blob: 9c221205df6d218f24d1307f3e0ee9baa8597a97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include "common/compiler-util.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/data_stream_service.pb.h"
#include "gutil/macros.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "util/hash-util.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace rpc {
class RpcController;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu
namespace impala {
class BloomFilter;
} // namespace impala
// Need this forward declaration since we make bloom_filter_test_util::BfUnion() a friend
// function.
namespace bloom_filter_test_util {
void BfUnion(const impala::BloomFilter& x, const impala::BloomFilter& y,
int64_t directory_size, bool* success, impala::BloomFilterPB* protobuf,
std::string* directory);
} // namespace bloom_filter_test_util
// Need this forward declaration since we make either::TestData a friend struct.
namespace either {
struct TestData;
} // namespace either
namespace impala {
/// A BloomFilter stores sets of items and offers a query operation indicating whether or
/// not that item is in the set. BloomFilters use much less space than other compact data
/// structures, but they are less accurate: for a small percentage of elements, the query
/// operation incorrectly returns true even when the item is not in the set.
/// When talking about Bloom filter size, rather than talking about 'size', which might be
/// ambiguous, we distinguish two different quantities:
/// 1. Space: the amount of buffer pool memory used
/// 2. NDV: the number of unique items that have been inserted
/// BloomFilter is implemented using block Bloom filters from Putze et al.'s "Cache-,
/// Hash- and Space-Efficient Bloom Filters". The basic idea is to hash the item to a tiny
/// Bloom filter the size of a single cache line or smaller. This implementation sets 8
/// bits in each tiny Bloom filter. This provides a false positive rate near optimal for
/// between 5 and 15 bits per distinct value, which corresponds to false positive
/// probabilities between 0.1% (for 15 bits) and 10% (for 5 bits).
/// Our tiny BloomFilters are 32 bytes to take advantage of 32-byte SIMD in newer Intel
/// machines. 'noexcept' is added to various functions called from the cross-compiled code
/// so LLVM will not generate exception related code at their call sites.
class BloomFilter {
/// Consumes at most (1 << log_bufferpool_space) bytes from the buffer pool client.
/// 'client' should be a valid registered BufferPool Client and should have enough
/// reservation to fulfill allocation for 'directory_'.
explicit BloomFilter(BufferPool::ClientHandle* client);
/// Reset the filter state, allocate/reallocate and initialize the 'directory_'. All
/// calls to Insert() and Find() should only be done between the calls to Init() and
/// Close(). Init and Close are safe to call multiple times.
Status Init(const int log_bufferpool_space);
Status Init(const BloomFilterPB& protobuf, const uint8_t* directory_in,
size_t directory_in_size);
void Close();
/// Representation of a filter which allows all elements to pass.
static constexpr BloomFilter* const ALWAYS_TRUE_FILTER = NULL;
/// Converts 'filter' to its corresponding Protobuf representation.
/// If the first argument is NULL, it is interpreted as a complete filter which
/// contains all elements.
/// Also sets a sidecar on 'controller' containing the Bloom filter's directory.
static void ToProtobuf(const BloomFilter* filter, kudu::rpc::RpcController* controller,
BloomFilterPB* protobuf);
bool AlwaysFalse() const { return always_false_; }
/// Adds an element to the BloomFilter. The function used to generate 'hash' need not
/// have good uniformity, but it should have low collision probability. For instance, if
/// the set of values is 32-bit ints, the identity function is a valid hash function for
/// this Bloom filter, since the collision probability (the probability that two
/// non-equal values will have the same hash value) is 0.
void Insert(const uint32_t hash) noexcept;
/// Finds an element in the BloomFilter, returning true if it is found and false (with
/// high probabilty) if it is not.
bool Find(const uint32_t hash) const noexcept;
/// This function computes the logical OR of 'directory_in' with 'directory_out'
/// and stores the result in 'directory_out'.
