blob: 0dec0b8fb6fe279ca5f8b1373de17a536cd7f2ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "exec/data-sink.h"
#include "exec/filter-context.h"
#include "exec/hash-table.h"
#include "exec/join-op.h"
#include "runtime/buffered-tuple-stream.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/suballocator.h"
namespace impala {
class PhjBuilder;
class RowDescriptor;
class RuntimeState;
class ScalarExpr;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
/// Partitioned Hash Join Builder Config class. This has a few extra methods to be used
/// directly by the PartitionedHashJoinPlanNode. Since it is expected to only be created
/// and used by PartitionedHashJoinPlanNode only, the DataSinkConfig::Init() and
/// DataSinkConfig::CreateSink() are not implemented for it.
class PhjBuilderConfig : public DataSinkConfig {
DataSink* CreateSink(const TPlanFragmentCtx& fragment_ctx,
const TPlanFragmentInstanceCtx& fragment_instance_ctx,
RuntimeState* state) const override;
/// Creates an instance of PhjBuilder data sink in the state's object pool. To be used
/// only by PartitionedHashJoinPlanNode.
PhjBuilder* CreateSink(BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client,
const std::string& join_node_label, int64_t spillable_buffer_size,
int64_t max_row_buffer_size, RuntimeState* state) const;
/// Creates an instance of this class in the state's object pool. To be used only by
/// PartitionedHashJoinPlanNode.
static Status CreateConfig(RuntimeState* state, int join_node_id, TJoinOp::type join_op,
const RowDescriptor* build_row_desc,
const std::vector<TEqJoinCondition>& eq_join_conjuncts,
const std::vector<TRuntimeFilterDesc>& filters, const PhjBuilderConfig** sink);
~PhjBuilderConfig() override {}
/// The ID of the plan join node this is associated with.
int join_node_id_;
/// The join operation this is building for.
TJoinOp::type join_op_;
/// Expressions over input rows for hash table build.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> build_exprs_;
/// is_not_distinct_from_[i] is true if and only if the ith equi-join predicate is IS
/// NOT DISTINCT FROM, rather than equality.
/// Set in InitExprsAndFilters() and constant thereafter.
std::vector<bool> is_not_distinct_from_;
/// Expressions for evaluating input rows for insertion into runtime filters.
/// Only includes exprs for filters produced by this builder.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> filter_exprs_;
/// The runtime filter descriptors of filters produced by this builder.
vector<TRuntimeFilterDesc> filter_descs_;
Status Init(const TDataSink& tsink, const RowDescriptor* input_row_desc,
RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Helper method used by CreateConfig()
Status Init(RuntimeState* state, const TDataSink& tsink, int join_node_id,
TJoinOp::type join_op, const RowDescriptor* build_row_desc,
const std::vector<TEqJoinCondition>& eq_join_conjuncts,
const std::vector<TRuntimeFilterDesc>& filters);
/// Initializes the build and filter expressions and creates a copy of the filter
/// descriptors that will be generated by this sink.
Status InitExprsAndFilters(RuntimeState* state,
const std::vector<TEqJoinCondition>& eq_join_conjuncts,
const std::vector<TRuntimeFilterDesc>& filters);
/// See partitioned-hash-join-node.h for explanation of the top-level algorithm and how
/// these states fit in it.
enum class HashJoinState {
/// Partitioning the build (right) child's input into the builder's hash partitions.
/// Processing the probe (left) child's input, probing hash tables and
/// spilling probe rows into 'probe_hash_partitions_' if necessary.
/// Processing the spilled probe rows of a single spilled partition
/// ('input_partition_') that fits in memory.
/// Repartitioning the build rows of a single spilled partition ('input_partition_')
/// into the builder's hash partitions.
/// Corresponds to PARTITIONING_BUILD but reading from a spilled partition.
/// Probing the repartitioned hash partitions of a single spilled partition
/// ('input_partition_') with the probe rows of that partition.
/// Corresponds to PARTITIONING_PROBE but reading from a spilled partition.
/// The build side for the PartitionedHashJoinNode. Build-side rows are hash-partitioned
/// into PARTITION_FANOUT partitions, with partitions spilled if the full build side
/// does not fit in memory. Spilled partitions can be repartitioned with a different
/// hash function per level of repartitioning.
