blob: 9cb7f504076cdabb77a771741c53546e8731fc55 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Basic object model of a Impala Services (impalad + statestored). Provides a way to
# programatically interact with the services and perform operations such as querying
# the debug webpage, getting metric values, or creating client connections.
from collections import defaultdict
import json
import logging
import re
import requests
from time import sleep, time
from tests.common.impala_connection import create_connection, create_ldap_connection
from TCLIService import TCLIService
from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TBufferedTransport
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol, TCompactProtocol, TProtocol
from thrift.TSerialization import deserialize
from RuntimeProfile.ttypes import TRuntimeProfileTree
import base64
import zlib
LOG = logging.getLogger('impala_service')
# Base class for all Impala services
# TODO: Refactor the retry/timeout logic into a common place.
class BaseImpalaService(object):
def __init__(self, hostname, webserver_interface, webserver_port,
self.hostname = hostname
self.webserver_interface = webserver_interface
if webserver_interface == "":
# If no webserver interface was specified, just use the hostname.
self.webserver_interface = hostname
self.webserver_port = webserver_port
self.webserver_certificate_file = webserver_certificate_file
def open_debug_webpage(self, page_name, timeout=10, interval=1):
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
protocol = "http"
if self.webserver_certificate_file != "":
protocol = "https"
url = "%s://%s:%d/%s" % \
(protocol, self.webserver_interface, int(self.webserver_port), page_name)
return requests.get(url, verify=self.webserver_certificate_file)
except Exception as e:"Debug webpage not yet available: %s", str(e))
assert 0, 'Debug webpage did not become available in expected time.'
def read_debug_webpage(self, page_name, timeout=10, interval=1):
return self.open_debug_webpage(page_name, timeout=timeout, interval=interval).text
def get_debug_webpage_json(self, page_name):
"""Returns the json for the given Impala debug webpage, eg. '/queries'"""
return json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage(page_name + "?json"))
def get_metric_value(self, metric_name, default_value=None):
"""Returns the value of the the given metric name from the Impala debug webpage"""
return self.get_metric_values([metric_name], [default_value])[0]
def get_metric_values(self, metric_names, default_values=None):
"""Returns the value of the given metrics from the Impala debug webpage. If
default_values is provided and a metric is not present, the default value
is returned instead."""
if default_values is None:
default_values = [None for m in metric_names]
assert len(metric_names) == len(default_values)
metrics = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('jsonmetrics?json'))
return [metrics.get(metric_name, default_value)
for metric_name, default_value in zip(metric_names, default_values)]
def get_flag_current_value(self, flag):
"""Returns the value of the the given flag name from the Impala /varz debug webpage.
If the flag does not exist it returns None."""
varz = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage("varz?json"))
for var in varz.get("flags"):
if var["name"] == flag:
return var["current"]
return None
def wait_for_metric_value(self, metric_name, expected_value, timeout=10, interval=1):
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):"Getting metric: %s from %s:%s" %
(metric_name, self.hostname, self.webserver_port))
value = None
value = self.get_metric_value(metric_name)
except Exception, e:
if value == expected_value:"Metric '%s' has reached desired value: %s" % (metric_name, value))
return value
else:"Waiting for metric value '%s'=%s. Current value: %s" %
(metric_name, expected_value, value))"Sleeping %ds before next retry." % interval)
assert 0, 'Metric value %s did not reach value %s in %ss\nDumping impalad debug ' \
'pages:\nmemz: %s\nmetrics: %s\nqueries: %s\nsessions: %s\nthreadz: %s\n '\
'rpcz: %s' % \
(metric_name, expected_value, timeout,
def get_catalog_object_dump(self, object_type, object_name):
""" Gets the web-page for the given 'object_type' and 'object_name'."""
return self.read_debug_webpage('catalog_object?object_type=%s&object_name=%s' %\
(object_type, object_name))
def get_catalog_objects(self, excludes=['_impala_builtins']):
""" Returns a dictionary containing all catalog objects. Each entry's key is the fully
qualified object name and the value is a tuple of the form (type, version).
