scanner_->col_id_path_map_[node->getColumnId()];
if (PathContains(child_path, node_path)) {
*child = node;
*field = c;
return true;
return false;
void OrcStructReader::CreateChildForSlot(const orc::Type* curr_node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc) {
// 'slot_desc' matches a descendant of 'curr_node' which may not be a direct child.
// Find a child node that lays in the path from 'curr_node' to the descendant.
// Create a child reader and pass down 'slot_desc'.
const orc::Type* child_node;
int field;
if (!FindChild(*curr_node, GetTargetColPath(slot_desc), &child_node, &field)) {
DCHECK(false) << PrintNode(curr_node) << " has no children selected for "
<< slot_desc->DebugString();
OrcColumnReader* child = OrcColumnReader::Create(child_node, slot_desc, scanner_);
OrcStructReader::OrcStructReader(const orc::Type* node,
const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcComplexColumnReader(node, table_tuple_desc, scanner) {
if (materialize_tuple_) {
for (SlotDescriptor* child_slot : tuple_desc_->slots()) {
// Skip partition columns and missed columns
if (scanner->IsPartitionKeySlot(child_slot)
|| scanner->IsMissingField(child_slot)) {
CreateChildForSlot(node, child_slot);
} else {
// No tuples should be materialized by this reader, because 'table_tuple_desc'
// matches to a descendant of 'node'. Those tuples should be materialized by the
// corresponding descendant reader. So 'node' should have exactly one selected
// subtype: the child in the path to the target descendant.
DCHECK_EQ(node->getSubtypeCount(), 1);
OrcComplexColumnReader* child = OrcComplexColumnReader::CreateTopLevelReader(
node->getSubtype(0), table_tuple_desc, scanner);
OrcStructReader::OrcStructReader(const orc::Type* node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcComplexColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) {
// 'slot_desc' won't map to a STRUCT column. It only matches a descendant column.
// If the descendant column is missing in the file, skip creating the child reader.
if (scanner->IsMissingField(slot_desc)) return;
CreateChildForSlot(node, slot_desc);
VLOG(3) << "Created StructReader for " << PrintNode(node) << ": slot_desc_="
<< slot_desc->DebugString();
Status OrcStructReader::ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) {
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) child->SetNullSlot(tuple);
return Status::OK();
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child->ReadValue(row_idx, tuple, pool));
return Status::OK();
void OrcStructReader::UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::StructVectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
// In debug mode, we use dynamic_cast<> to double-check the downcast is legal
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::StructVectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
if (batch_ == nullptr || batch_->numElements == 0) {
row_idx_ = 0;
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) child->UpdateInputBatch(nullptr);
row_idx_ = 0;
int size = children_.size();
for (int c = 0; c < size; ++c) {
Status OrcStructReader::TransferTuple(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child->ReadValue(row_idx_, tuple, pool));
return Status::OK();
OrcCollectionReader::OrcCollectionReader(const orc::Type* node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcComplexColumnReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) {
const SchemaPath& path = scanner->col_id_path_map_[node->getColumnId()];
if (slot_desc->type().IsCollectionType() &&
slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor()->tuple_path() == path) {
// This is a collection SlotDescriptor whose item TupleDescriptor matches our
// SchemaPath. We should materialize the slot (creating a CollectionValue) and its
// collection tuples (see more in HdfsOrcScanner::AssembleCollection).