/// The builder owns the hash tables and build row streams. The builder first does the
/// level 0 partitioning of build rows. After FlushFinal() the builder has produced some
/// in-memory partitions and some spilled partitions. The in-memory partitions have hash
/// tables and the spilled partitions have memory reserved for a probe-side stream with
/// one write buffer, which is sufficient to spill the partition's probe rows to disk
/// without allocating additional buffers.
/// After this initial partitioning, the join node probes the in-memory hash partitions.
/// The join node then drives processing of any spilled partitions, calling
/// Partition::BuildHashTable() to build hash tables for a spilled partition or calling
/// RepartitionBuildInput() to repartition a level n partition into multiple level n + 1
/// partitions.
/// Both the PartitionedHashJoinNode and the builder share a BufferPool client
/// and the corresponding reservations. Different stages of the spilling algorithm
/// require different mixes of build and probe buffers and hash tables, so we can
/// share the reservation to minimize the combined memory requirement. Memory for
/// probe-side buffers is reserved in the builder then handed off to the probe side
/// to implement this reservation sharing.
/// The full hash join algorithm is documented in PartitionedHashJoinNode.
class PhjBuilder : public DataSink {
/// Number of initial partitions to create. Must be a power of two.
static const int PARTITION_FANOUT = 16;
/// Needs to be log2(PARTITION_FANOUT).
static const int NUM_PARTITIONING_BITS = 4;
/// Maximum number of times we will repartition. The maximum build table we
/// can process is:
/// limit and 64 fanout, we can support 256TB build tables in the case where
/// there is no skew.
/// In the case where there is skew, repartitioning is unlikely to help (assuming a
/// reasonable hash function).
/// Note that we need to have at least as many SEED_PRIMES in HashTableCtx.
/// TODO: we can revisit and try harder to explicitly detect skew.
static const int MAX_PARTITION_DEPTH = 16;
class Partition;
using PartitionId = int;
PhjBuilder(const PhjBuilderConfig& sink_config,
BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client, const std::string& join_node_label,
int64_t spillable_buffer_size, int64_t max_row_buffer_size, RuntimeState* state);
/// Implementations of DataSink interface methods.
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker) override;
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state) override;
virtual Status Send(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch) override;
virtual Status FlushFinal(RuntimeState* state) override;
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Does all codegen for the builder (if codegen is enabled).
/// Updates the the builder's runtime profile with info about whether any errors
/// occured during codegen.
virtual void Codegen(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) override;
// The following functions are used only by PartitionedHashJoinNode.
/// Reset the builder to the same state as it was in after calling Open().
void Reset(RowBatch* row_batch);
/// Represents a set of hash partitions to be handed off to the probe side.
struct HashPartitions {
HashPartitions() { Reset(); }
HashPartitions(int level,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Partition>>* hash_partitions,
bool non_empty_build)
: level(level),
non_empty_build(non_empty_build) {}
void Reset() {
level = -1;
hash_partitions = nullptr;
non_empty_build = false;
// The partitioning level of this set of partitions. -1 indicates that this is
// invalid.
int level;
// The current set of hash partitions. Always contains PARTITION_FANOUT partitions.
// The partitions may be in-memory, spilled, or closed. Valid until
// DoneProbingHashPartitions() is called.
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Partition>>* hash_partitions;
// True iff the build side had at least one row in a partition.
bool non_empty_build;
/// Get hash partitions and reservation for the initial partitionining of the probe
/// side. Only valid to call once when in state PARTITIONING_PROBE.
/// When this function returns successfully, 'probe_client' will have enough
/// reservation for a write buffer for each spilled partition.
/// Return the current set of hash partitions.
/// TODO: IMPALA-9156: this will be a synchronization point for shared join build.
HashPartitions BeginInitialProbe(BufferPool::ClientHandle* probe_client);
/// Pick a spilled partition to process (returned in *input_partition) and
/// prepare to probe it. Builds a hash table over *input_partition
/// if it fits in memory. Otherwise repartition it into PARTITION_FANOUT
/// new partitions.
/// When this function returns successfully, 'probe_client' will have enough
/// reservation for a read buffer for the input probe stream and, if repartitioning,
/// a write buffer for each spilled partition.
/// If repartitioning, creates new hash partitions and repartitions 'partition' into
/// PARTITION_FANOUT new partitions with level input_partition->level() + 1. The
/// previous hash partitions must have been cleared with DoneProbingHashPartitions().
