IMPALA-4065 Inline comparator calls into TopN::InsertBatch()

This work addresses the current limitation in TopN node by replacing
std::priority_queue with an in-house priority queue implementation.
In this way, call-site replacement of calls to a more efficient
version of tuple comparator becomes possible. The tuple comparator is
optimized by removing the condition test on whether the code-gen
version is ready or not.

1. Added a new test TestBasic in a new test harness to verify that the priority queue works
2. Ran ad-hoc performance test against tpcds.store_sales (2880404
   rows) and saw 16% and 24% top-100 performance improvement on integer
   and decimal columns respectively. The test queries are as follows.

    -- SQL integer column version
    select ss_sold_time_sk, ss_item_sk, ss_customer_sk
    from tpcds.store_sales
    order by ss_sold_time_sk, ss_item_sk
    limit 100;

    -- SQL decimal column version
    select ss_ext_wholesale_cost, ss_ext_list_price, ss_ext_tax
    from tpcds.store_sales
    order by ss_ext_wholesale_cost, ss_ext_list_price
    limit 100;

3. Ran Core tests successfully.

Change-Id: I676b4c05cf10a6946c05e317b0002c1e29e78aa8
Reviewed-by: Impala Public Jenkins <>
Tested-by: Impala Public Jenkins <>
8 files changed
tree: 6386179b9d3b88ea79717e4b849d22a31ec9f570
  1. be/
  2. bin/
  3. cmake_modules/
  4. common/
  5. docker/
  6. docs/
  7. ext-data-source/
  8. fe/
  9. impala-parent/
  10. infra/
  11. lib/
  12. query-event-hook-api/
  13. security/
  14. shaded-deps/
  15. shell/
  16. ssh_keys/
  17. testdata/
  18. tests/
  19. www/
  20. .clang-format
  21. .clang-tidy
  22. .gitattributes
  23. .gitignore
  25. CMakeLists.txt
  27. LICENSE.txt
  29. NOTICE.txt
  32. setup.cfg

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Lightning-fast, distributed SQL queries for petabytes of data stored in Apache Hadoop clusters.

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  • On-the-fly code generation using LLVM to generate lightning-fast code tailored specifically to each individual query.
  • Support for the most commonly-used Hadoop file formats, including Apache Parquet and Apache ORC.
  • Support for industry-standard security protocols, including Kerberos, LDAP and TLS.
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