Does not return databases listed in the 'excludes' list."""
catalog = self.get_debug_webpage_json('catalog')
objects = {}
for db_desc in catalog["databases"]:
db_name = db_desc["name"]
if db_name in excludes:
db = self.get_catalog_object_dump('DATABASE', db_name)
objects[db_name] = ('DATABASE', self.extract_catalog_object_version(db))
for table_desc in db_desc["tables"]:
table_name = table_desc["fqtn"]
table = self.get_catalog_object_dump('TABLE', table_name)
objects[table_name] = ('TABLE', self.extract_catalog_object_version(table))
return objects
def extract_catalog_object_version(self, thrift_txt):
""" Extracts and returns the version of the catalog object's 'thrift_txt' representation."""
result ='catalog_version \(i64\) = (\d+)', thrift_txt)
assert result, 'Unable to find catalog version in object: ' + thrift_txt
return int(
# Allows for interacting with an Impalad instance to perform operations such as creating
# new connections or accessing the debug webpage.
class ImpaladService(BaseImpalaService):
def __init__(self, hostname, webserver_interface="", webserver_port=25000,
beeswax_port=21000, be_port=22000, krpc_port=27000, hs2_port=21050,
hs2_http_port=28000, webserver_certificate_file=""):
super(ImpaladService, self).__init__(
hostname, webserver_interface, webserver_port, webserver_certificate_file)
self.beeswax_port = beeswax_port
self.be_port = be_port
self.krpc_port = krpc_port
self.hs2_port = hs2_port
self.hs2_http_port = hs2_http_port
def get_num_known_live_executors(self, timeout=30, interval=1,
return self.get_num_known_live_backends(include_shutting_down=include_shutting_down,
def get_num_known_live_backends(self, timeout=30, interval=1,
include_shutting_down=True, only_coordinators=False, only_executors=False):
LOG.debug("Getting num_known_live_backends from %s:%s" %
(self.hostname, self.webserver_port))
result = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('backends?json', timeout, interval))
count = 0
for backend in result['backends']:
if backend['is_quiescing'] and not include_shutting_down:
if only_coordinators and not backend['is_coordinator']:
if only_executors and not backend['is_executor']:
count += 1
return count
def get_executor_groups(self, timeout=30, interval=1):
"""Returns a mapping from executor group name to a list of all KRPC endpoints of a
group's executors."""
LOG.debug("Getting executor groups from %s:%s" %
(self.hostname, self.webserver_port))
result = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('backends?json', timeout, interval))
groups = defaultdict(list)
for backend in result['backends']:
return groups
def get_query_locations(self):
# Returns a dictionary of the format <host_address, num_of_queries_running_there>
result = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('queries?json', timeout=30, interval=1))
if result['query_locations'] is not None:
return dict([(loc["location"], loc["count"]) for loc in result['query_locations']])
return None
def get_in_flight_queries(self, timeout=30, interval=1):
result = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('queries?json', timeout, interval))
return result['in_flight_queries']
def _get_pool_counter(self, pool_name, counter_name, timeout=30, interval=1):
"""Returns the value of the field 'counter_name' in pool 'pool_name' or 0 if the pool
doesn't exist."""
result = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('admission?json', timeout, interval))
pools = result['resource_pools']
for pool in pools:
if pool['pool_name'] == pool_name:
return pool[counter_name]
return 0
def get_num_queued_queries(self, pool_name, timeout=30, interval=1):
"""Returns the number of queued queries in pool 'pool_name' or 0 if the pool doesn't
return self._get_pool_counter(pool_name, 'agg_num_queued', timeout, interval)
def get_total_admitted_queries(self, pool_name, timeout=30, interval=1):
"""Returns the total number of queries that have been admitted to pool 'pool_name' or
0 if the pool doesn't exist."""
return self._get_pool_counter(pool_name, 'total_admitted', timeout, interval)
def get_num_running_queries(self, pool_name, timeout=30, interval=1):
"""Returns the number of queries currently running in pool 'pool_name' or 0 if the
pool doesn't exist."""
return self._get_pool_counter(pool_name, 'agg_num_running', timeout, interval)
def get_num_in_flight_queries(self, timeout=30, interval=1):"Getting num_in_flight_queries from %s:%s" %
(self.hostname, self.webserver_port))
result = self.read_debug_webpage('inflight_query_ids?raw', timeout, interval)
return None if result is None else len([l for l in result.split('\n') if l])
def wait_for_num_in_flight_queries(self, expected_val, timeout=10):
"""Waits for the number of in-flight queries to reach a certain value"""
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
num_in_flight_queries = self.get_num_in_flight_queries()
if num_in_flight_queries == expected_val: return True
sleep(1)"The number of in flight queries: %s, expected: %s" %
(num_in_flight_queries, expected_val))
return False
def wait_for_num_known_live_backends(self, expected_value, timeout=30, interval=1,
include_shutting_down=True, early_abort_fn=lambda: False):
"""Poll the debug web server until the number of backends known by this service
reaches 'expected_value'. 'early_abort_fn' is called periodically and can
throw an exception if polling should be aborted early."""