/// The new hash partitions are returned in 'new_partitions'.
/// TODO: IMPALA-9156: this will be a synchronization point for shared join build.
Status BeginSpilledProbe(BufferPool::ClientHandle* probe_client, bool* repartitioned,
Partition** input_partition, HashPartitions* new_partitions);
/// Called after probing of the hash partitions returned by BeginInitialProbe() or
/// BeginSpilledProbe() (when *repartitioned as true) is complete, i.e. all of the
/// corresponding probe rows have been processed by PartitionedHashJoinNode. The number
/// of spilled probe rows per partition must be passed in via 'num_spilled_probe_rows'
/// so that the builder can determine whether a spilled partition needs to be retained.
/// Appends in-memory partitions that may contain build rows to output to
/// 'output_partitions' for build modes like right outer join that output unmatched
/// rows. Close other in-memory partitions, attaching any tuple data to 'batch' if
/// 'batch' is non-NULL. Closes spilled partitions if no more processing is needed.
/// TODO: IMPALA-9156: this will be a synchronization point for shared join build.
void DoneProbingHashPartitions(const int64_t num_spilled_probe_rows[PARTITION_FANOUT],
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<Partition>>* output_partitions, RowBatch* batch);
/// Called after probing of a single spilled partition returned by
/// BeginSpilledProbe() when *repartitioned is false.
/// If the join op requires outputting unmatched build rows and the partition
/// may have build rows to return, it is appended to 'output_partitions'. Partitions
/// returned via 'output_partitions' are ready for the caller to read from - either
/// they are in-memory with a hash table built or have build_rows() prepared for
/// reading.
/// If no build rows need to be returned, closes the build partition and attaches any
/// tuple data to 'batch' if 'batch' is non-NULL.
/// TODO: IMPALA-9156: this will be a synchronization point for shared join build.
void DoneProbingSinglePartition(
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<Partition>>* output_partitions, RowBatch* batch);
/// Close the null aware partition (if there is one) and set it to NULL.
/// TODO: IMPALA-9176: improve the encapsulation of the null-aware partition.
void CloseNullAwarePartition() {
if (null_aware_partition_ != nullptr) {
// We don't need to pass in a batch because the anti-join only returns tuple data
// from the probe side - i.e. the RowDescriptor for PartitionedHashJoinNode does
// not include the build tuple.
/// True if the hash table may contain rows with one or more NULL join keys. This
/// depends on the join type and the equijoin conjuncts.
/// Valid to call after InitExprsAndFilters(). Thread-safe.
bool HashTableStoresNulls() const;
void AddHashTableStatsToProfile(RuntimeProfile* profile);
/// TODO: IMPALA-9156: document thread safety for accessing this from
/// multiple PartitionedHashJoinNodes.
HashJoinState state() const { return state_; }
/// Valid to call after InitExprsAndFilters(). Thread-safe.
inline const std::vector<bool>& is_not_distinct_from() const {
return is_not_distinct_from_;
/// Accessor to allow PartitionedHashJoinNode to access null_aware_partition_.
/// TODO: IMPALA-9176: improve the encapsulation of the null-aware partition.
inline Partition* null_aware_partition() const { return null_aware_partition_.get(); }
std::string DebugString() const;
/// A partition containing a subset of build rows.
/// A partition may contain two data structures: the build rows and optionally a hash
/// table built over the build rows. Building the hash table requires all build rows to
/// be pinned in memory. The build rows are kept in memory if all partitions fit in
/// memory, but can be unpinned and spilled to disk to free up memory. Reading or
/// writing the unpinned rows requires a single read or write buffer. If the unpinned
/// rows are not being read or written, they can be completely unpinned, requiring no
/// buffers.
/// The build input is first partitioned by hash function level 0 into the level 0
/// partitions. Then, if the join spills and the size of a level n partition is too
/// large to fit in memory, the partition's rows can be repartitioned with the level
/// n + 1 hash function into the level n + 1 partitions.
class Partition {
Partition(RuntimeState* state, PhjBuilder* parent, int level);
/// Close the partition and attach resources to 'batch' if non-NULL or free the
/// resources if 'batch' is NULL. Idempotent.
void Close(RowBatch* batch);
/// Returns the estimated byte size of the in-memory data structures for this
/// partition. This includes all build rows and the hash table.
int64_t EstimatedInMemSize() const;
/// Pins the build tuples for this partition and constructs the hash table from it.