/// Additional checks are also performed to make sure the related fields of
/// 'in' and 'out' are well-defined.
static void Or(const BloomFilterPB& in, const uint8_t* directory_in, BloomFilterPB* out,
uint8_t* directory_out, size_t directory_size);
/// As more distinct items are inserted into a BloomFilter, the false positive rate
/// rises. MaxNdv() returns the NDV (number of distinct values) at which a BloomFilter
/// constructed with (1 << log_bufferpool_space) bytes of heap space hits false positive
/// probabilty fpp.
static size_t MaxNdv(const int log_bufferpool_space, const double fpp);
/// If we expect to fill a Bloom filter with 'ndv' different unique elements and we
/// want a false positive probabilty of less than 'fpp', then this is the log (base 2)
/// of the minimum number of bytes we need.
static int MinLogSpace(const size_t ndv, const double fpp);
/// Returns the expected false positive rate for the given ndv and log_bufferpool_space
static double FalsePositiveProb(const size_t ndv, const int log_bufferpool_space);
/// Returns the amount of buffer pool space used (in bytes). A value of -1 means that
/// 'directory_' has not been allocated which can happen if the object was just created
/// and Init() hasn't been called or Init() failed or Close() was called on the object.
int64_t GetBufferPoolSpaceUsed() const {
return directory_ == nullptr ? -1 : sizeof(Bucket) * (1LL << log_num_buckets_);
static int64_t GetExpectedMemoryUsed(int log_heap_size) {
return sizeof(Bucket) * (1LL << std::max(1, log_heap_size - LOG_BUCKET_WORD_BITS));
/// The following two functions set a sidecar on 'controller' containing the Bloom
/// filter's directory. Two interfaces are provided because this function may be called
/// in different contexts depending on whether or not the caller has access to an
/// instantiated BloomFilter. It is also required that 'rpc_params' is neither an
/// always false nor an always true Bloom filter when calling this function. Moreover,
/// since we directly pass the reference to Bloom filter's directory when instantiating
/// the corresponding RpcSidecar, we have to make sure that 'directory' is alive until
/// the RPC is done.
static void AddDirectorySidecar(BloomFilterPB* rpc_params,
kudu::rpc::RpcController* controller, const char* directory,
unsigned long directory_size);
static void AddDirectorySidecar(BloomFilterPB* rpc_params,
kudu::rpc::RpcController* controller, const string& directory);
// always_false_ is true when the bloom filter hasn't had any elements inserted.
bool always_false_ = true;
/// The BloomFilter is divided up into Buckets
static const uint64_t BUCKET_WORDS = 8;
typedef uint32_t BucketWord;
// log2(number of bits in a BucketWord)
static const int LOG_BUCKET_WORD_BITS = 5;
static const BucketWord BUCKET_WORD_MASK = (1 << LOG_BUCKET_WORD_BITS) - 1;
/// log2(number of bytes in a bucket)
static const int LOG_BUCKET_BYTE_SIZE = 5;
static_assert((1 << LOG_BUCKET_WORD_BITS) == std::numeric_limits<BucketWord>::digits,
"BucketWord must have a bit-width that is be a power of 2, like 64 for uint64_t.");
typedef BucketWord Bucket[BUCKET_WORDS];
/// log_num_buckets_ is the log (base 2) of the number of buckets in the directory.
int log_num_buckets_ = 0;
/// directory_mask_ is (1 << log_num_buckets_) - 1. It is precomputed for
/// efficiency reasons.
uint32_t directory_mask_ = 0;
Bucket* directory_ = nullptr;
/// Bufferpool client and handle used for allocating and freeing directory memory.
/// Client is not owned by the filter.
BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client_;
BufferPool::BufferHandle buffer_handle_;
// Same as Insert(), but skips the CPU check and assumes that AVX is not available.
void InsertNoAvx2(const uint32_t hash) noexcept;
// Same as Insert(), but skips the CPU check and assumes that AVX is available.
void InsertAvx2(const uint32_t hash) noexcept;
/// Does the actual work of Insert(). bucket_idx is the index of the bucket to insert
/// into and 'hash' is the value passed to Insert().
void BucketInsert(const uint32_t bucket_idx, const uint32_t hash) noexcept;
/// A faster SIMD version of BucketInsert().
void BucketInsertAVX2(const uint32_t bucket_idx, const uint32_t hash) noexcept
/// BucketFind() and BucketFindAVX2() are just like BucketInsert() and
/// BucketInsertAVX2(), but for Find().
bool BucketFind(const uint32_t bucket_idx, const uint32_t hash) const noexcept;
bool BucketFindAVX2(const uint32_t bucket_idx, const uint32_t hash) const noexcept
/// A helper function for the AVX2 methods. Turns a 32-bit hash into a 256-bit Bucket
/// with 1 single 1-bit set in each 32-bit lane.
static inline ALWAYS_INLINE __m256i MakeMask(const uint32_t hash)
int64_t directory_size() const {
return 1uLL << (log_num_buckets_ + LOG_BUCKET_BYTE_SIZE);
/// Serializes this filter as Protobuf.
void ToProtobuf(BloomFilterPB* protobuf, kudu::rpc::RpcController* controller) const;
/// Some constants used in hashing. #defined for efficiency reasons.
0x47b6137bU, 0x44974d91U, 0x8824ad5bU, 0xa2b7289dU, 0x705495c7U, 0x2df1424bU, \
0x9efc4947U, 0x5c6bfb31U
/// REHASH is used as 8 odd 32-bit unsigned ints. See Dietzfelbinger et al.'s "A
/// reliable randomized algorithm for the closest-pair problem".
static constexpr uint32_t REHASH[8]
__attribute__((aligned(32))) = {IMPALA_BLOOM_HASH_CONSTANTS};
/// List 'BloomFilterTest_Protobuf_Test' as a friend class to run the backend
/// test in '' since it has to access the private field of
/// 'directory_' in BloomFilter.
friend class BloomFilterTest_Protobuf_Test;
/// List 'bloom_filter_test_util::BfUnion()' as a friend function to run the backend
/// test in '' since it has to access the private field of
/// 'directory_' in BloomFilter.
friend void bloom_filter_test_util::BfUnion(const impala::BloomFilter& x,
const impala::BloomFilter& y, int64_t directory_size, bool* success,
impala::BloomFilterPB* protobuf, std::string* directory);
/// List 'either::Test' as a friend struct to run the benchmark in
/// '' since it has to access the private field of
/// 'directory_' in BloomFilter.
friend struct either::TestData;
// To set 8 bits in an 32-byte Bloom filter, we set one bit in each 32-bit uint32_t. This
// is a "split Bloom filter", and it has approximately the same false positive probability
// as standard a Bloom filter; See Mitzenmacher's "Bloom Filters and Such". It also has
// the advantage of requiring fewer random bits: log2(32) * 8 = 5 * 8 = 40 random bits for
// a split Bloom filter, but log2(256) * 8 = 64 random bits for a standard Bloom filter.
inline void ALWAYS_INLINE BloomFilter::Insert(const uint32_t hash) noexcept {
DCHECK(directory_ != nullptr);
always_false_ = false;
const uint32_t bucket_idx = HashUtil::Rehash32to32(hash) & directory_mask_;
if (CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::AVX2)) {
BucketInsertAVX2(bucket_idx, hash);
} else {
BucketInsert(bucket_idx, hash);
inline bool ALWAYS_INLINE BloomFilter::Find(const uint32_t hash) const noexcept {
if (always_false_) return false;
DCHECK(directory_ != nullptr);
const uint32_t bucket_idx = HashUtil::Rehash32to32(hash) & directory_mask_;
if (CpuInfo::IsSupported(CpuInfo::AVX2)) {
return BucketFindAVX2(bucket_idx, hash);
} else {
return BucketFind(bucket_idx, hash);
} // namespace impala