blob: c1bc805bbb62b53d1dbfb6092892cffd2185858c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "util/promise.h"
namespace impala {
/// Allows clients to wait for the arrival of a fixed number of notifications after which
/// they are returned a value of type 'T' and allowed to continue.
template <typename T>
class TypedCountingBarrier {
/// Initialises the TypedCountingBarrier with `count` pending notifications.
TypedCountingBarrier(int32_t count) : count_(count) { DCHECK_GT(count, 0); }
/// Sends one notification, decrementing the number of pending notifications by one.
/// Returns the remaining pending notifications.
/// If this is the final notifier, it unblocks Wait() with the returned value as
/// 'promise_value'.
int32_t Notify(const T& promise_value) {
int32_t result = count_.Add(-1);
if (result == 0) promise_.Set(promise_value);
return result;
/// Sets the number of pending notifications to 0 and unblocks Wait() with the returned
/// value as 'promise_value'.
void NotifyRemaining(const T& promise_value) {
while (true) {
int32_t value = count_.Load();
if (value <= 0) return; // count_ can legitimately drop below 0
if (count_.CompareAndSwap(value, 0)) {
/// Blocks until all notifications are received. Returns the value set by
/// Notify() or NotifyRemaining().
const T& Wait() { return promise_.Get(); }
/// Blocks until all notifications are received, or until 'timeout_ms' passes, in which
/// case '*timed_out' will be true. If '*timed_out' is false, then returns the value set
/// by Notify() or NotifyRemaining().
const T& Wait(int64_t timeout_ms, bool* timed_out) {
return promise_.Get(timeout_ms, timed_out);
int32_t pending() const { return count_.Load(); }
/// Used to signal waiters when all notifications are received.
Promise<T> promise_;
/// The number of pending notifications remaining.
AtomicInt32 count_;
/// Wrapper around TypedCountingBarrier<T> which allows clients to wait for the arrival
/// of a fixed number of notifications after which they are allowed to continue.
class CountingBarrier {
/// Initialises the CountingBarrier with `count` pending notifications.
CountingBarrier(int32_t count) : barrier_(count) { DCHECK_GT(count, 0); }
/// Sends one notification, decrementing the number of pending notifications by one.
/// Returns the remaining pending notifications.
int32_t Notify() { return barrier_.Notify(true); }
/// Sets the number of pending notifications to 0 and unblocks Wait().
void NotifyRemaining() { barrier_.NotifyRemaining(true); }
/// Blocks until all notifications are received.
void Wait() { discard_result(barrier_.Wait()); }
/// Blocks until all notifications are received, or until 'timeout_ms' passes, in which
/// case '*timed_out' will be true.
void Wait(int64_t timeout_ms, bool* timed_out) {
discard_result(barrier_.Wait(timeout_ms, timed_out));
int32_t pending() const { return barrier_.pending(); }
TypedCountingBarrier<bool> barrier_;
/// Helper class to always notify a CountingBarrier on scope exit, so users don't have to
/// worry about notifying on every possible path out of a scope.
class NotifyBarrierOnExit {
NotifyBarrierOnExit(CountingBarrier* b) : barrier(b) {
~NotifyBarrierOnExit() { discard_result(barrier->Notify()); }
CountingBarrier* barrier;