/// Build rows cannot be added after calling this. If the build rows could not be
/// pinned or the hash table could not be built due to memory pressure, sets *built
/// to false and returns OK. Returns an error status if any other error is
/// encountered.
Status BuildHashTable(bool* built) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Spills this partition, the partition's stream is unpinned with 'mode' and
/// its hash table is destroyed if it was built. Calling with 'mode' UNPIN_ALL
/// unpins all pages and frees all buffers associated with the partition so that
/// the partition does not use any reservation. Calling with 'mode'
/// UNPIN_ALL_EXCEPT_CURRENT may leave the read or write pages of the unpinned stream
/// pinned and therefore using reservation. If the partition was previously
/// spilled with mode UNPIN_ALL_EXCEPT_CURRENT, then calling Spill() again with
/// UNPIN_ALL may release more reservation by unpinning the read or write page
/// in the stream.
Status Spill(BufferedTupleStream::UnpinMode mode) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
std::string DebugString();
bool ALWAYS_INLINE IsClosed() const { return build_rows_ == nullptr; }
BufferedTupleStream* ALWAYS_INLINE build_rows() { return build_rows_.get(); }
HashTable* ALWAYS_INLINE hash_tbl() const { return hash_tbl_.get(); }
PartitionId id() const { return id_; }
bool ALWAYS_INLINE is_spilled() const { return is_spilled_; }
int ALWAYS_INLINE level() const { return level_; }
/// Return true if the partition can be spilled - is not closed and is not spilled.
bool CanSpill() const { return !IsClosed() && !is_spilled(); }
int64_t num_spilled_probe_rows() const { return num_spilled_probe_rows_; }
void IncrementNumSpilledProbeRows(int64_t count) { num_spilled_probe_rows_ += count; }
/// Inserts each row in 'batch' into 'hash_tbl_' using 'ctx'. 'flat_rows' is an array
/// containing the rows in the hash table's tuple stream.
/// 'prefetch_mode' is the prefetching mode in use. If it's not PREFETCH_NONE, hash
/// table buckets which the rows hashes to will be prefetched. This parameter is
/// replaced with a constant during codegen time. This function may be replaced with
/// a codegen'd version. Returns true if all rows in 'batch' are successfully
/// inserted and false otherwise. If inserting failed, 'status' indicates why it
/// failed: if 'status' is ok, inserting failed because not enough reservation
/// was available and if 'status' is an error, inserting failed because of that error.
bool InsertBatch(TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode, HashTableCtx* ctx,
RowBatch* batch, const std::vector<BufferedTupleStream::FlatRowPtr>& flat_rows,
Status* status);
const PhjBuilder* parent_;
/// Id for this partition that is unique within the builder.
const PartitionId id_;
/// True if this partition is spilled.
bool is_spilled_;
/// How many times rows in this partition have been repartitioned. Partitions created
/// from the node's children's input is level 0, 1 after the first repartitioning,
/// etc.
const int level_;
/// The hash table for this partition.
boost::scoped_ptr<HashTable> hash_tbl_;
/// Stream of build tuples in this partition. Initially owned by this object but
/// transferred to the parent exec node (via the row batch) when the partition
/// is closed. If NULL, ownership has been transferred and the partition is closed.
std::unique_ptr<BufferedTupleStream> build_rows_;
/// The number of spilled probe rows associated with this partition. Updated in
/// DoneProbingHashPartitions().
int64_t num_spilled_probe_rows_ = 0;
/// Computes the minimum reservation required to execute the spilling partitioned
/// hash algorithm successfully for any input size (assuming enough disk space is
/// available for spilled rows). The buffers are used for buffering both build and
/// probe rows at different times, so the total requirement is the peak sum of build
/// and probe buffers required.
/// We need one output buffer per partition to partition the build or probe side. We
/// need one additional buffer for the input while repartitioning the build or probe.
/// For NAAJ, we need 3 additional buffers for 'null_aware_partition_',
/// 'null_aware_probe_partition_' and 'null_probe_rows_'.
int64_t MinReservation() const {
// Must be kept in sync with HashJoinNode.computeNodeResourceProfile() in fe.
int num_reserved_buffers = PARTITION_FANOUT + 1;
if (join_op_ == TJoinOp::NULL_AWARE_LEFT_ANTI_JOIN) num_reserved_buffers += 3;
// Two of the buffers must fit the maximum row.
return spillable_buffer_size_ * (num_reserved_buffers - 2) + max_row_buffer_size_ * 2;
/// Class name in LLVM IR.