tuple_desc_ = slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
materialize_tuple_ = true;
Status OrcCollectionReader::ReadValue(int row_idx, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(vbatch_), row_idx)) {
return Status::OK();
auto coll_slot = reinterpret_cast<CollectionValue*>(GetSlot(tuple));
*coll_slot = CollectionValue();
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = slot_desc_->collection_item_descriptor();
CollectionValueBuilder builder(coll_slot, *tuple_desc, pool, scanner_->state_);
return scanner_->AssembleCollection(*this, row_idx, &builder);
void OrcListReader::CreateChildForSlot(const orc::Type* node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc) {
int depth = scanner_->col_id_path_map_[node->getColumnId()].size();
const SchemaPath& target_path = GetTargetColPath(slot_desc);
DCHECK_GT(target_path.size(), depth);
int field = target_path[depth];
if (field == SchemaPathConstants::ARRAY_POS) {
DCHECK(pos_slot_desc_ == nullptr) << "Should have unique pos slot";
pos_slot_desc_ = slot_desc;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(field, SchemaPathConstants::ARRAY_ITEM);
OrcColumnReader* child = OrcColumnReader::Create(node->getSubtype(0), slot_desc,
OrcListReader::OrcListReader(const orc::Type* node,
const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcCollectionReader(node, table_tuple_desc, scanner) {
if (materialize_tuple_) {
DCHECK(tuple_desc_ != nullptr);
for (SlotDescriptor* child_slot : tuple_desc_->slots()) {
CreateChildForSlot(node, child_slot);
} else {
OrcComplexColumnReader* child = OrcComplexColumnReader::CreateTopLevelReader(
node->getSubtype(0), table_tuple_desc, scanner);
OrcListReader::OrcListReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner) : OrcCollectionReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) {
if (materialize_tuple_) {
DCHECK(tuple_desc_ != nullptr);
for (SlotDescriptor* child_slot : tuple_desc_->slots()) {
CreateChildForSlot(node, child_slot);
} else {
// 'slot_desc' matches a descendant instead. Create a child reader for the child node
// laying in the path to the descendant.
CreateChildForSlot(node, slot_desc);
VLOG(3) << "Created ListReader for " << PrintNode(node) << ": tuple_desc_="
<< (tuple_desc_ != nullptr ? tuple_desc_->DebugString() : "null");
void OrcListReader::UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::ListVectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
// In debug mode, we use dynamic_cast<> to double-check the downcast is legal
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::ListVectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
orc::ColumnVectorBatch* item_batch = batch_ ? batch_->elements.get() : nullptr;
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) child->UpdateInputBatch(item_batch);
if (batch_) {
row_idx_ = -1;
int OrcListReader::GetNumTuples(int row_idx) const {
if (IsNull(DCHECK_NOTNULL(batch_), row_idx)) return 0;
DCHECK_GT(batch_->offsets.size(), row_idx + 1);
return batch_->offsets[row_idx + 1] - batch_->offsets[row_idx];
int OrcListReader::GetChildBatchOffset(int row_idx) const {
return batch_->offsets[row_idx];
Status OrcListReader::TransferTuple(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
if (pos_slot_desc_) {
int64_t* slot_val_ptr = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(
*slot_val_ptr = array_idx_;
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child->ReadValue(array_start_ + array_idx_, tuple, pool));
if (array_start_ + array_idx_ >= array_end_) NextRow();
return Status::OK();
Status OrcListReader::ReadChildrenValue(int row_idx, int tuple_idx, Tuple* tuple,
MemPool* pool) const {
DCHECK_LT(row_idx, batch_->numElements);
int offset = batch_->offsets[row_idx];
if (pos_slot_desc_) {
int64_t* slot_val_ptr = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(
*slot_val_ptr = tuple_idx;
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child->ReadValue(offset + tuple_idx, tuple, pool));
return Status::OK();
void OrcListReader::NextRow() {
do {
if (row_idx_ >= batch_->numElements) break;
array_start_ = batch_->offsets[row_idx_];
array_end_ = batch_->offsets[row_idx_ + 1];
} while (IsNull(batch_, row_idx_) || array_start_ == array_end_);
array_idx_ = 0;
void OrcMapReader::CreateChildForSlot(const orc::Type* node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc) {
const SchemaPath& path = scanner_->col_id_path_map_[node->getColumnId()];
const SchemaPath& target_path = GetTargetColPath(slot_desc);
int depth = path.size();
// The target of 'slot_desc' matches a descendant so its SchemaPath should be deeper
DCHECK_GT(target_path.size(), depth);
int field = target_path[depth];
const orc::Type* child_type;
if (field == SchemaPathConstants::MAP_KEY) {
child_type = node->getSubtype(0);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(field, SchemaPathConstants::MAP_VALUE);
child_type = node->getSubtype(1);
DCHECK(child_type != nullptr) << Substitute(
"$0 matches an empty child of $1: path=$2, target_path=$3",
slot_desc->DebugString(), PrintNode(node), PrintNumericPath(path),
OrcColumnReader* child = OrcColumnReader::Create(child_type, slot_desc, scanner_);
if (field == SchemaPathConstants::MAP_KEY) {
} else {
OrcMapReader::OrcMapReader(const orc::Type* node,
const TupleDescriptor* table_tuple_desc, HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: OrcCollectionReader(node, table_tuple_desc, scanner) {
if (materialize_tuple_) {
DCHECK(tuple_desc_ != nullptr);
for (SlotDescriptor* child_slot : tuple_desc_->slots()) {
CreateChildForSlot(node, child_slot);
} else {
// 'table_tuple_desc' should match to a descendant of 'node'
int depth = scanner->col_id_path_map_[node->getColumnId()].size();
DCHECK_GT(table_tuple_desc->tuple_path().size(), depth);
// Create a child corresponding to the subtype in the path to the descendant.