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
value = None
value = self.get_num_known_live_backends(timeout=1, interval=interval,
except Exception, e:
if value == expected_value:"num_known_live_backends has reached value: %s" % value)
return value
else:"Waiting for num_known_live_backends=%s. Current value: %s" %\
(expected_value, value))
assert 0, 'num_known_live_backends did not reach expected value in time'
def read_query_profile_page(self, query_id, timeout=10, interval=1):
"""Fetches the raw contents of the query's runtime profile webpage.
Fails an assertion if Impala's webserver is unavailable or the query's
profile page doesn't exist."""
return self.read_debug_webpage("query_profile?query_id=%s&raw" % (query_id))
def get_query_status(self, query_id):
"""Gets the 'Query Status' section of the query's runtime profile."""
page = self.read_query_profile_page(query_id)
status_line =\
next((x for x in page.split('\n') if'Query Status:', x)), None)
return status_line.split('Query Status:')[1].strip()
def wait_for_query_state(self, client, query_handle, target_state,
timeout=10, interval=1):
"""Keeps polling for the query's state using client in the given interval until
the query's state reaches the target state or the given timeout has been reached."""
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
query_state = client.get_state(query_handle)
except Exception as e:
if query_state == target_state:
assert target_state == query_state, \
'Query {0} did not reach query state in time target={1} actual={2}'.format(
query_handle.get_handle().id, target_state, query_state)
def wait_for_query_status(self, client, query_id, expected_content,
timeout=30, interval=1):
"""Polls for the query's status in the query profile web page to contain the
specified content. Returns False if the timeout was reached before a successful
match, True otherwise."""
start_time = time()
query_status = ""
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
query_status = self.get_query_status(query_id)
if query_status is None:
assert False, "Could not find 'Query Status' section in profile of "\
"query with id %s:\n%s" % (query_id)
except Exception as e:
if expected_content in query_status:
return True
return False
def create_beeswax_client(self, use_kerberos=False):
"""Creates a new beeswax client connection to the impalad"""
client = create_connection('%s:%d' % (self.hostname, self.beeswax_port),
use_kerberos, 'beeswax')
return client
def beeswax_port_is_open(self):
"""Test if the beeswax port is open. Does not need to authenticate."""
# The beeswax client will connect successfully even if not authenticated.
client = self.create_beeswax_client()
return True
except Exception:
return False
def create_ldap_beeswax_client(self, user, password, use_ssl=False):
client = create_ldap_connection('%s:%d' % (self.hostname, self.beeswax_port),
user=user, password=password, use_ssl=use_ssl)
return client
def create_hs2_client(self):
"""Creates a new HS2 client connection to the impalad"""
client = create_connection('%s:%d' % (self.hostname, self.hs2_port), protocol='hs2')
return client
def hs2_port_is_open(self):
"""Test if the HS2 port is open. Does not need to authenticate."""
# Impyla will try to authenticate as part of connecting, so preserve previous logic
# that uses the HS2 thrift code directly.
socket = TSocket(self.hostname, self.hs2_port)
transport = TBufferedTransport(socket)
return True
except Exception, e:
return False
# Allows for interacting with the StateStore service to perform operations such as
# accessing the debug webpage.
class StateStoredService(BaseImpalaService):
def __init__(self, hostname, webserver_interface, webserver_port,
super(StateStoredService, self).__init__(
hostname, webserver_interface, webserver_port, webserver_certificate_file)
def wait_for_live_subscribers(self, num_subscribers, timeout=15, interval=1):
self.wait_for_metric_value('', num_subscribers,
timeout=timeout, interval=interval)
# Allows for interacting with the Catalog service to perform operations such as
# accessing the debug webpage.
class CatalogdService(BaseImpalaService):
def __init__(self, hostname, webserver_interface, webserver_port,
webserver_certificate_file, service_port):
super(CatalogdService, self).__init__(
hostname, webserver_interface, webserver_port, webserver_certificate_file)
self.service_port = service_port
def get_catalog_version(self, timeout=10, interval=1):
""" Gets catalogd's latest catalog version. Retry for 'timeout'
seconds, sleeping 'interval' seconds between tries. If the
version cannot be obtained, this method fails."""
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
info = self.get_debug_webpage_json('catalog')
if "version" in info: return info['version']
except Exception:'Catalogd version not yet available.')
assert False, 'Catalog version not ready in expected time.'