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
/// Updates 'state_' to 'next_state', logging the transition.
void UpdateState(HashJoinState next_state);
/// Returns the current 'state_' as a string.
std::string PrintState() const;
/// Create and initialize a set of hash partitions for partitioning level 'level'.
/// The previous hash partitions must have been cleared with DoneProbing().
/// After calling this, batches are added to the new partitions by calling Send().
Status CreateHashPartitions(int level) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Create a new partition and prepare it for writing. Returns an error if initializing
/// the partition or allocating the write buffer fails.
Status CreateAndPreparePartition(int level, std::unique_ptr<Partition>* partition);
/// Reads the rows in build_batch and partitions them into hash_partitions_. If
/// 'build_filters' is true, runtime filters are populated. 'is_null_aware' is
/// set to true if the join type is a null aware join.
Status ProcessBuildBatch(
RowBatch* build_batch, HashTableCtx* ctx, bool build_filters,
bool is_null_aware) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Append 'row' to 'stream'. In the common case, appending the row to the stream
/// immediately succeeds. Otherwise this function falls back to the slower path of
/// AppendRowStreamFull(), which may spill partitions to free memory. Returns false
/// and sets 'status' if it was unable to append the row, even after spilling
/// partitions. This odd return convention is used to avoid emitting unnecessary code
/// for ~Status in perf-critical code.
bool AppendRow(
BufferedTupleStream* stream, TupleRow* row, Status* status) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Slow path for AppendRow() above. It is called when the stream has failed to append
/// the row. We need to find more memory by either switching to IO-buffers, in case the
/// stream still uses small buffers, or spilling a partition. Returns false and sets
/// 'status' if it was unable to append the row, even after spilling partitions.
bool AppendRowStreamFull(BufferedTupleStream* stream, TupleRow* row,
Status* status) noexcept WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Frees memory by spilling one of the hash partitions. The 'mode' argument is passed
/// to the Spill() call for the selected partition. The current policy is to spill the
/// null-aware partition first (if a NAAJ), then the largest partition. Returns non-ok
/// status if we couldn't spill a partition. If 'spilled_partition' is non-NULL, set
/// to the partition that was the one spilled.
Status SpillPartition(BufferedTupleStream::UnpinMode mode,
Partition** spilled_partition = nullptr) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Tries to build hash tables for all unspilled hash partitions. Called after
/// FlushFinal() when all build rows have been partitioned and added to the appropriate
/// streams. If the hash table could not be built for a partition, the partition is
/// spilled (with all build blocks unpinned) and memory reservation is set aside
/// for a write buffer for the output probe streams, and, if this input is a spilled
/// partitioned, a read buffer for the input probe stream.
/// When this function returns successfully, each partition is in one of these states:
/// 1. closed. No probe partition is created and the build partition is closed. No
/// probe stream memory is reserved for this partition.
/// 2. in-memory. The build rows are pinned and has a hash table built. No
/// probe stream memory is reserved for this partition.
/// 3. spilled. The build rows are fully unpinned and the probe stream is prepared.
/// Memory for a probe stream write buffer is reserved for this partition.
Status BuildHashTablesAndReserveProbeBuffers() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Ensures that 'probe_stream_reservation_' has enough reservation for a stream per
/// spilled partition in 'hash_partitions_', plus for the input stream if the input
/// is a spilled partition (indicated by input_is_spilled). May spill additional
/// partitions until it can free enough reservation. Returns an error if an error
/// is encountered or if it runs out of partitions to spill.
Status ReserveProbeBuffers(bool input_is_spilled) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns the number of partitions in 'partitions' that are spilled.
static int GetNumSpilledPartitions(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Partition>>& partitions);
/// Transfer reservation for probe streams to 'probe_client'. Memory for one stream was
/// reserved per spilled partition in FlushFinal(), plus the input stream if the input
/// partition was spilled.
void TransferProbeStreamReservation(BufferPool::ClientHandle* probe_client);
/// Creates new hash partitions and repartitions 'input_partition' into PARTITION_FANOUT
/// new partitions with level input_partition->level() + 1. The previous hash partitions
/// must have been cleared with ClearHashPartitions(). This function reserves enough
/// memory for a read buffer for the input probe stream and a write buffer for each
/// spilled partition after repartitioning.
