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<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="upgrading">
<title>Upgrading Impala</title>
<data name="Category" value="Impala"/>
<data name="Category" value="Upgrading"/>
<data name="Category" value="Administrators"/>
Upgrading Impala involves building or acquiring new Impala-related binaries, and then
restarting Impala services.
<concept id="upgrade_manual">
<title>Upgrading Impala</title>
Shut down all Impala-related daemons on all relevant hosts in the cluster:
Stop <codeph>impalad</codeph> on each Impala node in your cluster:
<codeblock>$ sudo service impala-server stop</codeblock>
Stop any instances of the state store in your cluster:
<codeblock>$ sudo service impala-state-store stop</codeblock>
<li rev="1.2">
Stop any instances of the catalog service in your cluster:
<codeblock>$ sudo service impala-catalog stop</codeblock>
Follow the build procedure in the <filepath></filepath> file to produce new
Impala binaries.
Replace the binaries for all Impala-related daemons on all relevant hosts in the
Check if there are new recommended or required configuration settings to put into
place in the configuration files, typically under
<filepath>/etc/impala/conf</filepath>. See
<xref href="impala_config_performance.xml#config_performance"/> for settings related
to performance and scalability.
Restart all Impala-related daemons on all relevant hosts in the cluster:
Restart the Impala state store service on the desired nodes in your cluster.
Expect to see a process named <codeph>statestored</codeph> if the service started
<codeblock>$ sudo service impala-state-store start
$ ps ax | grep [s]tatestored
6819 ? Sl 0:07 /usr/lib/impala/sbin/statestored -log_dir=/var/log/impala -state_store_port=24000
Restart the state store service <i>before</i> the Impala server service to avoid
<q>Not connected</q> errors when you run <codeph>impala-shell</codeph>.
<li rev="1.2">
Restart the Impala catalog service on whichever host it runs on in your cluster.
Expect to see a process named <codeph>catalogd</codeph> if the service started
<codeblock>$ sudo service impala-catalog restart
$ ps ax | grep [c]atalogd
6068 ? Sl 4:06 /usr/lib/impala/sbin/catalogd
Restart the Impala daemon service on each node in your cluster. Expect to see a
process named <codeph>impalad</codeph> if the service started successfully.
<codeblock>$ sudo service impala-server start
$ ps ax | grep [i]mpalad
7936 ? Sl 0:12 /usr/lib/impala/sbin/impalad -log_dir=/var/log/impala -state_store_port=24000
-state_store_host= -be_port=22000
If the services did not start successfully (even though the <codeph>sudo
service</codeph> command might display <codeph>[OK]</codeph>), check for errors in the
Impala log file, typically in <filepath>/var/log/impala</filepath>.
<concept id="concept_a2p_szq_jdb">
<title>Impala Upgrade Considerations</title>
<concept id="impala_privileges_30">
<title>Grant REFRESH Privilege to Impala Roles with SELECT or INSERT Privilege when Upgrading to <keyword keyref="impala30"/></title>
To use the fine grained privileges feature in
keyref="impala30"/>, if a role has the <codeph>SELECT</codeph> or
<codeph>INSERT</codeph> privilege on an object in Impala before upgrading to
<keyword keyref="impala30"/>, grant that role the <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> privilege
after the upgrade.
<concept id="IMPALA-3916">
<title>List of Reserved Words Updated in <keyword keyref="impala30_full"
The list of <keyword keyref="reserved_words">reserved words</keyword> in Impala was
updated in <keyword
keyref="impala30_full"/>. If you need to use a
reserved word as an identifier, e.g. a table name, enclose the word in back-ticks.
If you need to use the reserved words from previous versions of Impala, set the
<codeph>impalad</codeph> and <codeph>catalogd</codeph> startup flag.
Note that this startup option will be deprecated in a future release.
<concept id="IMPALA-4924">
<title>Decimal V2 Used by Default in <keyword keyref="impala30_full"/></title>
In Impala, two different implementations of <codeph>DECIMAL</codeph> types are
supported. Starting in <keyword keyref="impala30_full"/>, <codeph>DECIMAL</codeph> V2
is used by default. See <keyword
keyref="decimal">DECIMAL Type</keyword>
for detail information.
If you need to continue using the first version of the <codeph>DECIMAL</codeph> type
for the backward compatibility of your queries, set the <codeph>DECIMAL_V2</codeph>
query option to <codeph>FALSE</codeph>:
<codeblock>SET DECIMAL_V2=FALSE;</codeblock>
<concept id="IMPALA-5191">
<title>Behavior of Column Aliases Changed in <keyword
To conform to the SQL standard, Impala no longer performs alias substitution in the
subexpressions of <codeph>GROUP BY</codeph>, <codeph>HAVING</codeph>, and
<codeph>ORDER BY</codeph>. See <keyword
keyref="aliases"/> for examples of
supported and unsupported aliases syntax.