int field = table_tuple_desc->tuple_path()[depth];
DCHECK(field == SchemaPathConstants::MAP_KEY ||
field == SchemaPathConstants::MAP_VALUE);
bool key_selected = (field == SchemaPathConstants::MAP_KEY);
const orc::Type* child_type =
key_selected ? node->getSubtype(0) : node->getSubtype(1);
OrcComplexColumnReader* child = OrcComplexColumnReader::CreateTopLevelReader(
child_type, table_tuple_desc, scanner);
if (key_selected) {
} else {
VLOG(3) << "Created MapReader for " << PrintNode(node) << ": tuple_desc_="
<< (tuple_desc_ != nullptr ? tuple_desc_->DebugString() : "null");
OrcMapReader::OrcMapReader(const orc::Type* node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsOrcScanner* scanner) : OrcCollectionReader(node, slot_desc, scanner) {
if (materialize_tuple_) {
DCHECK(tuple_desc_ != nullptr);
for (SlotDescriptor* child_slot : tuple_desc_->slots()) {
CreateChildForSlot(node, child_slot);
} else {
CreateChildForSlot(node, slot_desc);
void OrcMapReader::UpdateInputBatch(orc::ColumnVectorBatch* orc_batch) {
batch_ = static_cast<orc::MapVectorBatch*>(orc_batch);
// In debug mode, we use dynamic_cast<> to double-check the downcast is legal
DCHECK(batch_ == dynamic_cast<orc::MapVectorBatch*>(orc_batch));
orc::ColumnVectorBatch* key_batch = batch_ ? batch_->keys.get() : nullptr;
orc::ColumnVectorBatch* value_batch = batch_ ? batch_->elements.get() : nullptr;
for (OrcColumnReader* child : key_readers_) child->UpdateInputBatch(key_batch);
for (OrcColumnReader* child : value_readers_) child->UpdateInputBatch(value_batch);
if (batch_) {
row_idx_ = -1;
void OrcMapReader::NextRow() {
do {
if (row_idx_ >= batch_->numElements) break;
array_offset_ = batch_->offsets[row_idx_];
array_end_ = batch_->offsets[row_idx_ + 1];
} while (IsNull(batch_, row_idx_) || array_offset_ == array_end_);
int OrcMapReader::GetNumTuples(int row_idx) const {
if (IsNull(batch_, row_idx)) return 0;
DCHECK_GT(batch_->offsets.size(), row_idx + 1);
return batch_->offsets[row_idx + 1] - batch_->offsets[row_idx];
int OrcMapReader::GetChildBatchOffset(int row_idx) const {
return batch_->offsets[row_idx];
Status OrcMapReader::TransferTuple(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child->ReadValue(array_offset_, tuple, pool));
if (array_offset_ >= array_end_) NextRow();
return Status::OK();
Status OrcMapReader::ReadChildrenValue(int row_idx, int tuple_idx, Tuple* tuple,
MemPool* pool) const {
DCHECK_LT(row_idx, batch_->numElements);
int offset = batch_->offsets[row_idx];
for (OrcColumnReader* child : children_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child->ReadValue(offset + tuple_idx, tuple, pool));
return Status::OK();