Status RepartitionBuildInput(Partition* input_partition) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns the largest build row count out of the current hash partitions.
int64_t LargestPartitionRows() const;
/// Calls Close() on every Partition, deletes them, and cleans up any pointers that
/// may reference them. If 'row_batch' if not NULL, transfers the ownership of all
/// row-backing resources to it.
void CloseAndDeletePartitions(RowBatch* row_batch);
/// For each filter in filters_, allocate a bloom_filter from the fragment-local
/// RuntimeFilterBank and store it in runtime_filters_ to populate during the build
/// phase.
void AllocateRuntimeFilters();
/// Iterates over the runtime filters in filters_ and inserts each row into each filter.
/// This is replaced at runtime with code generated by CodegenInsertRuntimeFilters().
void InsertRuntimeFilters(TupleRow* build_row) noexcept;
/// Publish the runtime filters to the fragment-local RuntimeFilterBank.
/// 'num_build_rows' is used to determine whether the computed filters have an
/// unacceptably high false-positive rate.
void PublishRuntimeFilters(int64_t num_build_rows);
/// Codegen processing build batches. Identical signature to ProcessBuildBatch().
/// Returns non-OK status if codegen was not possible.
Status CodegenProcessBuildBatch(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function* hash_fn,
llvm::Function* murmur_hash_fn, llvm::Function* eval_row_fn,
llvm::Function* insert_filters_fn) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen inserting batches into a partition's hash table. Identical signature to
/// Partition::InsertBatch(). Returns non-OK if codegen was not possible.
Status CodegenInsertBatch(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function* hash_fn,
llvm::Function* murmur_hash_fn, llvm::Function* eval_row_fn,
TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen inserting rows into runtime filters. Identical signature to
/// InsertRuntimeFilters(). Returns non-OK if codegen was not possible.
Status CodegenInsertRuntimeFilters(
LlvmCodeGen* codegen, const vector<ScalarExpr*>& filter_exprs, llvm::Function** fn);
RuntimeState* const runtime_state_;
/// The ID of the plan join node this is associated with.
const int join_node_id_;
/// The label of the plan join node this is associated with.
const std::string join_node_label_;
/// The join operation this is building for.
const TJoinOp::type join_op_;
/// Pool for objects with same lifetime as builder.
ObjectPool obj_pool_;
/// Client to the buffer pool, used to allocate build partition buffers and hash tables.
/// When probing, the spilling algorithm keeps some build partitions in memory while
/// using memory for probe buffers for spilled partitions. To support dynamically
/// dividing memory between build and probe, this client is shared between the builder
/// and the PartitionedHashJoinNode.
/// TODO: this approach to sharing will not work for spilling broadcast joins with a
/// 1:N relationship from builders to join nodes.
BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client_;
/// The default and max buffer sizes to use in the build streams.
const int64_t spillable_buffer_size_;
const int64_t max_row_buffer_size_;
/// Allocator for hash table memory.
boost::scoped_ptr<Suballocator> ht_allocator_;
/// Expressions over input rows for hash table build.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> build_exprs_;
/// is_not_distinct_from_[i] is true if and only if the ith equi-join predicate is IS
/// NOT DISTINCT FROM, rather than equality.
/// Set in InitExprsAndFilters() and constant thereafter.
std::vector<bool> is_not_distinct_from_;
/// Expressions for evaluating input rows for insertion into runtime filters.
/// Only includes exprs for filters produced by this builder.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> filter_exprs_;
/// List of filters to build. One-to-one correspondence with exprs in 'filter_exprs_'.
std::vector<FilterContext> filter_ctxs_;
/// Used for hash-related functionality, such as evaluating rows and calculating hashes.
/// The level is set to the same level as 'hash_partitions_'.
boost::scoped_ptr<HashTableCtx> ht_ctx_;
/// Counters and profile objects for HashTable stats
std::unique_ptr<HashTableStatsProfile> ht_stats_profile_;
/// Total number of partitions created.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* partitions_created_ = nullptr;
/// The largest fraction (of build side) after repartitioning. This is expected to be
/// 1 / PARTITION_FANOUT. A value much larger indicates skew.