<concept id="IMPALA-5037">
<title>Default PARQUET_ARRAY_RESOLUTION Changed in <keyword
The default value for the <codeph>PARQUET_ARRAY_RESOLUTION</codeph> was changed to
<codeph>THREE_LEVEL</codeph> in <keyword
keyref="impala30_full"/>, to
match the Parquet standard 3-level encoding.
See <codeph><keyword keyref="parquet_array_resolution"/></codeph> for the information
about the query option.
<concept id="IMPALA-5293">
<title>Enable Clustering Hint for Inserts</title>
In <keyword keyref="impala30_full"/>, the
<keyword keyref="hints"
>clustered</keyword> hint is enabled by default.
The hint adds a local sort by the partitioning columns to a query plan.
The <codeph>clustered</codeph> hint is only effective for HDFS and Kudu tables.
As in previous versions, the <codeph>noclustered</codeph> hint prevents clustering. If
a table has ordering columns defined, the <codeph>noclustered</codeph> hint is ignored
with a warning.
<concept id="IMPALA-4319">
<title>Deprecated Query Options Removed in <keyword keyref="impala30_full"
The following query options have been deprecated for several releases and removed:
<concept id="impala-6648">
<title>Fine-grained Privileges Added in <keyword keyref="impala30_full"
Starting in <keyword keyref="impala30_full"/>, finer grained privileges are enforced,
such as the <codeph>REFRESH</codeph>, <codeph>CREATE</codeph>, <codeph>DROP</codeph>,
and <codeph>ALTER</codeph> privileges. In particular, running <codeph>REFRESH</codeph>
or <codeph>INVALIDATE METADATA</codeph> now requires the new <codeph>REFRESH</codeph>
privilege. Users who did not previously have the <codeph>ALL</codeph> privilege will
no longer be able to run <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> or <codeph>INVALIDATE
METADATA</codeph> after an upgrade. Those users need to have the
<codeph>REFRESH</codeph> or <codeph>ALL</codeph> privilege granted to run
<codeph>REFRESH</codeph> or <codeph>INVALIDATE METADATA</codeph>.
See <keyword keyref="grant"/> for the new privileges, the scope, and other information
about the new privileges.
<concept id="IMPALA-3998">
<title>refresh_after_connect Impala Shell Option Removed in <keyword
The deprecated <codeph>&#8209;&#8209;refresh_after_connect</codeph> option was removed
from Impala Shell in <keyword
<concept id="impala-5607">
<title>Return Type Changed for EXTRACT and DATE_PART Functions in <keyword
The following changes were made to the <codeph>EXTRACT</codeph> and
<codeph>DATE_PART</codeph> functions:
The output type of the <codeph>EXTRACT</codeph> and <codeph>DATE_PART</codeph>
functions was changed to <codeph>BIGINT</codeph>.
Extracting the millisecond part from a <codeph>TIMESTAMP</codeph> returns the
seconds component and the milliseconds component. For example, <codeph>EXTRACT
(CAST('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' AS TIMESTAMP), 'MILLISECOND')</codeph>
will return <codeph>28123</codeph>.
<concept id="impala-7985">
<title>Port Change for SHUTDOWN Command</title>
If you used the <codeph>SHUTDOWN</codeph> command in Impala 3.1, and specified a port
explicitly, change the port number parameter, in Impala 3.2, to use the KRPC port.
<concept id="impala-7800">
<title>Change in Client Connection Timeout</title>
<p>The default behavior of client connection timeout changed.</p>
<p>In Impala 3.2 and lower, client waited indefinitely to open the new
session if the maximum number of threads specified by
<codeph>--fe_service_threads</codeph> has been allocated.</p>
<p>In Impala 3.3 and higher, a new startup flag,
<codeph>--accepted_client_cnxn_timeout</codeph>, was added to
control how the server should treat new connection requests if we have
run out of the configured number of server threads.</p>
<p>If <codeph>--accepted_client_cnxn_timeout > 0</codeph>, new
connection requests are rejected after the specified timeout.</p>
<p>If <codeph>--accepted_client_cnxn_timeout=0</codeph>, clients waits
indefinitely to connect to Impala. You can use this setting to restore
the pre-Impala 3.3 behavior.</p>
<p>The default timeout is 5 minutes. </p>
<concept id="concept_mkn_ygr_jdb">
<title>Default Setting Changes</title>
<simpletable frame="all" id="simpletable_x55_ghr_jdb">
<stentry>Release Changed</stentry>
<stentry>Default Value</stentry>
<stentry><keyword keyref="impala212_full"/>
<stentry><keyword keyref="impala212_full"/>
<stentry><keyword keyref="impala30_full"/>
<stentry><codeph>PARQUET_ARRAY_RESOLUTION</codeph> query
<stentry><keyword keyref="impala30_full"/>