blob: 0a5b84941e573b959296cf0c6afd0033a543c966 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include "exec/plan-root-sink.h"
#include "util/condition-variable.h"
namespace impala {
class TupleRow;
class RowBatch;
class QueryResultSet;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
/// PlanRootSink that handoffs a single RowBatch from the 'sender' (fragment) thread to
/// the 'consumer' (coordinator) thread at a time. Calls to Send will block until the
/// sent RowBatch is consumed by the coordinator thread (e.g. until a enough calls to
/// GetNext read all the data from the sent RowBatch).
/// Since calls to Send block until the client thread starts fetching results, this class
/// implements a back-pressure mechanism on the entire ExecNode tree. Rows are only
/// materialized from the tree at the same rate that clients read results.
/// The consumer calls GetNext() with a QueryResultSet and a requested fetch
/// size. GetNext() shares these fields with Send(), and then signals Send() to begin
/// populating the result set. GetNext() returns when a) the sender has sent all of its
/// rows b) the requested fetch size has been satisfied or c) the sender fragment
/// instance was cancelled.
/// The sender uses Send() to fill in as many rows as are requested from the current
/// batch. When the batch is exhausted - which may take several calls to GetNext() -
/// Send() returns so that the fragment instance can produce another row batch.
class BlockingPlanRootSink : public PlanRootSink {
TDataSinkId sink_id, const DataSinkConfig& sink_config, RuntimeState* state);
/// TODO: Currently, this does nothing, it just calls DataSink::Prepare. However, adding
/// it is necessary because BufferedPlanRootSink needs to use PlanRootSink::Prepare.
/// Once IMPALA-8825 (add counters to track how long the producer and consumer threads
/// block, and the rate at which rows are read / sent) is done, this should do the work
/// to initialize the necessary counters.
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker) override;
/// Blocks until the consumer has consumed 'batch' by calling GetNext().
virtual Status Send(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch) override;
/// Notifies consumer thread of producer eos.
virtual Status FlushFinal(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Release resources and unblocks consumer.
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Only a single RowBatch is passed from the producer at a time, so QueryResultSet will
/// only be filled up to 'min(num_rows, batch->num_rows())'.
virtual Status GetNext(RuntimeState* state, QueryResultSet* result_set, int num_rows,
bool* eos, int64_t timeout_us) override;
/// Notifies both consumer and producer threads so they can check the cancellation
/// status.
virtual void Cancel(RuntimeState* state) override;
/// Protects all members, including the condition variables.
boost::mutex lock_;
/// Waited on by the sender only. Signalled when the consumer has written results_ and
/// num_rows_requested_, and so the sender may begin satisfying that request for rows
/// from its current batch. Also signalled when Cancel() is called, to unblock the
/// sender.
ConditionVariable sender_cv_;
/// Waited on by the consumer only. Signalled when the sender has finished serving a
/// request for rows. Also signalled by FlushFinal(), Close() and Cancel() to unblock
/// the consumer.
ConditionVariable consumer_cv_;
/// The current result set passed to GetNext(), to fill in Send(). Not owned by this
/// sink. Reset to nullptr after Send() completes the request to signal to the consumer
/// that it can return.
QueryResultSet* results_ = nullptr;
/// Set by GetNext() to indicate to Send() how many rows it should write to results_.
int num_rows_requested_ = 0;