RuntimeProfile::HighWaterMarkCounter* largest_partition_percent_ = nullptr;
/// Level of max partition (i.e. number of repartitioning steps).
RuntimeProfile::HighWaterMarkCounter* max_partition_level_ = nullptr;
/// Number of build rows that have been partitioned.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_build_rows_partitioned_ = nullptr;
/// Number of partitions that have been spilled.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_spilled_partitions_ = nullptr;
/// Number of partitions that have been repartitioned.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_repartitions_ = nullptr;
/// Time spent partitioning build rows.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* partition_build_rows_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Time spent building hash tables.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* build_hash_table_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Number of partitions which had zero probe rows and we therefore didn't build the
/// hash table.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_hash_table_builds_skipped_ = nullptr;
/// Time spent repartitioning and building hash tables of any resulting partitions
/// that were not spilled.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* repartition_timer_ = nullptr;
/// BEGIN: Members that must be Reset()
/// State of the partitioned hash join algorithm. See HashJoinState for more
/// information.
HashJoinState state_ = HashJoinState::PARTITIONING_BUILD;
/// If true, the build side has at least one row.
/// Set in FlushFinal() and not modified until Reset().
bool non_empty_build_ = false;
/// Id to assign to the next partition created.
PartitionId next_partition_id_ = 0;
/// The current set of partitions that are being built or probed. This vector is
/// initialized before partitioning or re-partitioning the build input
/// and cleared after we've finished probing the partitions.
/// This is not used when processing a single spilled partition.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Partition>> hash_partitions_;
/// Spilled partitions that need further processing. Populated in
/// DoneProbingHashPartitions() with the spilled hash partitions.
/// This is used as a stack to do a depth-first walk of spilled partitions (i.e. more
/// finely partitioned partitions are processed first). This allows us to delete spilled
/// data and bottom out the recursion earlier.
/// spilled_partitions_.back() is the spilled partition being processed, if one is
/// currently being processed (i.e. between BeginSpilledProbe() and the corresponding
/// DoneProbing*() call).
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PhjBuilder::Partition>> spilled_partitions_;
/// Partition used for null-aware joins. This partition is always processed at the end
/// after all build and probe rows are processed. In this partition's 'build_rows_', we
/// store all the rows for which 'build_expr_evals_' evaluated over the row returns
/// NULL (i.e. it has a NULL on the eq join slot).
/// NULL if the join is not null aware or we are done processing this partition.
/// This partition starts off in memory but can be spilled.
std::unique_ptr<Partition> null_aware_partition_;
/// Populated during the hash table building phase if any partitions spilled.
/// Reservation for one probe stream write buffer per spilled partition is
/// saved to be handed off to PartitionedHashJoinNode for use in buffering
/// spilled probe rows.
/// The allocation is done in the builder so that it can divide memory between the
/// in-memory build partitions and write buffers based on the size of the partitions
/// and available memory. E.g. if all the partitions fit in memory, no write buffers
/// need to be allocated, but if some partitions are spilled, more build partitions
/// may be spilled to free up memory for write buffers.
/// Because of this, at the end of the build phase, we always have sufficient memory
/// to execute the probe phase of the algorithm without spilling more partitions.
/// Initialized in Open() and closed in Closed().
BufferPool::SubReservation probe_stream_reservation_;
/// END: Members that must be Reset()
/// For the below codegen'd functions, xxx_fn_level0_ uses CRC hashing when available
/// and is used when the partition level is 0, otherwise xxx_fn_ uses murmur hash and is
/// used for subsequent levels.
typedef Status (*ProcessBuildBatchFn)(
PhjBuilder*, RowBatch*, HashTableCtx*, bool build_filters, bool is_null_aware);
/// Jitted ProcessBuildBatch function pointers. NULL if codegen is disabled.
ProcessBuildBatchFn process_build_batch_fn_ = nullptr;
ProcessBuildBatchFn process_build_batch_fn_level0_ = nullptr;
typedef bool (*InsertBatchFn)(Partition*, TPrefetchMode::type, HashTableCtx*, RowBatch*,
const std::vector<BufferedTupleStream::FlatRowPtr>&, Status*);
/// Jitted Partition::InsertBatch() function pointers. NULL if codegen is disabled.
InsertBatchFn insert_batch_fn_ = nullptr;
InsertBatchFn insert_batch_fn_level0_ = nullptr;