IMPALA-12818: Intermediate Result Caching plan node framework

This patch adds a plan node framework for caching of intermediate result
tuples within a query. Actual caching of data will be implemented in
subsequent patches.

A new plan node type TupleCacheNode is introduced for brokering caching
decisions at runtime. If the result is in the cache, the TupleCacheNode will
return results from the cache and skip executing its child node. If the
result is not cached, the TupleCacheNode will execute its child node and
mirror the resulting RowBatches to the cache.

The TupleCachePlanner decides where to place the TupleCacheNodes. To
calculate eligibility and cache keys, the plan must be in a stable state
that will not change shape. TupleCachePlanner currently runs at the end
of planning after the DistributedPlanner and ParallelPlanner have run.
As a first cut, TupleCachePlanner places TupleCacheNodes at every
eligible location. Eligibility is currently restricted to immediately
above HdfsScanNodes. This implementation will need to incorporate cost
heuristics and other policies for placement.

Each TupleCacheNode has a hash key that is generated from the logical
plan below for the purpose of identifying results that have been cached
by semantically equivalent query subtrees. The initial implementation of
the subtree hash uses the plan Thrift to uniquely identify the subtree.

Tuple caching is enabled by setting the enable_tuple_cache query option
to true. As a safeguard during development, enable_tuple_cache can only
be set to true if the "allow_tuple_caching" startup option is set to
true. It defaults to false to minimize the impact for production clusters.
bin/ sets allow_tuple_caching=true by default
to enable it in the development environment.

 - This adds a frontend test that does basic checks for cache keys and
 - This verifies the presence of the caching information in the explain
   plan output.

Change-Id: Ia1f36a87dcce6efd5d1e1f0bc04009bf009b1961
Tested-by: Impala Public Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Smith <>
Reviewed-by: Yida Wu <>
Reviewed-by: Kurt Deschler <>
21 files changed
tree: 5af09b96b7627d8f7fef7252183147879b1a446d
  1. .devcontainer/
  2. be/
  3. bin/
  4. cmake_modules/
  5. common/
  6. docker/
  7. docs/
  8. fe/
  9. infra/
  10. java/
  11. lib/
  12. package/
  13. security/
  14. shell/
  15. ssh_keys/
  16. testdata/
  17. tests/
  18. www/
  19. .clang-format
  20. .clang-tidy
  21. .gitattributes
  22. .gitignore
  24. CMakeLists.txt
  26. LICENSE.txt
  28. NOTICE.txt
  31. setup.cfg

Welcome to Impala

Lightning-fast, distributed SQL queries for petabytes of data stored in open data and table formats.

Impala is a modern, massively-distributed, massively-parallel, C++ query engine that lets you analyze, transform and combine data from a variety of data sources:

More about Impala

The fastest way to try out Impala is a quickstart Docker container. You can try out running queries and processing data sets in Impala on a single machine without installing dependencies. It can automatically load test data sets into Apache Kudu and Apache Parquet formats and you can start playing around with Apache Impala SQL within minutes.

To learn more about Impala as a user or administrator, or to try Impala, please visit the Impala homepage. Detailed documentation for administrators and users is available at Apache Impala documentation.

If you are interested in contributing to Impala as a developer, or learning more about Impala's internals and architecture, visit the Impala wiki.

Supported Platforms

Impala only supports Linux at the moment. Impala supports x86_64 and has experimental support for arm64 (as of Impala 4.0). Impala Requirements contains more detailed information on the minimum CPU requirements.

Supported OS Distributions

Impala runs on Linux systems only. The supported distros are

  • Ubuntu 16.04/18.04
  • CentOS/RHEL 7/8

Other systems, e.g. SLES12, may also be supported but are not tested by the community.

Export Control Notice

This distribution uses cryptographic software and may be subject to export controls. Please refer to for more information.

Build Instructions

See Impala's developer documentation to get started.

Detailed build notes has some detailed information on the project layout and build.